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A short introduction to RoGeR

The model architecture

We adapted the model architecture from [Haefner2018].

  1. Easy to access: Python modules are simple to install, and projects like Anaconda are doing a great job in creating platform-independent environments.
  2. Easy to use: Anyone with some experience can use their favourite Python tools to pre-process rquired data, set up, modify, and post-process simulations with RoGeR.
  3. Easy to modify: Due to Python's popularity, available abstractions, and dynamic nature, RoGeR can be extended and modified with relatively little effort.

However, choosing Python over a compiled language like Fortran or C usually comes at a high computational cost. We overcome this gap by using JAX, a framework that can act as a high-performance replacement for NumPy. JAX takes care of all performance optimizations in the background, and runs on CPUs and GPUs.

Available processes

Here, we provide a brief overview for the available processes and their underlying theories:

Soil hydraulics:

  • soil hydraulic parameters are approximated by the Brooks-Corey scheme ([Brooks1966]).


  • rainfall and snowfall interception by vegetation ([Larsim2021])


  • snow accumulation
  • delayed snow melt is based on degree-day approach and water retention of snow cover ([Larsim2021])
  • rain-on-snow



  • evaporation from interception and surface storage
  • soil evaporation based on Stage I (i.e. energy limiting stage) and Stage II (i.e. falling rate stage) ([Torres2010]).


  • combination of residual potential evapotranspiration and vegetation-specific coeffcient

Subsurface Runoff:


Capillary rise:

Groundwater flow:

  • spatial explicit representation of shallow groundwater follows the aproach presented in [Stoll2010]

Crop phenology and crop rotation:

  • time-varying crop canopy cover and crop root depth is implemented as in [Steduto2009]

Solute transport:

  • StorAge selection (SAS) functions ([Rinaldo2015]) are coupled with hydrologic simulations. SAS functions are used to calculate travel time distributions, residence time distribution and solute concentrations

Biogeochemical processes:

  • Solute specific transformation processes, for example, denitrification ([Kunkel2012]) or soil temperature ([Hillel1998])

Available pre-defined model structures


  • only vertical processes are considered
  • no lateral processes


  • same as SVAT, but crop phenology (i.e. varying rooting depth and varying canopy cover) is explicitly represented


  • vertical and lateral processes are considered


  • vertical and lateral processes are considered
  • simulation of a single event


  • calculates offline coupled oxygen-18 transport based on the hydrologic simulations with the SVAT model


  • calculates offline coupled bromide transport based on the hydrologic simulations with the SVAT model


Diagnostics are responsible for handling all model output, sanity checks of the solution, and restart file handling. They are implemented in a modular fashion, so additional diagnostics can be implemented easily. Already implemented diagnostics handle snapshot output, aggregation of variables, and monitoring of mass balance.

For more information, see :doc:`/reference/diagnostics`.

Pre-defined model setups

RoGeR supports a wide range of pre-configured models. Several setups are already implemented that highlight some of the capabilities of RoGeR, and that serve as a basis for users to set up their own configuration: :doc:`/reference/model-gallery`.

Current limitations

RoGeR is still in development. There are many open issues that we would like to fix later on:

  • A routing scheme is not implemented, yet
  • Simulations with biogeochemical processes have not been compared to measured data
  • Simulations with gravity-driven infiltration have not been compared to measured data
  • Sowing and harvesting of crops is time-invariant i.e. fixed dates are assumed for sowing and harvesting


[Brooks1966]Brooks, R. H., and Corey, A. T.: Properties of porous media affecting fluid flow, Journal of the Irrigation and Drainage Division, 92, 61-90, 1966.
[Germann2018](1, 2) Germann, P. F. and Prasuhn, V.: Viscous Flow Approach to Rapid Infiltration and Drainage in a Weighing Lysimeter, Vadose Zone Journal, 17, 170020, 2018.
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[Harman2015]Harman, C. J.: Time-variable transit time distributions and transport: Theory and application to storage-dependent transport of chloride in a watershed, Water Resources Research, 51, 1-30, 2015.
[Hillel1998]Hillel, D.: Environmental soil physics, Academic Press, London, UK, 1998.
[Kunkel2012]Kunkel, R., and Wendland, F.: Diffuse Nitrateinträge in die Grund- und Oberflächengewässer von Rhein und Ems - Ist-Zustands- und Maßnahmenanalysen, Forschungszentrum Jülich, Jülich, Germany, 143, 2012.
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[Stoll2010]Stoll, S. and Weiler, M.: Explicit simulations of stream networks to guide hydrological modelling in ungauged basins, Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 14, 1435-1448, 2010.
[Torres2010]Torres, E. A. and Calera, A.: Bare soil evaporation under high evaporation demand: a proposed modification to the FAO-56 model, Hydrological Sciences Journal, 55, 303-315, 2010.
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