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This repository has been archived by the owner on Feb 1, 2024. It is now read-only.


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You do not want to use this (yet). While the underlying networking library is solid, the GUI interface is very bare-bones and doesn't offer any useful features. I may implement some more useful features in the future, but UI development is boring and motivation is low.


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This repository holds a launcher and MITM-based cheat for Bullet Force. It allows you both a convenient way to launch the game without bloated, ad-ridden websites that redownload the entire game every time, and cheats. I'm making this public because I've mostly lost interest and want to work on other projects, but I may continue working on it in the future.

This is a successor of BulletForceHax.

How does it work?

bulletforcehax2_server will build an executable that runs a webserver which hosts hosts a copy of the game and a web UI. Alongside the game, some javascript is shipped that will hook Unity's websocket and webrequest functions to modify all requests to go through the server. It will in turn forward it to the original destination and modify the in-transit packets where it's beneficial.

For more info, see and

Important notes

If hax is enabled, only a single client may be connected at once. This is because the hax state is tied to the lifetime of the proxy, so multiple simultaneous connections will cause the state to go mayham.


I just get a black window with text, but nothing else happens!

In your terminal you should see a link to http://localhost:48897. Click that link and you will see the web UI. This page contains another link to the game itself. You'll want to keep both windows open.

The game launches but I see no cheats!

By default, hax are disabled. Create a config.toml file that contains hax = true next to the exe.

You can check the --help output of the executable for more info. All cli arguments can also be entered in the config file.

BulletForceHaxV2 creates massive log files!

Make sure to run the game in release mode. This lowers the verbosity of file logs.

You're ruining the game!

Bullet Force uses an extremely client-authoritive networking model. I'd be surprised if the game wasn't filled with cheaters already. See this as a gentle prod to the developers to fix their shit.