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poppler 0.29 with qt5 support #40131

DrunkenMonkey85 opened this issue May 27, 2015 · 7 comments

poppler 0.29 with qt5 support #40131

DrunkenMonkey85 opened this issue May 27, 2015 · 7 comments


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Hi guys!

Last year i was able to build libpoppler (version 0.24.) with qt5 support by modifying the recipe with a few lines.
now these modification do not work, since the complete recipe structure has been changed.

could you guys pass me a hint how to modify the recipe poppler to get qt5 support?



P.S. i can attach the working recipe from last year if needed..

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P.S. i can attach the working recipe from last year if needed..

Please do 😃

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Here you are :)
As you can see this recipe used poppler 0.26 so i will be glad if we can figure out how to get the new version working...

btw. the chages were really simple ;-)

require 'formula'

class Poppler < Formula
  homepage ''
  url ''
  sha1 '1f5d08ee01683c309688f17116d18bf47b13f001'

  option 'with-qt4', 'Build Qt backend'
  option 'with-qt5', 'Build Qt5 backend'
  option 'with-glib', 'Build Glib backend' # requires cairo
  option 'with-lcms2', 'Use color management system'

  depends_on 'pkg-config' => :build

  depends_on 'libpng'
  depends_on 'fontconfig'
  depends_on 'openjpeg'

  depends_on 'qt' if build.with? 'qt4'
  depends_on 'qt5' if build.with? 'qt5'
  depends_on 'glib' => :optional
  depends_on 'little-cms2' if build.with? 'lcms2'
  depends_on 'cairo' if build.with? 'glib'

  conflicts_with 'pdftohtml', :because => 'both install `pdftohtml` binaries'

  conflicts_with 'pdf2image', 'xpdf',
    :because => 'poppler, pdf2image, and xpdf install conflicting executables'

  resource 'font-data' do
    url ''
    sha1 'f030563eed9f93912b1a546e6d87936d07d7f27d'

  def install
    if build.with? 'qt4'
      ENV['POPPLER_QT4_CFLAGS'] = `#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/bin/pkg-config QtCore QtGui --libs`.chomp
      ENV.append 'LDFLAGS', "-Wl,-F#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/lib"

    if build.with? 'qt5'
      ENV['POPPLER_QT5_CFLAGS'] = `#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/bin/pkg-config QtCore QtGui --libs`.chomp
      ENV.append 'LDFLAGS', "-Wl,-F#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/lib"
    args = ["--disable-dependency-tracking", "--prefix=#{prefix}", "--enable-xpdf-headers"]
    # Explicitly disable Qt if not requested because `POPPLER_QT4_CFLAGS` won't
    # be set and the build will fail.
    # Also, explicitly disable Glib as Poppler will find it and set up to
    # build, but Superenv will have stripped the Glib utilities out of the
    # PATH.
    args << ( build.with?('qt4') ? '--enable-poppler-qt4' : '--disable-poppler-qt4' )
    args << ( build.with?('qt5') ? '--enable-poppler-qt5' : '--disable-poppler-qt5' )
    args << ( build.with?('glib') ? '--enable-poppler-glib' : '--disable-poppler-glib' )
    args << ( build.with?('glib') ? '' : '--disable-cairo-output' )
    args << ( build.with?('lcms2') ? '--enable-cms=lcms2' : '' )

    system "./configure", *args
    system "make install"
    resource('font-data').stage { system "make", "install", "prefix=#{prefix}" }

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Hi guys...
if we want to use qt 5 with poppler, we need to add the pkg-config folder of qt 5 to the pkg_config_path.
but the configure script seems still to fail..

require 'formula'

class Poppler < Formula
  homepage ''
  url ''
  sha1 'ba3330ab884e6a139ca63dd84d0c1c676f545b5e'

  bottle do
    sha1 "b83e3b7fe032d69343367ceb481a0387e447e565" => :yosemite
    sha1 "c1693c4f5dddc088b6ea53640610918416d7e08c" => :mavericks
    sha1 "36ca1676e824fe8532ad6c6e826685c0e39ac808" => :mountain_lion

  option "with-qt", "Build Qt backend"
  option "with-qt5", "Build Qt5 backend"
  option "with-little-cms2", "Use color management system"

  deprecated_option "with-qt4" => "with-qt"
  deprecated_option "with-lcms2" => "with-little-cms2"

  depends_on 'pkg-config' => :build
  depends_on 'cairo'
  depends_on 'fontconfig'
  depends_on 'freetype'
  depends_on 'gettext'
  depends_on 'glib'
  depends_on 'gobject-introspection'
  depends_on 'jpeg'
  depends_on 'libpng'
  depends_on 'libtiff'
  depends_on 'openjpeg'

  depends_on "qt" => :optional
  depends_on "little-cms2" => :optional

  conflicts_with 'pdftohtml', :because => 'both install `pdftohtml` binaries'

  resource 'font-data' do
    url ''
    sha1 '556a5bebd0eb743e0d91819ba11fd79947d8c674'

  def install
    args = %W[

    if build.with? "qt"
      args << "--enable-poppler-qt4"
    elsif build.with? "qt5"
      args << "--enable-poppler-qt5"
      ENV.append_path "PKG_CONFIG_PATH" , "#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/opt/qt5/lib/pkgconfig"
      args << "--disable-poppler-qt4 --disable-poppler-qt5"

    args << "--enable-cms=lcms2" if build.with? "little-cms2"
    system "./configure", *args
    #system "make install"
    resource('font-data').stage { system "make", "install", "prefix=#{prefix}" }

checking for POPPLER_QT4... no
checking for POPPLER_QT5... yes
checking for POPPLER_QT5_TEST... yes
checking for moc... no
checking for Qt5 moc... no
checking for moc-qt5... no
checking for Qt5 moc-qt5... checking for qtchooser... no
checking for qtchooser... ./configure: line 23489: qtchooser: command not found

results in:
Building poppler with support for:
font configuration: fontconfig
splash output: yes
cairo output: yes
qt4 wrapper: no
qt5 wrapper: no
glib wrapper: yes
introspection: yes
cpp wrapper: yes
use gtk-doc: no
use libjpeg: yes
use libpng: yes
use libtiff: yes
use zlib: no
use libcurl: no
use libopenjpeg: yes

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Any suggestions?

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Hi guys!

Good news: it's working again! i'll be glad if you can add these changes to your upstream so everybody can take advantage of qt5 with poppler.

thank you

require 'formula'

class Poppler < Formula
  homepage ''
  url ''
  sha1 'ba3330ab884e6a139ca63dd84d0c1c676f545b5e'

  bottle do
    sha1 "b83e3b7fe032d69343367ceb481a0387e447e565" => :yosemite
    sha1 "c1693c4f5dddc088b6ea53640610918416d7e08c" => :mavericks
    sha1 "36ca1676e824fe8532ad6c6e826685c0e39ac808" => :mountain_lion

  option "with-qt", "Build Qt backend"
  option "with-qt5", "Build Qt5 backend" #added to support qt5
  option "with-little-cms2", "Use color management system"

  deprecated_option "with-qt4" => "with-qt"
  deprecated_option "with-lcms2" => "with-little-cms2"

  depends_on 'pkg-config' => :build
  depends_on 'cairo'
  depends_on 'fontconfig'
  depends_on 'freetype'
  depends_on 'gettext'
  depends_on 'glib'
  depends_on 'gobject-introspection'
  depends_on 'jpeg'
  depends_on 'libpng'
  depends_on 'libtiff'
  depends_on 'openjpeg'

  depends_on "qt" => :optional
  depends_on "qt5" => :optional         #added to support qt5
  depends_on "little-cms2" => :optional

  conflicts_with 'pdftohtml', :because => 'both install `pdftohtml` binaries'

  resource 'font-data' do
    url ''
    sha1 '556a5bebd0eb743e0d91819ba11fd79947d8c674'

  def install
    args = %W[

    if build.with? "qt"
      args << "--enable-poppler-qt4"
    #edded to support qt5
    elsif build.with? "qt5"
      args << "--enable-poppler-qt5"
      ENV.append_path "PKG_CONFIG_PATH" , "#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/opt/qt5/lib/pkgconfig"
      args << "--disable-poppler-qt4 --disable-poppler-qt5"

    args << "--enable-cms=lcms2" if build.with? "little-cms2"

    system "./configure", *args
    system "make install"
    resource('font-data').stage { system "make", "install", "prefix=#{prefix}" }

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skalee commented Sep 19, 2015

If anyone looks for follow-up, it's here: #40279.

@Homebrew Homebrew locked and limited conversation to collaborators Sep 20, 2015
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