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Spock @ OLCF

This page only provides HiPACE++ specific instructions. For more information please visit the OLCF documentation.

Running on GPU

Create a file profile.hipace.spock and source it whenever you log in and want to work with HiPACE++:

module load cmake/3.20.2 # cmake
module load craype-accel-amd-gfx908
module load rocm # rocm/4.5.0
module load ccache
module load ninja
export AMREX_AMD_ARCH=gfx908
export CC=$(which clang)
export CXX=$(which hipcc)
export LDFLAGS="-L${CRAYLIBS_X86_64} $(CC --cray-print-opts=libs) -lmpi"

Install HiPACE++ (the first time, and whenever you want the latest version):

source profile.hipace
git clone $HOME/src/hipace # only the first time
cd $HOME/src/hipace
cmake -S . -B build -DHiPACE_COMPUTE=HIP -DAMReX_AMD_ARCH=gfx908 -DMPI_CXX_COMPILER=$(which CC) -DMPI_C_COMPILER=$(which cc) -DMPI_COMPILER_FLAGS="--cray-print-opts=all"
cmake --build build -j 6

You can get familiar with the HiPACE++ input file format in our :doc:`../../run/get_started` section, to prepare an input file that suits your needs. You can then create your directory in your $SCRATCH_<project id>, where you can put your input file and adapt the following submission script:


#SBATCH -A aph114
#SBATCH -J hipace
#SBATCH -o %x-%j.out
#SBATCH -t 00:10:00
#SBATCH -p ecp

source $HOME/profile.hipace.spock

srun -n 1 -c 1 --ntasks-per-node=1 <path/to/executable>/hipace.MPI.HIP.DP.LF inputs &> output.txt

and use it to submit a simulation.