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Data Preprocessing

Pretrained Models

model source/framework usage download link
Res2Net Patch Detector mmdetection/pytorch extract image patch link
DeepFillV2 mmediting/pytorch remove text from meme image link
InceptionV2 OID tf-hub/tensorflow extract meme image bbox auto download
FairFace Classifier fairface/pytorch classifiy race of face/head detect by InceptionV2 link is in the repo
VisualGnome FasterRCNN py-bottom-up-attention/pytorch extract RoI feature from inpainted image auto download

Image Patch Detector

image patch detection Some of the memes are compose by multiple image(patch), and offen the meaning of the meme will different depend on which text located on which image patch. So I trained a imgae patch detector with off-the-shelf faster-rcnn detector provide by mmdetection and training data generated by random stick togehter 2~3 images from GQA. Script and config that train the model and generating the dataset could be found in repo linked in the table above.

NOTE: If you want to repoduce the original competetion result, you should use the pretrined model sinece both the training and dataset generating process are not deterministic.

Preprocess Steps

image patch detection

Data processing flow is dived into two stage. First stage detecting objects & text and creating clean images. Second stage utilze those infomation to extract more feature from image and integrade the extra feature into original meme annotation.


We first should download and unzip the facebook hateful meme data to ROOT/data. And we also need to download pretrain models to ROOT/pretrain_model. After doing all that your project structure now should look like:

├── data
│   └── hateful_memes
│       ├── LICENSE.txt
│       ├──
│       ├── dev_seen.jsonl
│       ├── dev_unseen.jsonl
│       ├── img
│       ├── test_seen.jsonl
│       ├── test_unseen.jsonl
│       └── train.jsonl
├── data_utils
├── pretrain_model
│   ├── deepfillv2_256x256_8x2_places_20200619-10d15793.pth
│   └── faster_rcnn_r2_101_fpn_2x_img_clip
│       ├── epoch_1.pth
│       ├── epoch_2.pth
│       ├── epoch_3.pth
│       ├──
│       └── latest.pth
└── test


If you want to go straight to model training, you can download pre-builded data from here:
meme annotation with entity and box annotation with race tag
image feature pt file for ernie-vil
image feature npz file for untier
And you can find out where to put those files in the following sections.

Frist Stage

  1. OCR
  2. Image Inpainting
  3. Get OID bbox
  4. Face detection and human race classification
# data/hateful_memes/img
#    --> data/hateful_memes/img_clean
#    --> data/hateful_memes/box_annos.race.json
#    --> data/hateful_memes/split_img_clean
#    --> data/hateful_memes/split_img_clean_boxes.json

After the first stage your data folder should look like:

├── data
│   ├── hateful_memes
│   │   ├── img
│   │   ├── img_clean   # img with text removed
│   │   ├── img_mask_3px  # text mask used in removing text using DeepFillV2
│   │   ├── split_img_clean   # if meme image is compose by multiple patches, it will be break down and store to here
│   │   ├── split_img_clean_boxes.json  # results of image patche detection
│   │   ├── box_annos.json  # OID V4 object detection result
│   │   ├── box_annos.race.json  # same as box_annos.json but with race and gender tags attach to bbox
│   │   ├── face_race_boxes.json  # race and gender tags
│   │   ├── ocr.json   # raw EasyOCR detction result
│   │   └──   # same EasyOCR detction result but in bbox format
│   └── ...
└── ...

Second Stage

  1. Extract RoI feature

    # data/hateful_memes/img_clean 
    #    --> data/hateful_memes/hateful_memes_v2*.pt
    #    --> data/uniter/MEME_NPZ_CLEAN
  2. Web Entity Detection
    NOTE: If you want to reproduce the original experiment or don't have access to GCP service you could just download the detection results from link and place it under ROOT/data. If your want to generate new web entity result for new dataset, follow this guide to setup gcloud enviorment.

  3. Insert extra feature into annotations


After the second stage your data folder should look like:

├── data
│   ├── uniter
│   │   └── MEME_NPZ  # img feature for uniter
│   ├── hateful_memes
│   │   ├── LICENSE.txt
│   │   ├── img
│   │   ├── img_clean
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├── hateful_boxes_attr.json
│   │   ├──        # img feature for ernie-vil
│   │   ├──  # img feature for ernie-vil
│   │   ├──  # img feature for ernie-vil
│   │   ├──  # img feature for ernie-vil
│   │   ├── dev_seen.entity.jsonl
│   │   ├── dev_unseen.entity.jsonl
│   │   ├── test_seen.entity.jsonl
│   │   ├── test_unseen.entity.jsonl
│   │   ├── train_dev_all.entity.jsonl
│   │   └── train.entity.jsonl
│   └── entity_json   # web entity detection
│       ├── 05819.json
│       ├── ...
│       ├── 01236.0.json
│       └── 01236.1.json
└── ...

JSONl files with .eniity.jsonl extentions are the final output we will using to train the modified VL-BERT in the next step.