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Editing Gear (Basic Weapon)

Ben Ballard edited this page Apr 23, 2022 · 1 revision

Editing gear is very simple. As always, make sure to make a backup of your save pre-editing just in case something goes wrong.
Information regarding gear's layout is available here.

  1. Find the item in your inventory or chest you want to edit (I would recommend equipping it just to make it easier because your equipped items are at the top of the items section).

  2. For this example, I will be upgrading this item (again).

  3. I am going to give it an insanely high power level, by modifying the power value.

  4. After I am done, I re-encrypt the save file, by following the guide on decrypting backward, and placing my savefile back into my character folder.

  5. As you can see, my weapon is now insanely high. I am ready to solo Obsidian Pinnacle on Apoc+25 now :)

Preparing the save and troubleshooting



Editing Gear

-Weapon (Basic)


-Editing Other Stats


-Gear IDs
-Item/Gear Layout
-Savefile Layout

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