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Fully Supervised Learning


pymic.net_run.agent_seg.SegmentationAgent is the general class used for training and inference of deep learning models. You just need to specify a configuration file to initialize an instance of that class. An example code to use it is:

from pymic.util.parse_config import *
from pymic.net_run.agent_seg import SegmentationAgent

config_name = "a_config_file.cfg"
config   = parse_config(config_name)
config   = synchronize_config(config)
stage    = "train"  # or "test"
agent    = SegmentationAgent(config, stage)

The above code will use the dataset, network and loss function, etc specifcied in the configuration file for running.


If you use the built-in modules such as UNet and Dice + CrossEntropy loss for segmentation, you don't need to write the above code. Just just use the pymic_train command. See examples in PyMIC_examples/segmentation/.


PyMIC provides two types of datasets for loading images from disk to memory: NiftyDataset and H5DataSet. NiftyDataset is designed for 2D and 3D images in common formats such as png, jpeg, bmp and nii.gz. H5DataSet is used for hdf5 data that are more efficient to load.

To use NiftyDataset, users need to specify the root path of the dataset and the csv file storing the image and label file names. The configurations include the following items:

  • tensor_type: data type for tensors. Should be float or double.
  • task_type: should be seg for segmentation tasks.
  • root_dir (string): the root dir of dataset.
  • modal_num (int, default is 1): modalities number. For images with N modalities, each modality should be saved in an indepdent file.
  • train_csv (string): the path of csv file for training set.
  • valid_csv (string): the path of csv file for validation set.
  • test_csv (string): the path of csv file for testing set.
  • train_batch_size (int): the batch size for training set.
  • valid_batch_size (int, optional): the batch size for validation set. The defualt value is set as train_batch_size.
  • test_batch_size (int, optional): the batch size for testing set. The defualt value is 1.

The csv file should have at least two columns (fields), one for image and the other for label. If the input image have multiple modalities with each modality saved in a single file, then the csv file should have N + 1 columns, where the first N columns are for the N modalities, and the last column is for the label. The following is an example for configuration of dataset.

# tensor type (float or double)
tensor_type = float
task_type = seg
root_dir  = ../../PyMIC_data/JSRT
train_csv = config/jsrt_train.csv
valid_csv = config/jsrt_valid.csv
test_csv  = config/jsrt_test.csv
train_batch_size = 4

To use your own dataset, you can define a dataset as a child class of NiftyDataset, H5DataSet, or , and use SegmentationAgent.set_datasets() to set the customized datasets. For example:

from import Dataset 
from pymic.net_run.agent_seg import SegmentationAgent

class MyDataset(Dataset):
   # define your custom dataset here

trainset, valset, testset = MyDataset(...), MyDataset(...), MyDataset(...)
agent = SegmentationAgent(config, stage)
agent.set_datasets(trainset, valset, testset)


Several transforms are defined in PyMIC to preprocess or augment the data before sending it to the network. The TransformDict in pymic.transform.trans_dict lists all the built-in transforms supported in PyMIC.

In the configuration file, users can specify the transforms required for training, validation and testing data, respectively. The parameters of each tranform class should also be provided, such as following:

# data transforms
train_transform = [Pad, RandomRotate, RandomCrop, RandomFlip, NormalizeWithMeanStd, GammaCorrection, GaussianNoise, LabelToProbability]
valid_transform = [NormalizeWithMeanStd, Pad, LabelToProbability]
test_transform  = [NormalizeWithMeanStd, Pad]

# the inverse transform will be enabled during testing
Pad_output_size = [8, 256, 256]
Pad_ceil_mode   = False
Pad_inverse     = True    

RandomRotate_angle_range_d = [-90, 90]
RandomRotate_angle_range_h = None
RandomRotate_angle_range_w = None

RandomCrop_output_size = [6, 192, 192]
RandomCrop_foreground_focus = False
RandomCrop_foreground_ratio = None
Randomcrop_mask_label       = None

RandomFlip_flip_depth  = False
RandomFlip_flip_height = True
RandomFlip_flip_width  = True

NormalizeWithMeanStd_channels = [0]

GammaCorrection_channels  = [0]
GammaCorrection_gamma_min = 0.7
GammaCorrection_gamma_max = 1.5

GaussianNoise_channels = [0]
GaussianNoise_mean     = 0
GaussianNoise_std      = 0.05
GaussianNoise_probability = 0.5

For spatial transforms, you can specify whether an inverse transform is enabled or not. Setting the inverse flag as True will transform the prediction output inversely during testing, such as Pad_inverse = True shown above. If you want to make images with different shapes to have the same shape before testing, then the correspoinding transform's inverse flag can be set as True, so that the prediction output will be transformed back to the original image space. This is also useful for test time augmentation.

You can also define your own transform operations. To integrate your customized transform to the PyMIC pipeline, just add it to the TransformDict, and you can also specify the parameters via a configuration file for the customized transform. The following is some example code for this:

from pymic.transform.trans_dict import TransformDict 
from pymic.transform.abstract_transform import AbstractTransform
from pymic.net_run.agent_seg import SegmentationAgent

# customized transform 
class MyTransform(AbstractTransform):
   def __init__(self, params):
      super(MyTransform, self).__init__(params)

   def __call__(self, sample):

   def  inverse_transform_for_prediction(self, sample):

my_trans_dict = TransformDict
my_trans_dict["MyTransform"] = MyTransform
agent = SegmentationAgent(config, stage)


The configuration file has a network section to specify the network's type and hyper-parameters. For example, the following is a configuration for using 2DUNet:

net_type = UNet2D
# Parameters for UNet2D
class_num     = 2
in_chns       = 1
feature_chns  = [16, 32, 64, 128, 256]
dropout       = [0,  0,  0.3, 0.4, 0.5]
bilinear      = False
multiscale_pred = False

The SegNetDict in lists all the built-in network structures currently implemented in PyMIC.

You can also define your own networks. To integrate your customized network to the PyMIC pipeline, just call set_network() of SegmentationAgent. The following is some example code for this:

import torch.nn as nn
from pymic.net_run.agent_seg import SegmentationAgent

# customized network 
class MyNetwork(nn.Module):
   def __init__(self, params):
      super(MyNetwork, self).__init__()

   def forward(self, x):

net = MyNetwork(params)
agent = SegmentationAgent(config, stage)

Loss Functions

The setting of loss function is in the training section of the configuration file, where the loss function name and hyper-parameters should be provided. The SegLossDict in pymic.loss.loss_dict_seg lists all the built-in loss functions currently implemented in PyMIC.

The following is an example of the setting of loss:

loss_type = DiceLoss
loss_softmax = True 

Note that PyMIC supports using a combination of loss functions. Just set loss_type as a list of loss functions, and use loss_weight to specify the weight of each loss, such as the following:

loss_type     = [DiceLoss, CrossEntropyLoss]
loss_weight   = [0.5, 0.5]

You can also define your own loss functions. To integrate your customized loss function to the PyMIC pipeline, just add it to the SegLossDict, and you can also specify the parameters via a configuration file for the customized loss. The following is some example code for this:

from pymic.loss.loss_dict_seg import SegLossDict 
from pymic.net_run.agent_seg import SegmentationAgent

# customized loss 
class MyLoss(nn.Module):
   def __init__(self, params = None):
      super(MyLoss, self).__init__()

   def forward(self, loss_input_dict):

my_loss_dict = SegLossDict
my_loss_dict["MyLoss"] = MyLoss
agent = SegmentationAgent(config, stage)

Training Options

In addition to the loss fuction, users can specify several training options in the training section of the configuration file.


For training iterations, the following parameters need to be specified in the configuration file:

  • iter_max: the maximal allowed iteration for training.
  • iter_valid: if the value is K, it means evaluating the performance on the validaiton set for every K steps.
  • iter_save: The iteations for saving the model. If the value is k, it means the model will be saved every k iterations. It can also be a list of integer numbers, which specifies the iterations to save the model.
  • early_stop_patience: if the value is k, it means the training will stop when the performance on the validation set does not improve for k iteations.


For optimizer, users need to set optimizer, learning_rate, momentum and weight_decay. The built-in optimizers include SGD, Adam, SparseAdam, Adadelta, Adagrad, Adamax, ASGD, LBFGS, RMSprop and Rprop that are implemented in torch.optim.

You can also use customized optimizers via SegmentationAgent.set_optimizer().

Learning Rate Scheduler

The current built-in learning rate schedulers are ReduceLROnPlateau and MultiStepLR, which can be specified in lr_scheduler in the configuration file.

Parameters related to ReduceLROnPlateau include lr_gamma. Parameters related to MultiStepLR include lr_gamma and lr_milestones.

You can also use customized lr schedulers via SegmentationAgent.set_scheduler().

Other Options

Other options for training include:

  • gpus: a list of GPU index for training the model. If the length is larger than one (such as [0, 1]), it means the model will be trained on multiple GPUs parallelly.
  • deterministic (bool, default is True): set the training deterministic or not.
  • random_seed (int, optioinal): the random seed customized by user. Default value is 1.
  • ckpt_save_dir: the path to the folder for saving the trained models.
  • ckpt_prefix: the prefix of the name to save the checkpoints.

Inference Options

There are several options for inference after training the model. You can also select the GPUs for testing, enable sliding window inference or inference with test-time augmentation, etc. The following is a list of options availble for inference:

  • gpus: a list of GPU index. Atually, only the first GPU in the list is used.
  • evaluation_mode (bool, default is True): set the model to evaluation mode or not.
  • test_time_dropout (bool, default is False): use test-time dropout or not.
  • ckpt_mode (int): which checkpoint is used. 0--the last checkpoint; 1--the checkpoint with the best performance on the validation set; 2--a specified checkpoint.
  • ckpt_name (string, optinal): the full path to the checkpoint if ckpt_mode = 2.
  • post_process (string, default is None): the post process method after inference. The current available post processing is pymic.util.post_process.PostKeepLargestComponent. Uses can also specify customized post process methods via SegmentationAgent.set_postprocessor().
  • sliding_window_enable (bool, default is False): use sliding window for inference or not.
  • sliding_window_size (optinal): a list for sliding window size when sliding_window_enable = True.
  • sliding_window_stride (optinal): a list for sliding window stride when sliding_window_enable = True.
  • tta_mode (int, default is 0): the mode for Test Time Augmentation (TTA). 0--not using TTA; 1--using TTA based on horizontal and vertical flipping.
  • output_dir (string): the dir to save the prediction output.
  • ignore_dir (bool, default is True): if the input image name has a /, it will be replaced with _ in the output file name.
  • save_probability (bool, default is False): save the output probability for each class.
  • label_source (list, default is None): a list of label to be converted after prediction. For example, label_source = [0, 1] and label_target = [0, 255] will convert label value from 1 to 255.
  • label_target (list, default is None): a list of label after conversion. Use this with label_source.
  • filename_replace_source (string, default is None): the substring in the filename will be replaced with a new substring specified by filename_replace_target.
  • filename_replace_target (string, default is None): work with filename_replace_source.