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Transparency Patcher FAQ

HoLLy edited this page Jan 26, 2017 · 2 revisions

Transparency Patcher F.A.Q.


First of all, here are the instructions to use the plugin.

  1. Have BetterDiscord installed. Duh.

  2. Install the plugin by saving it to the plugins folder in your BetterDiscord folder. This folder can be found in %appdata%/BetterDiscord/Plugins on Windows. Hitting the Windows and R key, enter that text, and hit enter, and the folder should be openen.
    Make sure you save the actual code to a file named TransparencyPatcher.plugin.js. If you don't know how to do this, go to this page and rightclick and select "Save as...". Make sure to save as a .js file, not a text file.

  3. Reload Discord to make the plugin appear in your BetterDiscord settings. You can do this by pressing CTRL+R

  4. Go to your BetterDiscord settings and press the settings button of the plugin. Then click the leftmost button.
    If the popup doesn't say that the patching was successful, something went wrong. Check your Discord console and send me what error you got.

  5. Now fully close Discord and reopen it again. This can be done through task manager or through the taskbar. Just closing it using the X at the top right (or left, if on Mac) won't work!

  6. Open Discord again, and now reload using CTRL+R.

  7. Your client should now be patched. Install a transparent theme such as mine to see it in action!

Frequently Asked Questions (and answers)

Q: Omg it's not working!!1!

A: Read the actual instructions. If you triple-checked you did every single step correctly, then you either still did something wrong or electron is being buggy. You can try restarting your pc or reinstalling Discord and BetterDiscord if you're desperate.

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