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Flaml AutoML

FLAML (Fast and Lightweight AutoML) is a lightweight and efficient library implemented in Python and it has a scikit-learn style API. It allows the users to not worry about selecting the right machine learning algorithms or hyperparameters for each algorithm.



The ‘Adult’ dataset from the Penn Machine Learning Benchmarks (PMLB) repo. This dataset was extracted from the 1994 census database. In this dataset, there is a binary column that tells whether a person makes over 50K a year. We will use this as the target variable for building ML models.

Getting Started

  1. Create a virtual environment.
cd Flaml_AutoML/
virtualenv venv
  1. Activate the virtual environment.
  • Mac:
source venv/bin/activate
  • Windows :
  1. Then run: (recommended)
make all
  • or install the requirements using pip.
pip install -r requirements.txt


To run the file :



[flaml.automl: 08-04 00:06:45] {2444} INFO - task = classification
INFO:flaml.automl:task = classification
[flaml.automl: 08-04 00:06:45] {2446} INFO - Data split method: stratified
INFO:flaml.automl:Data split method: stratified
[flaml.automl: 08-04 00:06:45] {2449} INFO - Evaluation method: holdout
INFO:flaml.automl:Evaluation method: holdout
[flaml.automl: 08-04 00:06:46] {2568} INFO - Minimizing error metric: 1-roc_auc
INFO:flaml.automl:Minimizing error metric: 1-roc_auc
[flaml.automl: 08-04 00:06:46] {2617} WARNING - No search budget is provided via time_budget or max_iter. Training only one model per estimator. To tune hyperparameters for each estimator, please provide budget either via time_budget or max_iter.
WARNING:flaml.automl:No search budget is provided via time_budget or max_iter. Training only one model per estimator. To tune hyperparameters for each estimator, please provide budget either via time_budget or max_iter.
INFO:flaml.default.suggest:metafeature distance: 0.8150715968660169
INFO:flaml.default.suggest:metafeature distance: 0.8150715968660169
INFO:flaml.default.suggest:metafeature distance: 0.8150715968660169
INFO:flaml.default.suggest:metafeature distance: 0.8150715968660169
INFO:flaml.default.suggest:metafeature distance: 0.8674313303290575
INFO:flaml.default.suggest:metafeature distance: 0.8150715968660169
[flaml.automl: 08-04 00:06:46] {2708} INFO - List of ML learners in AutoML Run: ['extra_tree', 'lgbm', 'rf', 'xgboost', 'xgb_limitdepth', 'lrl1']
INFO:flaml.automl:List of ML learners in AutoML Run: ['extra_tree', 'lgbm', 'rf', 'xgboost', 'xgb_limitdepth', 'lrl1']
[flaml.automl: 08-04 00:06:46] {3010} INFO - iteration 0, current learner extra_tree
INFO:flaml.automl:iteration 0, current learner extra_tree
[flaml.automl: 08-04 00:07:15] {3144} INFO - Estimated sufficient time budget=295458s. Estimated necessary time budget=3584s.
INFO:flaml.automl:Estimated sufficient time budget=295458s. Estimated necessary time budget=3584s.
[flaml.automl: 08-04 00:07:15] {3196} INFO -  at 30.4s,	estimator extra_tree's best error=0.0871,	best estimator extra_tree's best error=0.0871
INFO:flaml.automl: at 30.4s,	estimator extra_tree's best error=0.0871,	best estimator extra_tree's best error=0.0871
[flaml.automl: 08-04 00:07:15] {3010} INFO - iteration 1, current learner lgbm
INFO:flaml.automl:iteration 1, current learner lgbm
[flaml.automl: 08-04 00:07:18] {3196} INFO -  at 32.7s,	estimator lgbm's best error=0.0751,	best estimator lgbm's best error=0.0751
INFO:flaml.automl: at 32.7s,	estimator lgbm's best error=0.0751,	best estimator lgbm's best error=0.0751
[flaml.automl: 08-04 00:07:18] {3010} INFO - iteration 2, current learner rf
INFO:flaml.automl:iteration 2, current learner rf
[flaml.automl: 08-04 00:07:48] {3196} INFO -  at 63.5s,	estimator rf's best error=0.0958,	best estimator lgbm's best error=0.0751
INFO:flaml.automl: at 63.5s,	estimator rf's best error=0.0958,	best estimator lgbm's best error=0.0751
[flaml.automl: 08-04 00:07:48] {3010} INFO - iteration 3, current learner xgboost
INFO:flaml.automl:iteration 3, current learner xgboost
[flaml.automl: 08-04 00:11:00] {3196} INFO -  at 255.0s,	estimator xgboost's best error=0.0864,	best estimator lgbm's best error=0.0751
INFO:flaml.automl: at 255.0s,	estimator xgboost's best error=0.0864,	best estimator lgbm's best error=0.0751
[flaml.automl: 08-04 00:11:00] {3010} INFO - iteration 4, current learner xgb_limitdepth
INFO:flaml.automl:iteration 4, current learner xgb_limitdepth
[flaml.automl: 08-04 00:12:08] {3196} INFO -  at 323.2s,	estimator xgb_limitdepth's best error=0.0780,	best estimator lgbm's best error=0.0751
INFO:flaml.automl: at 323.2s,	estimator xgb_limitdepth's best error=0.0780,	best estimator lgbm's best error=0.0751
[flaml.automl: 08-04 00:12:08] {3010} INFO - iteration 5, current learner lrl1
INFO:flaml.automl:iteration 5, current learner lrl1
INFO:flaml.searcher.blendsearch:No low-cost partial config given to the search algorithm. For cost-frugal search, consider providing low-cost values for cost-related hps via 'low_cost_partial_config'. More info can be found at
/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/sklearn/linear_model/ ConvergenceWarning: The max_iter was reached which means the coef_ did not converge
[flaml.automl: 08-04 00:12:10] {3196} INFO -  at 325.1s,	estimator lrl1's best error=0.4057,	best estimator lgbm's best error=0.0751
INFO:flaml.automl: at 325.1s,	estimator lrl1's best error=0.4057,	best estimator lgbm's best error=0.0751
[flaml.automl: 08-04 00:12:12] {3456} INFO - retrain lgbm for 1.5s
INFO:flaml.automl:retrain lgbm for 1.5s
[flaml.automl: 08-04 00:12:12] {3461} INFO - retrained model: LGBMClassifier(colsample_bytree=0.5261441571042451,
               learning_rate=0.04824748268727149, max_bin=511,
               min_child_samples=8, n_estimators=141, num_leaves=139,
               reg_alpha=0.0028969208338993344, reg_lambda=0.024463247502165594,
INFO:flaml.automl:retrained model: LGBMClassifier(colsample_bytree=0.5261441571042451,
               learning_rate=0.04824748268727149, max_bin=511,
               min_child_samples=8, n_estimators=141, num_leaves=139,
               reg_alpha=0.0028969208338993344, reg_lambda=0.024463247502165594,
[flaml.automl: 08-04 00:12:12] {2739} INFO - fit succeeded
INFO:flaml.automl:fit succeeded
[flaml.automl: 08-04 00:12:12] {2741} INFO - Time taken to find the best model: 32.66448903083801
INFO:flaml.automl:Time taken to find the best model: 32.66448903083801
Best ML leaner: lgbm
Best hyperparmeter config: {'n_estimators': 141, 'num_leaves': 139, 'min_child_samples': 8, 'learning_rate': 0.04824748268727149, 'log_max_bin': 9, 'colsample_bytree': 0.5261441571042451, 'reg_alpha': 0.0028969208338993344, 'reg_lambda': 0.024463247502165594}
              precision    recall  f1-score   support

           0       0.79      0.67      0.72      2355
           1       0.90      0.94      0.92      7414

    accuracy                           0.88      9769
   macro avg       0.84      0.80      0.82      9769
weighted avg       0.87      0.88      0.87      9769

Sample Output

Feature Importance


    title={FLAML: A Fast and Lightweight AutoML Library},
    author={Chi Wang and Qingyun Wu and Markus Weimer and Erkang Zhu},