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160 lines (127 loc) · 4.13 KB

File metadata and controls

160 lines (127 loc) · 4.13 KB

5E. Recursion and Monads

Below shows a program that uses IO to read a file, which which may have long lines, lines that are longer than 3 chars. We'll count the number of long lines and log the number using WriterT.

Let's say for example, we have the file foo.txt with the following contents:


Then we would expect it to say 2 because there are two lines that have a length of more than 3 columns (namely the line with B's, and the line with D's).
Here is our program:

import Control.Monad.Writer (WriterT, tell, lift, runWriterT)

-- [1]: Break the file down into lines count how many are too long
-- [2]: Here we are using WriterT monad as usual
-- [3]: Here we are accessing inner monad, the IO monad, then lifting up to WriterT
shortLinesCount :: String -> Int
shortLinesCount = length . shortOnly . lines -- [1]
    where shortOnly = filter ((> 3) . length)

checkLongLines :: WriterT [(String, String)] IO ()
checkLongLines = do -- WriterT monad
    tell [("foo.txt", "Attempting to Read File")] -- [2]
    foo <- lift . readFile $ "foo.txt"            -- [3]
    let count = shortLinesCount foo
    tell [("foo.txt", "Number of long lines: " ++ show count)] -- [2]

main = do
    runWriterT checkLongLines


((),[("foo.txt","Attempting to Read File"),("foo.txt","Number of long lines: 2")])

Here's a great example is that taken from RWH (Chapter 18). In this example, we'll write a function countDir that uses the IO monad to count how many files are in a directory and then use WriterT to incrementally write the result to log.

import CountEntries (listDirectory)
import Control.Monad.Writer (WriterT, tell, lift)

countDir :: FilePath -> WriterT [(FilePath, Int)] IO ()
countDir path = do
  dir <- lift . listDirectory $ path
  tell [(path, length dir)]
main = do
  print $ runWriterT countDir

We'll now extend our previous example so that we can make this count directives recursively.
Let's first setup a new directory structure.

$ mkdir -p example/{A,B,C}
$ touch example/A/a{1,2,3}.txt
$ touch example/B/b{1,2,3}.txt
$ touch example/C/c{1,2,3}.txt

This creates the following directory structure:

$ tree .
├── example
│   ├── A
│   │   ├── a1.txt
│   │   ├── a2.txt
│   │   └── a3.txt
│   ├── B
│   │   ├── b1.txt
│   │   ├── b2.txt
│   │   └── b3.txt
│   └── C
│       ├── c1.txt
│       ├── c2.txt
│       └── c3.txt
└── test.hs
import Control.Monad (forM_, when, liftM)
import System.FilePath ((</>))
import Control.Monad.Writer (WriterT, tell, lift, runWriterT)
import System.Directory (doesDirectoryExist, getDirectoryContents)

--- [1]: access the inner IO monad and then lift it to WriterT
--- [2]: use WriterT to write the result to the log
countEntries :: FilePath -> WriterT [(FilePath, Int)] IO ()
countEntries path = do -- WriterT monad
  -- count current directory
  currentdir <- lift . listDirectory $ path -- [1]
  tell [(path, length currentdir)]          -- [2]

  -- recursively count subdirectories
  forM_ currentdir $ \directory -> do -- WriterT monad
    let fullpath = path </> directory
    isDir <- lift . doesDirectoryExist $ fullpath -- [1]
    when isDir $ countEntries fullpath

main = do
  runWriterT (countEntries "example")




[1] :you may come across the following compilation error:

Module ‘System.Directory’ does not export ‘listDirectory’

Note that the above relies on listDirectory function. which was recently added (added in v1.2.5.0 of the directory package) To check your version of the directory package, run:

ghc-pkg list | grep directory

To make the code compile, you can use:

listDirectory :: FilePath -> IO [String]
listDirectory = liftM (filter notDots) . getDirectoryContents
    where notDots p = p /= "." && p /= ".."