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本篇文章主要讲解如何与三菱PLC进行数据交互,使用协议MC协议,目前支持Qna兼容3E帧的二进制通讯和ASCII通讯, 更多的协议帧支持以后再说,在和PLC通讯前,需要现在PLC侧进行网络参数的配置,配置成功后才能保证通讯成功。

This article mainly explains how to interact with Mitsubishi PLC data, using the protocol MC protocol, currently supports Qna compatible 3E frame binary communication and ASCII communication, more protocol frame support will be said later, before communication with PLC, need PLC side Configure the network parameters. After the configuration is successful, the communication can be guaranteed.


QQ Group : 592132877




Configure the relevant parameters on the Mitsubishi PLC side. Refer to the picture below

Picture Picture


1. Add namespace

using HslCommunication.Profinet.Melsec;
using HslCommunication;

2. Declare

private MelsecMcNet melsec_net = null;

if you want to us asicc format to communicate

private MelsecMcAsciiNet melsec_ascii_net = null;

3. Instantiation

 // specify plc ip address and port
 melsec_net = new MelsecMcNet("",2000);

If we want to know whether connectd, we can do like this

OperateResult connect = melsec_net.ConnectServer( );
if (connect.IsSuccess)
    // success
    // failed

4. Close the connection when the program exits

 melsec_net.ConnectClose( );

Exchange Data

Show some examples read from plc and write into plc

1. Read M100 to M109

OperateResult<bool[]> read = melsec_net.ReadBool( "M100", 10 );
    bool m100 = read.Content[0];
    // and so on
    bool m109 = read.Content[9];
    // failed

2. Write M100 to M109

bool[] values = new bool[] { true, false, true, true, false, true, false, true, true, false };
OperateResult read = melsec_net.Write( "M100", values );
if (read.IsSuccess)
    // success
    // failed

Not only 'M' dataType, but also 'X','Y','L','F','V','B','S'

3. Read D100 Include Many Data Types

short d100_short = melsec_net.ReadInt16( "D100" ).Content;
ushort d100_ushort = melsec_net.ReadUInt16( "D100" ).Content;
int d100_int = melsec_net.ReadInt32( "D100" ).Content;
uint d100_uint = melsec_net.ReadUInt32( "D100" ).Content;
long d100_long = melsec_net.ReadInt64( "D100" ).Content;
ulong d100_ulong = melsec_net.ReadUInt64( "D100" ).Content;
float d100_float = melsec_net.ReadFloat( "D100" ).Content;
double d100_double = melsec_net.ReadDouble( "D100" ).Content;
// need to specify the text length
string d100_string = melsec_net.ReadString( "D100", 10 ).Content;

4. Write D100 Include Many Data Types

melsec_net.Write( "D100", (short)5 );
melsec_net.Write( "D100", (ushort)5 );
melsec_net.Write( "D100", 5 );
melsec_net.Write( "D100", (uint)5 );
melsec_net.Write( "D100", (long)5 );
melsec_net.Write( "D100", (ulong)5 );
melsec_net.Write( "D100", 5f );
melsec_net.Write( "D100", 5d );
// length should Multiples of 2 
melsec_net.Write( "D100", "12345678" );

Not only 'D' dataType, but also 'D','W','R'

This library alse support write array values.

5. Read complex data, for example, D100-D109 contains all data you want

Data name Data section Data type Data Length
count D100-D101 int 4-byte
temp D102-D103 float 4-byte
name1 D104-D105 short 2-byte
barcode D106-D109 string 10-byte

So we can do like this

OperateResult<byte[]> read = melsec_net.Read( "D100", 10 );
    int count = melsec_net.ByteTransform.TransInt32( read.Content, 0 );
    float temp = melsec_net.ByteTransform.TransSingle( read.Content, 4 );
    short name1 = melsec_net.ByteTransform.TransInt16( read.Content, 8 );
    string barcode = Encoding.ASCII.GetString( read.Content, 10, 10 );

6. Implementing custom type reads and writes

We found the code above is awkward and we want to improve.

First, Inherit and implement interface methods

public class UserType : HslCommunication.IDataTransfer
    #region IDataTransfer

    private HslCommunication.Core.IByteTransform ByteTransform = new HslCommunication.Core.RegularByteTransform();

    public ushort ReadCount => 10;

    public void ParseSource( byte[] Content )
        int count = ByteTransform.TransInt32( Content, 0 );
        float temp = ByteTransform.TransSingle( Content, 4 );
        short name1 = ByteTransform.TransInt16( Content, 8 );
        string barcode = Encoding.ASCII.GetString( Content, 10, 10 );

    public byte[] ToSource( )
        byte[] buffer = new byte[20];
        ByteTransform.TransByte( count ).CopyTo( buffer, 0 );
        ByteTransform.TransByte( temp ).CopyTo( buffer, 4 );
        ByteTransform.TransByte( name1 ).CopyTo( buffer, 8 );
        Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes( barcode ).CopyTo( buffer, 10 );
        return buffer;


    #region Public Data

    public int count { get; set; }

    public float temp { get; set; }

    public short name1 { get; set; }

    public string barcode { get; set; }


So we can do like this

OperateResult<UserType> read = melsec_net.ReadCustomer<UserType>( "D100" );
if (read.IsSuccess)
    UserType value = read.Content;
// write value
melsec_net.WriteCustomer( "D100", new UserType( ) );

Supported data types and examples

Data Name Data Type Address Format Example Address
X bool Hex X0, X1A0
Y bool Hex X0, Y1A0
M bool Decimal M100, M200
L bool Decimal L100, L200
F bool Decimal F100, F200
V bool Decimal V100, V200
B bool Hex B0, B1A0
S bool Decimal S100, S200
D word Decimal D100, D200
W word Hex W0, W1A0
R word Decimal R100, R200
Z word Decimal Z0, Z100

Log Support

This component can also achieve log output. Here is an example. The specific log function refers to the logbook.

melsec_net.LogNet = new HslCommunication.LogNet.LogNetSingle( Application.StartupPath + "\\Logs.txt" );


For more details, you can download source code, refer to HslCommunicationDemo project