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Table of Contents

Chapter 1: A Basic Evaluation Algorithm

The algorithm we are describing here, is suitable for hands with 5 to 9 cards. We are choosing 7-card stud poker as examples, since the 7-card hand is the most common and typical scenario.

We know that a deck has 52 different cards, and a 7-card poker hand consists of 7 different cards from a deck. We can easily represent a 7-card poker hand with a 52-bit binary uniquely, with exactly 7 bits set to 1 and 45 bits set to 0.

For example, if a hand has

 5 of Spades,
 4 of Clubs,
 7 of Spades,
 Jack of Diamonds,
 Ace of Clubs,
 10 of Spades,
 and 5 of Hearts,

we can have such a 52-bit binary as a represenation:

 |   Spades   |   Hearts   |  Diamonds  |   Clubs   |

We can see that there are totally 52 choose 7 = 133,784,560 combinations of such representations. If we could map each hand representation to a number range from [1, 133784560], we can then create a hash table of size 133784560, and assign a unique value in the hash table for each hand. In other words, we need a perfect hash function of a 52-bit binary with exactly 7 bits set to 1.

First we sort all these 133784560 binaries in lexicographical order. If we have a function that receives a binary as an input, and outputs its position in this lexicographical ordering, this functions is exactly the perfect hash function.

Let's formalize this to a more general problem, and name it HashNBinaryKSum.

 Problem: HashNBinaryKSum

 Input: integer n, integer k, an n-bit binary with exactly k bits set to 1

 Output: the position of the binary in the lexicographical ordering of all n-bit
 binaries with exactly k bits of ones

Consider an example with n = 4 and k = 2, the binary 0011 should return 1, and 1010 should return 5.

  0011 0101 0110 1001 1010 1100

The problem can be solved in recursions. In order to get the position in the ordering, we can instead count how many numbers are ahead of that position.

Take 1010 for example, we can count the number of valid numbers in the range [0, 1010). As for counting the numbers in range [0, 1010), we can first count the numbers in [0, 1000), then count [1000, 1010). To solve the former case [0, 1000), we can use 3 choose 2, which is the number of combinations of filling 2 ones in the last 3 bits. The latter case [1000, 1010) is equivalent to [000, 010), with both the parameter n and k decrement by 1, so it becomes a smaller problem and can be solved in another recursion.

We can optimize the recursion to a loop, and the sample C code is shown below.

int hash_binary(unsigned char q[], int len, int k)
  int sum = 0;
  int i;

  for (i=0; i<len; i++)
    if (q[i])
      if (len-i-1 >= k)
        sum += choose[len-i-1][k];


      if (k == 0)

  return ++sum;

In practice, we don't need the final increment at the end, by treating the position as a number starting from 0, which also fits perfectly in a hash table.

We can precompute all possible n choose k and store the results. For a problem with a n-bit binary, the function runs in at most n cycles.

If we apply this function to a poker hand, it'll take 52 cycles to compute the hash value. Meanwhile we need a hash table of size 133784560 entries in the 7-card poker hand case. Both the time and memory performance are not what we expected.

Proceed to chapter 2, you will find out how a more advanced algorithm can solve the problem.

Chapter 2: Evaluate the Flushes First

What makes a poker evaluator complicated, is the Flush category (including the Straight Flush). If we don't care about the Flush, we can ignore the suits, and simplify the 52-bit binary to a 13-bit quinary (base 5 number). The reason we need base 5, is that for each rank, there can be 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 numbers of cards, hence 5 possibilities.

So we can split the problem into two branches, the hands with a flush and the hands without a flush. The first one can be represented by a 13-bit binary, and the latter one can be represented by a 13-bit quinary.

In 7-card poker, if there are at least five cards in the same suit, this hand is guaranteed to be either Flush or Straight Flush. Because if we have at least 5 cards in the same suit, these cards must have different ranks, and then combining 2 more cards from the other suit cannot form a Four of a Kind or a Full House. We also know that, there cannot be two flushes in different suits in a 7-card hand.

Therefore, we can first evaluate whether the hand is a flush or not. Once we find a flush in a 7-card hand, we can stop evaluating the rest of the cards. However, if the hand has more than 7 cards, we need to keep evaluating the other branch.

It's not hard to determine whether a hand has a flush or not, we only need a counter for each suit. In the meantime, we need to maintain a binary for each suit, so that when we see a flush, we can pass the corresponding binary to the function that evaluates flush hands.

For example, given the input:

 5 of Spades,
 4 of Spades,
 7 of Spades,
 Jack of Diamonds,
 Ace of Clubs,
 10 of Spades,
 8 of Spades,

our 4 counters and binaries are:

 Spades:     counter 5, binary 0000101101100
 Hearts:     counter 0, binary 0000000000000
 Clubs:      counter 1, binary 1000000000000
 Diamonds:   counter 1, binary 0001000000000

As soon as we see the counter of Spades is greater than 4, we can pass the binary 0000101101100 to the next function to evaluate the flush. We don't need to worry about the other cards in other suits, because none of those cards can form another flush.

We can of course use the HashNBinaryKSum function and three hash table (k can be 5, 6 and 7) to evaluate the flush binary. However, considering the number 2^13 = 8192 is not very large, we can directly look up a table of size 8192, that saves us a loop of 13 cycles to compute the perfect hash.

If the hand contains no more than 7 cards, we can now immediately return the value of the flush as a final result. Otherwise, we still need to go through the non-flush branch, and compare both results.

We will discuss how to evaluate the quinary in the next chapter.

Chapter 3: Hash For a Restricted Quinary

Recall that for a hand that suits no longer matters, we can represent a 7-card hand with a 13-bit quinary (base 5) number. Again, there is a restriction of such a quinary, which is the sum of all bits is equal to 7.

To encode the quinary, we need 13 counters. When a new card comes in, increment the counter of the corresponding rank. For example, if a hand has 2 Aces, 3 Fives, 1 Seven and 1 Jack, the quinary is 2001000103000.

Let's try to find a perfect hash function for such a quinary. Same as what we did in the binary hash, if we sort all the quinary in lexicographical order, where the sum of all bits of each quinary is equal to 7, the position in this ordering is a perfect hash of this quinary.

 Problem: HashNQuinaryKSum

 Input: integer n, integer k, an (n+1)-bit quinary with the sum of all bits
  equal to k

 Output: the position of the quinary in the lexicographical ordering of all
  (n+1)-bit quinaries with sum of all bits equal to k

Similar to what we did in the binary hash, in order to get the position of the quinary, we can count how many valid numbers are smaller than this quinary. For example, given a 4-bit quinary 4300, we can first count the valid numbers in range [0000, 4300), then increment the result in the end. The range [0000, 4300) can be splitted into [0000, 4000) and [4000, 4300). The latter range is equivalent to [000, 300) with parameter n-1 and k-4, and becomes a problem of a smaller size.

Unlike the binary hash, the range [0000, 4000)is not easy to compute. We can keep splitting the range into [0000, 1000), [1000, 2000), [2000, 3000) and [3000, 4000). The range [1000, 2000) is equivalent to [000, 1000) with k-1, and the range [2000, 3000) is equivalent to [000, 1000) with k-2, and so on.

Now the remaining problem is solving the range [0000, 1000) with parameter k. This range can be splitted into [000, 400) and [400, 1000), and eventually it can be partitioned into 5 small ranges. The result of the problem is the sum of the result of the 5 subproblems with range of exactly a power of 5.

We can use dynamic programming to solve all these subproblems, and store the result in an array. Let's use a 3-d array dp[l][n][k] of size 5*14*8, where n is the number of trailing zero bits, k is the remaining number of k, and l is the most significant bit of the excluding endpoint. For example, the result of [0000, 1000) is stored in dp[1][3][k], as the excluding endpoint is 1000, resulting l to be 1 and n to be 3. Another example is [000, 200), whose result is stored in dp[2][2][k].

The base cases for the array dp:

  if 0 <= i <= 4:
    dp[1][1][i] = 1;
  if i > 4:
    dp[1][1][i] = 0;

For example, for [00, 10) with k=4 there's only one legal quinary (04) However there is no instance for a quinary in the same range with k=5 or any k larger than 4.

Then we iterate the edges:

  for each i in [2, 13]:
    dp[1][i][1] = i;
    dp[1][i][0] = 1;

For example, a 4-bit quinary with k=1 (dp[1][3][1]) has three quinaries: 001, 010, 100. If k=0, the only legal quinary 000.

Now we can iterate all dp[1][i][j]. We do this by iterating the next digit from 0 to 4 and evaluating the shorter expression for smaller k. :

  for each i in [2, 13] and j in [2, 7]:
    dp[1][i][j] = SUM{k:[0,4]}dp[1][i-1][j-k];

For example, to evaluate dp[1][2][7] (range [000,100) with k=7), we need to enumerate the second bit from 0 to 4. This means summing for 07, 16, 25, 34, 43. Notice that 07, 16, 25 are invalid and dp[1][1][k] = 0 (for k > 4) will ignore them.

Now the iteration for the rest of the entries:

  for each l in [2, 4] and i in [1, 13] and j in [0, 7]:
    dp[l][i][j] = dp[l-1][i][j] + dp[1][i][j-l+1]

For example dp[4][4][5], which is equivalent to the number of valid quinaries in the range [00000, 40000) with k=5. It can be splitted into [00000, 30000) with k=5, and [30000, 40000). The former one is dp[3][4][5], the latter one is equivalent to [00000, 10000) with k=k-3, which is dp[1][4][2].

Finally we can compute the hash of the quinary base on the dp arrays. The example C code is shown below.

int hash_quinary(unsigned char q[], int len, int k)
  int sum = 0;
  int i;

  for (i=0; i<len; i++) {
    sum += dp[q[i]][len-i-1][k];

    k -= q[i];

    if (k <= 0)

  return ++sum;

In practice, the final increment can be ignored.

The final lookup hash table will contain 49205 entries, and the hash function takes at most 13 cycles to compute. This algorithm is much better than any others that do 7-card poker evaluation by checking all 21 combinations.

Chapter 4: The Ultimate Dynamic Programming Algorithm

Recall that in chapter one, we managed to find a mapping from a 52-bit restricted binary to a hash key ranged from 0 to 133784559. Although the number of entries in this hash table is considerably large, it's still feasible on modern computers. If we could manage to improve the time efficiency in the hash function, it's still a useful approach.

Let's go back to that problem HashNBinaryKSum:

 Problem: HashNBinaryKSum

 Input: integer n, integer k, an n-bit binary with exactly k bits set to 1

 Output: the position of the binary in the lexicographical ordering of all n-bit
 binaries with exactly k bits of ones

More specificly, we are trying to solve a problem with n = 52 and k = 7. If we split the 52-bit binary into 4 blocks, where each block has 13 bits, we can precompute the results in a table in size 2^13 * 4 * 8, and do only 4 summations in the actual hash function. In practice, it would be easier if we use a 16-bit block instead of 13, making the table in size 2^16 * 4 * 8.

Precomputing this table is similar to the methods we used in the previous chapters. I'll just put the sample C code here and omit the explanations.

  int dp[65536][4][8];

  for (i=0; i<65536; i++) {
    for (j=0; j<4; j++) {
      for (k=0; k<8; k++) {
        int ck = k;
        int s;
        int sum = 0;

        for (s=15; s>=0; s--) {
          if (i & (1 << s)) {
            int n = j*16 + s;

            sum += choose[n][ck];


        dp[i][j][k] = sum;

And the hash function only need to sum up the result from the dp table. The C code is shown below.

int fast_hash(unsigned long long handid, int k)
  int hash = 0;

  unsigned short * a = (unsigned short *)&handid;

  hash += dp_fast[a[3]][3][k];
  k -= bitcount[a[3]];

  hash += dp_fast[a[2]][2][k];
  k -= bitcount[a[2]];

  hash += dp_fast[a[1]][1][k];
  k -= bitcount[a[1]];

  hash += dp_fast[a[0]][0][k];

  return hash;

Although this algorithm takes very few CPU cycles to compute the hash value (4 summations and 3 decrements), the overall performance is worse than what we used in the previous chapter. Part of the reason might be the dp table is greater than a normal page size (64Kbytes). If we cut the block into 8 bits and use a table of size 2^8 * 8 * 8, which will double the number of operations in the hash function (8 summations and 7 decrements), the performance seems to improve, but still doesn't beat the algorithm used in the previous chapter under my environment.

In summary, although it's an algorithm that uses very few CPU cycles, the true performance is bounded by the time access to the memory, which doesn't make it significantly faster than the algorithm we used in chapter 2 to chapter 3.