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Mayank Arya edited this page Oct 5, 2020 · 8 revisions

Welcome to the Thumbnail-Maker wiki! This wiki is for helping anyone wishing to contribute to this repo.

Starting a new Thumbnail-Maker version

Our goal is to make a Thumbnail-Maker for each hermit. We have divided this big quest into many parts. One for every hermit. One part also represents one major version. For example, v1.1 to v2.0 is targeted towards making a thumbnail-maker for TFC.
Before starting a new version, we first analyze how the hermit makes his/her thumbnail. Later we discuss what is the best way to implement those features on the webpage. The next step is to make the tool. Then we bug-proof the code and finally stylize the page.
Now that you know the recipe, see it in action in one of the thumbnail-maker page.

File Structure

We use a very simple file structure. For every new thumbnail-maker started, we make a new folder named as the corresponding hermit. Within that folder, in addition to resources like icons, five files exist. Namely index.html which contains the HTML code, script.js containing Javascript, style.css residing all the CSS in it, manifest.webmanifest and service-worker.js which make the thumbnail-maker a Progressive Web App (PWA). We try to avoid using any external library.
We deploy our tools on a version-basis. While the stable version is live, we work on the beta version which is located under Source. And on finalizing the beta version, we change the live version's code to the beta version.

This wiki is a work in progress. Your contribution will help it grow.

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