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- rename parameters-matter to indices-matter
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- Fix computation of levels from indices not parameters.
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mattam82 committed Dec 13, 2012
1 parent 3942e48 commit e8f2a56
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Showing 6 changed files with 59 additions and 77 deletions.
75 changes: 29 additions & 46 deletions kernel/
Expand Up @@ -22,10 +22,10 @@ open Pp
(* Tell if indices (aka real arguments) contribute to size of inductive type *)
(* If yes, this is compatible with the univalent model *)

let parameters_matter = ref false
let indices_matter = ref false

let enforce_parameters_matter () = parameters_matter := true
let is_parameters_matter () = !parameters_matter
let enforce_indices_matter () = indices_matter := true
let is_indices_matter () = !indices_matter

(* Same as noccur_between but may perform reductions.
Could be refined more... *)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ let is_small_univ u =
let small_unit constrsinfos arsign_lev =
let issmall = List.for_all is_small constrsinfos in
let issmall' =
if constrsinfos <> [] && !parameters_matter then
if constrsinfos <> [] && !indices_matter then
issmall && is_small_univ arsign_lev
issmall in
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -194,15 +194,13 @@ let infer_constructor_packet env_ar_par ctx params lc =
let info = small_unit ( (infos_and_sort env_ar_par ctx) lc) in

(* If parameters matter *)
(* If indices matter *)
let cumulate_arity_large_levels env sign =
fst (List.fold_right
(fun (_,_,t as d) (lev,env) ->
let u, s = dest_prod_assum env t in
match kind_of_term s with
| Sort s -> let u = univ_of_sort s in
((if is_small_univ u then lev else sup u lev), push_rel d env)
| _ -> lev, push_rel d env)
let tj, _ = infer_type env t in
let u = univ_of_sort tj.utj_type in
((if is_small_univ u then lev else sup u lev), push_rel d env))
sign (type0m_univ,env))

(* Type-check an inductive definition. Does not check positivity
Expand All @@ -220,13 +218,6 @@ let typecheck_inductive env ctx mie =
(* Params are typed-checked here *)
let env' = push_constraints_to_env ctx env in
let (env_params, params), univs = infer_local_decls env' mie.mind_entry_params in
let paramlev =
(* The level of the inductive includes levels of parameters if
in parameters_matter mode *)
if !parameters_matter
then cumulate_arity_large_levels env' params
else type0m_univ
(* We first type arity of each inductive definition *)
(* This allows to build the environment of arities and to share *)
(* the set of constraints *)
Expand All @@ -251,7 +242,15 @@ let typecheck_inductive env ctx mie =
else let arity, ctx' = infer_type env_params ind.mind_entry_arity in
arity.utj_val, ctx'
(* let arity, ctx' = infer_type env_params ind.mind_entry_arity in *)
let lev =
(* The level of the inductive includes levels of indices if
in indices_matter mode *)
if !indices_matter
let (ctx, s) = dest_arity env_params arity in
Some (sup (univ_of_sort s) (cumulate_arity_large_levels env_params ctx))
else None
(* We do not need to generate the universe of full_arity; if
later, after the validation of the inductive definition,
full_arity is used as argument or subject to cast, an
Expand All @@ -264,10 +263,13 @@ let typecheck_inductive env ctx mie =
let lev =
(* Decide that if the conclusion is not explicitly Type *)
(* then the inductive type is not polymorphic *)
match kind_of_term ((strip_prod_assum arity)) with
| Sort (Type u) -> Some u
| _ -> None in
(env_ar',union_universe_context_set ctx ctx',(id,full_arity,lev)::l))
match lev with
| Some _ -> lev
| None ->
(match kind_of_term ((strip_prod_assum arity)) with
| Sort (Type u) -> Some u
| _ -> None)
in (env_ar',union_universe_context_set ctx ctx',(id,full_arity,lev)::l))
mie.mind_entry_inds in

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -299,7 +301,10 @@ let typecheck_inductive env ctx mie =
Array.fold_map2' (fun ((id,full_arity,ar_level),cn,info,lc,_) lev cst ->
let sign, s = dest_arity env full_arity in
let u = Term.univ_of_sort s in
let lev = sup lev paramlev in
let lev = match ar_level with
| Some alev -> sup lev alev
| None -> lev
let _ =
if is_type0m_univ u then () (* Impredicative prop + any universe is higher than prop *)
else if is_type0_univ u then
Expand All @@ -316,28 +321,6 @@ let typecheck_inductive env ctx mie =
(id,cn,lc,(sign,(info u,full_arity,s))), cst)
inds ind_min_levels (snd ctx)

(* let status,cst = match s with *)
(* | Type u when ar_level <> None (\* Explicitly polymorphic *\) *)
(* && no_upper_constraints u cst -> *)
(* (\* The polymorphic level is a function of the level of the *\) *)
(* (\* conclusions of the parameters *\) *)
(* (\* We enforce [u >= lev] in case [lev] has a strict upper *\) *)
(* (\* constraints over [u] *\) *)
(* let arity = mkArity (sign, Type lev) in *)
(* (info,arity,Type lev), enforce_leq lev u cst *)
(* | Type u (\* Not an explicit occurrence of Type *\) -> *)
(* (info,full_arity,s), enforce_leq lev u cst *)
(* | Prop Pos when engagement env <> Some ImpredicativeSet -> *)
(* (\* Predicative set: check that the content is indeed predicative *\) *)
(* if not (is_type0m_univ lev) & not (is_type0_univ lev) then *)
(* raise (InductiveError LargeNonPropInductiveNotInType); *)
(* (info,full_arity,s), cst *)
(* | Prop _ -> *)
(* (info,full_arity,s), cst in *)
(* (id,cn,lc,(sign,status)),cst) *)
(* inds ind_min_levels (snd ctx) in *)
let univs = (fst univs, cst) in
(env_arities, params, inds, univs)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -646,7 +629,7 @@ let allowed_sorts issmall isunit s =
(* informative elimination too *)
| InProp when isunit ->
if issmall then all_sorts
else if !parameters_matter then logical_sorts
else if !indices_matter then logical_sorts
else small_sorts

(* Other propositions: elimination only to Prop *)
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions kernel/indtypes.mli
Expand Up @@ -40,5 +40,5 @@ val check_inductive : env -> mutual_inductive -> mutual_inductive_entry -> mutua

(** The following enforces a system compatible with the univalent model *)

val enforce_parameters_matter : unit -> unit
val is_parameters_matter : unit -> bool
val enforce_indices_matter : unit -> unit
val is_indices_matter : unit -> bool
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion scripts/
Expand Up @@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ let parse_args () =
|"-q"|"-full"|"-profile"|"-just-parsing"|"-echo" |"-unsafe"|"-quiet"
|"-parameters-matter"|"-impredicative-set"|"-vm" as o) :: rem ->
|"-indices-matter"|"-impredicative-set"|"-vm" as o) :: rem ->
parse (cfiles,o::args) rem

| ("-where") :: _ ->
Expand Down
49 changes: 24 additions & 25 deletions toplevel/
Expand Up @@ -293,37 +293,39 @@ let extract_level env evd tys =
let sorts = (fun ty -> destSort (Retyping.get_type_of env evd ty)) tys in
Inductive.max_inductive_sort (Array.of_list sorts)

let inductive_levels env evdref paramlev arities inds =
let indices_level env evd sign =
fst (List.fold_right
(fun (_,_,t as d) (lev,env) ->
let s = destSort (Retyping.get_type_of env evd t) in
let u = univ_of_sort s in
(Univ.sup u lev, push_rel d env))
sign (Univ.type0m_univ,env))

let inductive_levels env evdref arities inds =
let destarities = (Reduction.dest_arity env) arities in
let levels = (fun (ctx,a) ->
if a = Prop Null then None else Some (univ_of_sort a)) destarities in
if a = Prop Null then None else Some (univ_of_sort a)) destarities
let cstrs_levels = (fun (_,tys,_) -> extract_level env !evdref tys) inds in
(* Take the transitive closure of the system of constructors *)
(* level constraints and remove the recursive dependencies *)
let levels' = Univ.solve_constraints_system (Array.of_list levels)
(Array.of_list cstrs_levels) in
List.iter2 (fun cu (_,iu) ->
List.iter2 (fun cu (ctx,iu) ->
if iu = Prop Null then (assert (Univ.is_type0m_univ cu))
else (
if not (Univ.is_type0m_univ paramlev) then
evdref := Evd.set_leq_sort !evdref (Type paramlev) iu;
if iu = Prop Pos then
(if not (Univ.is_type0m_univ cu) then
(evdref := Evd.set_leq_sort !evdref (Type cu) iu))
else (evdref := Evd.set_leq_sort !evdref (Type cu) iu)))
(Array.to_list levels') destarities;
if Indtypes.is_indices_matter () then (
let ilev = indices_level env !evdref ctx in
evdref := Evd.set_leq_sort !evdref (Type ilev) iu);
if iu = Prop Pos then
(if not (Univ.is_type0m_univ cu) then
(evdref := Evd.set_leq_sort !evdref (Type cu) iu))
else (evdref := Evd.set_leq_sort !evdref (Type cu) iu)
(Array.to_list levels') destarities;

let params_level env sign =
fst (List.fold_right
(fun (_,_,t as d) (lev,env) ->
let u, s = Reduction.dest_prod_assum env t in
match kind_of_term s with
| Sort s -> let u = univ_of_sort s in
(Univ.sup u lev, push_rel d env)
| _ -> lev, push_rel d env)
sign (Univ.type0m_univ,env))

let interp_mutual_inductive (paramsl,indl) notations poly finite =
check_all_names_different indl;
let env0 = Global.env() in
Expand All @@ -342,9 +344,6 @@ let interp_mutual_inductive (paramsl,indl) notations poly finite =
let fullarities = (fun (c, _) -> it_mkProd_or_LetIn c ctx_params) arities in
let env_ar = push_types env0 indnames fullarities in
let env_ar_params = push_rel_context ctx_params env_ar in
let paramlev =
if Indtypes.is_parameters_matter () then params_level env0 ctx_params
else Univ.type0m_univ in

(* Compute interpretation metadatas *)
let indimpls = (fun (_, impls) -> userimpls @
Expand All @@ -365,7 +364,7 @@ let interp_mutual_inductive (paramsl,indl) notations poly finite =
let evd = consider_remaining_unif_problems env_params !evdref in
evdref := Typeclasses.resolve_typeclasses ~filter:Typeclasses.no_goals ~fail:true env_params evd;
(* Compute renewed arities *)
let arities = inductive_levels env_ar_params evdref paramlev arities constructors in
let arities = inductive_levels env_ar_params evdref arities constructors in
let nf = e_nf_evars_and_universes evdref in
let constructors = (fun (idl,cl,impsl) -> (idl, nf cl,impsl)) constructors in
let ctx_params = Sign.map_rel_context nf ctx_params in
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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions toplevel/
Expand Up @@ -188,8 +188,8 @@ let parse_args arglist =
else if String.equal s "no" then Coq_config.with_geoproof := false
else usage ();
parse rem
| "-parameters-matter" :: rem ->
Indtypes.enforce_parameters_matter (); parse rem
| "-indices-matter" :: rem ->
Indtypes.enforce_indices_matter (); parse rem
| "-impredicative-set" :: rem ->
set_engagement Declarations.ImpredicativeSet; parse rem

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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion toplevel/
Expand Up @@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ let print_usage_channel co command =
\n -dump-glob f dump globalizations in file f (to be used by coqdoc)\
\n -with-geoproof (yes|no) to (de)activate special functions for Geoproof within Coqide (default is yes)\
\n -impredicative-set set sort Set impredicative\
\n -parameters-matter levels of parameters contribute to the level of inductives\
\n -indices-matter levels of indices (and nonuniform parameters) contribute to the level of inductives\
\n -force-load-proofs load opaque proofs in memory initially\
\n -lazy-load-proofs load opaque proofs in memory by necessity (default)\
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