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Purpose of the Demo - 04 Webpack Encore with React, SASS, TypeScript and Bootstrap

We will do an installation from the beginning where we will include Webpack Encore, along with React, Sass, TypeScript and Bootstrap.

We will take as a starting point 03 Webpack Encore with React and SASS:

Phases of the Demo

  1. Continue Project
  2. Installation and Configuration of TypeScript
  3. Installation and configuration of Bootstrap

  • We will create the project through the command of the console:composer create-project symfony/skeleton 04_Webpack_Encore_with_React_SASS_TypeScript_and_Bootstrap

Summary of the components of the Webpack to use

  • Enabling TypeScript (ts-loader), npm install --save-dev typescript ts-loader Enabling TypeScript (ts-loader)
  • JQuery Component, npm install --save jquery
  • Bootstrap Componente, npm install --save bootstrap


04 Webpack Encore with Reac SASS, TypeScript and Bootstrap

1.Continue Project

  1. Installs Composer and its dependencies from the previous phase:
composer install
    1. Installs Webpack and its dependencies from the previous phase:
npm install

2.Installation and Configuration of TypeScript

Enabling TypeScript (ts-loader)

  1. First, install the dependencies:
npm install --save-dev typescript ts-loader
  1. Next we will configure the file webpack.config.js with the following directives.


var Encore = require('@symfony/webpack-encore');
    // the project directory where compiled assets will be stored
    // the public path used by the web server to access the previous directory
    // uncomment to create hashed filenames (e.g. app.abc123.css)

    // uncomment to define the assets of the project
--  .addEntry('js/app', './assets/js/app.js')
++  .addEntry('js/app', './assets/js/app.jsx')
    .addStyleEntry('css/app', './assets/scss/app.scss')

    // uncomment if you use Sass/SCSS files
    // uncomment for legacy applications that require $/jQuery as a global variable
    // .autoProvidejQuery()    
++  .enableTypeScriptLoader()
module.exports = Encore.getWebpackConfig();
  1. This plugin requires that you have a tsconfig.json file that is setup correctly.


  "compilerOptions": {
    "target": "es6",
    "module": "es6",
    "moduleResolution": "node",
    "declaration": false,
    "noImplicitAny": false,
    "jsx": "react",
    "sourceMap": true,
    "noLib": false,
    "suppressImplicitAnyIndexErrors": true
  "compileOnSave": false,
  "exclude": [
  1. Now, we can modify de extension of files.

Inside the files.


import '../scss/app.scss';
import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import MuiThemeProvider from 'material-ui/styles/MuiThemeProvider';

-- import ItemCard from './Components/ItemCard';
++ import ItemCard from './Components/ItemCard.jsx';

class App extends React.Component {
  constructor() {

    this.state = {
      entries: []

2.Installation and Configuration of Bootstrap

  1. To import Bootstrap in our project we will only have to execute.
npm install --save jquery

to install Jquery, and

npm install --save bootstrap

to install Bootstrap in its version 4.

  1. Additionally in this demo we will install the library popper.js using the command:
npm install popper.js

with it we will generate the windows with floating information.

  1. Next we will configure the file webpack.config.js with the following directives. And we will uncomment the following line of the file webpack.config.js to facilitate jQuery to Bootstrap.


var Encore = require('@symfony/webpack-encore');

    // the project directory where compiled assets will be stored
    // the public path used by the web server to access the previous directory
    // uncomment to create hashed filenames (e.g. app.abc123.css)
    // .enableVersioning(Encore.isProduction())

    // uncomment to define the assets of the project
    .addEntry('js/app', './assets/js/app.jsx')
    .addStyleEntry('css/app', './assets/scss/app.scss')

    // uncomment if you use Sass/SCSS files
    // uncomment for legacy applications that require $/jQuery as a global variable
--  // .autoProvidejQuery()
++  .autoProvidejQuery()
module.exports = Encore.getWebpackConfig();
  1. And now, we can add bootstrap our style sheet file in SASS./assets/scss/app.scss.


++ @import '~bootstrap/scss/bootstrap';

html {
  font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;

.footer {
  display: flex;
  justify-content: center;
  1. Finally, we launch loader via npm run watch, and the server php bin/console server:run so we can see the results by clicking

The final result is three React cards that fill the available space on the page.

Final Result