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這題首先可以確定的點是,如果想要找到一條安全的路徑,那必須要先算出一個每個點的 Safety factor, 這裡的 Safety factor 定義是 Mahattan distance 與最小的盜賊的距離。

  • 因此這裡一定要使用 Multi source BFS 來計算 Safety factor,這樣計算的時間複雜度是 O(n)*O(n) = O(n2)
    • 最開始我是使用每次全部遍歷來計算 Safety factor,這樣的時間複雜度是 O(nt), t is the number of thiefs,速度差非常多

Multi Source Breadth First Search

其實 Multi Source Breadth First Search 就跟 Tree 的逐層遍歷很像,確保每個原點都是以相同的速度擴散,所以一次只能擴散一層。

1 0 0    1 2 0    1 2 3
0 0 0 => 2 0 2 => 2 3 2
0 0 1    0 2 1    3 2 1
  • 如果每次都只以 1 層的速度擴散,那麼就可以確保每個原點都是以相同的速度擴散找到 Safety factor

Multi Source BFS with Binary Search

如果確定了 Multi source BFS 的 Safety factor,那麼就可以考慮用什麼算法來找到最安全的路徑,並且求出最大的 Safety factor

  • Binary Search 的使用是基於這裡我們可以確定 Safety factor 的範圍
    • 這樣就可以用一個 Left 跟 Right 來試圖夾出最小的 Safety factor

以這個 Safety factor map 來舉例:

2 1 0
3 2 1
4 3 2

Left = 0, Right = 4, Mid = 2

  1. 找尋是否有一條路徑可以通過 Safety factor >= 2
    • True, Res = 2, Left = 3
  2. 找尋是否有一條路徑可以通過 Safety factor >= 3
    • False, Right = 2
  3. Left < Right End Search, Return Res.

這種方式雖然還是要做多次的 BFS,但可以把搜尋次數下降到 Log(n)。

  • Time Complexity O(n2log(n)).
    • Multi Source BFS is O(n2)
    • Binary Search from 0 to n2 is O(log(n))


const (
    intMax int = int(^uint(0) >> 1)

var (
    directions = [][]int{{0, 1}, {0, -1}, {1, 0}, {-1, 0}}

func maximumSafenessFactor(grid [][]int) int {
    // Find all thiefs and initialization grid.
    thiefs := [][]int{}
    for i := range grid {
        for j := range grid {
            if grid[i][j] == 1 {
                grid[i][j] = 0
                thiefs = append(thiefs, []int{i, j})
            } else{
                grid[i][j] = -1

    // Multi Source BFS to calculate each element safeness.
    multiSourceBFS(&grid, thiefs)
    maxSafe := 0
    for i := range grid {
        for j := range grid[i] {
            maxSafe = max(maxSafe, grid[i][j])

    res := 0
    left, right := 0, maxSafe
    for left <= right {
        mid := left + (right - left) / 2
        if bfs(grid, mid) {
            res = mid
            left = mid + 1
        } else {
            right = mid - 1

    return res

func bfs(grid [][]int, mid int) bool {
    n, m := len(grid), len(grid[0])
    if grid[0][0] < mid || grid[n-1][n-1] < mid {
        return false

    visited := map[int]bool{ 0:true }
    queue := []int{0}
    for len(queue) > 0 {
        // Decode index to [i, j], is to store it as x*n+y when storing.
        i, j := queue[0]/n, queue[0]%n
        queue = queue[1:]
        if i == n-1 && j == n -1 {
            return true
        for _, d := range directions {
            x, y := i+d[0], j+d[1]
            if x < 0 || x >= n || y < 0 || y >= m {
            if visited[x*n+y] || grid[x][y] < mid {
            queue = append(queue, x*n+y)
            visited[x*n+y] = true
    return false

func multiSourceBFS(grid *[][]int, queue [][]int) {
    n, m := len((*grid)), len((*grid)[0])
    for len(queue) > 0 {
        size := len(queue)
        for i := 0; i < size; i++ {
            cur := queue[i]
            i, j := cur[0], cur[1]
            for _, d := range directions {
                di, dj := i+d[0], j+d[1]
                if di < 0 || di >= n || dj < 0 || dj >= m {
                if (*grid)[di][dj] != -1 {
                (*grid)[di][dj] = (*grid)[i][j] + 1
                queue = append(queue, []int{di, dj})
        queue = queue[size:]

Multi Source BFS with Max Heap BFS

當然最直覺的方式是直接找出一條最大安全的路徑,並且可以從左上到達右下,這樣就需要用 Max Heap BFS 來進行,前面的部分都是一樣的, 但是在 Search 的部分就需要改變一下。

  • BFS 通常是使用 Queue 來進行,但是也可以用 MaxHeap 來進行,這樣就可以確保每次都是取出最大的 Safety factor 來進行搜尋

以這個 Safety factor map 來舉例,在每次 Pop 出來的都是最大的 Safety factor cell,只要在這條路徑上找最小的 Safety factor 就可以了:

2 1 0
3 2 1
4 3 2
  • Heap [2], Pop 2, Push 1, 3, Res = 2
  • Heap [3, 1], Pop 3, Push 2, 4, Res = 2
  • Heap [4, 2, 1], Pop 4, Push 3, Res = 2
  • Heap [3, 2, 2, 1], Pop 3, Push 2, Res = 2
  • Heap [2, 2, 1], Pop 2, Push 1, Res = 2
  • Heap [2, 1, 1], Pop 2, To the end.
    • Return 2


import (

const (
    intMax int = int(^uint(0) >> 1)

var (
    directions = [][]int{{0, 1}, {0, -1}, {1, 0}, {-1, 0}}

func maximumSafenessFactor(grid [][]int) int {
    // Find all thiefs and initialization grid.
    thiefs := []int{}
    n := len(grid)
    for i := range grid {
        for j := range grid {
            if grid[i][j] == 1 {
                grid[i][j] = 0
                thiefs = append(thiefs, i*n+j)
            } else{
                grid[i][j] = -1

    // Multi Source BFS to calculate each element safeness.
    multiSourceBFS(&grid, thiefs)
    maxSafe := 0
    for i := range grid {
        for j := range grid[i] {
            maxSafe = max(maxSafe, grid[i][j])

    return maxHeapBFS(grid)

// Multi source BFS to calculate each element safeness.
func multiSourceBFS(grid *[][]int, queue []int) {
    n, m := len((*grid)), len((*grid)[0])
    for len(queue) > 0 {
        size := len(queue)
        for i := 0; i < size; i++ {
            i, j := queue[i]/n, queue[i]%n
            for _, d := range directions {
                x, y := i+d[0], j+d[1]
                if x < 0 || x >= n || y < 0 || y >= m {
                if (*grid)[x][y] != -1 {
                (*grid)[x][y] = (*grid)[i][j] + 1
                queue = append(queue, x*n+y)
        queue = queue[size:]

type Cell struct {
    safeness int
    index int

type CellMaxHeap []Cell

func (h CellMaxHeap) Len() int {
     return len(h) 

func (h CellMaxHeap) Less(i, j int) bool {
    return h[i].safeness > h[j].safeness

func (h CellMaxHeap) Swap(i, j int) {
    h[i], h[j] = h[j], h[i]

func (h *CellMaxHeap) Push(x interface{}) {
    *h = append(*h, x.(Cell))

func (h *CellMaxHeap) Pop() interface{} {
    old := *h
    n := len(old)
    x := old[n-1]
    *h = old[0 : n-1]
    return x

// Find a path from the grid start to the end.
func maxHeapBFS(grid [][]int) int {
    n, m := len(grid), len(grid[0])
    if grid[0][0] == 0 && grid[n-1][m-1] == 0 {
        return 0

    res := intMax
    cells := &CellMaxHeap{}
    heap.Push(cells, Cell{safeness: grid[0][0], index: 0})
    visited := map[int]bool{ 0: true }
    for cells.Len() > 0 {
        cur := heap.Pop(cells).(Cell)
        i, j := cur.index/n, cur.index%n
        res = min(res, grid[i][j])
        if i == n-1 && j == n-1 {
            return res
        for _, d := range directions {
            x, y := i+d[0], j+d[1]
            if x < 0 || x >= n || y < 0 || y >= m {
            if visited[x*n+y] {
            heap.Push(cells, Cell{safeness: grid[x][y], index: x*n+y})
            visited[x*n+y] = true
    return 0