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Unit Testing with Pytest

Brownie utilizes the pytest framework for unit testing. You may wish to view the pytest documentation if you have not used it previously.

Test scripts are stored in the tests/ folder of your project. To run the complete test suite:

$ pytest tests

Brownie Pytest Fixtures

Brownie provides pytest fixtures which allow you to interact with your project. To use a fixture, add an argument with the same name to the inputs of your test function.

Session Fixtures

These fixtures provide quick access to Brownie objects that are frequently used during testing. If you are unfamiliar with these objects, you may wish to read interaction.

If you are accessing the same object across many tests in the same module, you may prefer to import it from the brownie package instead of accessing it via fixtures. The following two examples will work identically:

def test_account_balance(accounts):
    assert accounts[0].balance() == "100 ether"

def test_account_nonce(accounts):
    assert accounts[0].nonce == 0
from brownie import accounts

def test_account_balance():
    assert accounts[0].balance() == "100 ether"

def test_account_nonce():
    assert accounts[0].nonce == 0

Contract Fixtures

Brownie creates dynamically named fixtures to access each api-network-contractcontainer object within a project. Fixtures are generated for all deployable contracts and libraries.

For example - if your project contains a contract named Token, there will be a Token fixture available.

from brownie import accounts

def test_token_deploys(Token):
    token = accounts[0].deploy(Token, "Test Token", "TST", 18, "1000 ether")
    assert == "Test Token"

Handling Reverted Transactions

When running tests, transactions that revert raise a VirtualMachineError exception. To write assertions around this you can use pytest.reverts as a context manager. It functions very similarly to pytest.raises.

import pytest

def test_transfer_reverts(Token):
    token = accounts[0].deploy(Token, "Test Token", "TST", 18, "1000 ether")
    with pytest.reverts():
        token.transfer(accounts[1], "2000 ether", {'from': accounts[0]})

You may optionally supply a string as an argument. If given, the error string returned by the transaction must match it in order for the test to pass.

import pytest

def test_transfer_reverts(Token):
    token = accounts[0].deploy(Token, "Test Token", "TST", 18, "1000 ether")
    with pytest.reverts("Insufficient Balance"):
        token.transfer(accounts[1], "9001 ether", {'from': accounts[0]})

Developer Revert Comments

Each revert string adds a minimum 20000 gas to your contract deployment cost, and increases the cost for a function to execute. Including a revert string for every require and revert statement is often impractical and sometimes simply not possible due to the block gas limit.

For this reason, Brownie allows you to include revert strings as source code comments that are not included in the bytecode but still accessible via TransactionReceipt.revert_msg. You write tests that target a specific require or revert statement without increasing gas costs.

Revert string comments must begin with // dev: in order for Brownie to recognize them. Priority is always given to compiled revert strings. Some examples:

function revertExamples(uint a) external {
    require(a != 2, "is two");
    require(a != 3); // dev: is three
    require(a != 4, "cannot be four"); // dev: is four
    require(a != 5); // is five
  • Line 2 will use the given revert string "is two"
  • Line 3 will substitute in the string supplied on the comments: "dev: is three"
  • Line 4 will use the given string "cannot be four" and ignore the subsitution string.
  • Line 5 will have no revert string. The comment did not begin with "dev:" and so is ignored.

If the above function is executed in the console:

>>> tx = test.revertExamples(3)
Transaction sent: 0xd31c1c8db46a5bf2d3be822778c767e1b12e0257152fcc14dcf7e4a942793cb4
test.revertExamples confirmed (dev: is three) - block: 2   gas used: 31337 (6.66%)
<Transaction object '0xd31c1c8db46a5bf2d3be822778c767e1b12e0257152fcc14dcf7e4a942793cb4'>

>>> tx.revert_msg
'dev: is three'

Isolating Tests

Module Isolation

In most cases you will want to isolate your tests from one another by resetting the local environment in between modules. Brownie provides the module_isolation fixture to accomplish this. This fixture calls Rpc.reset() before and after completion of the module, ensuring a clean environment for this module and that the results of it will not affect subsequent modules.

The module_isolation fixture is always the first module-scoped fixture to execute.

To apply the fixture to all tests in a module, include the following fixture within the module:

import pytest

@pytest.fixture(scope="module", autouse=True)
def setup(module_isolation):

You can also place this fixture in a file to apply it across many modules.

Function Isolation

Brownie provides the function scoped fn_isolation fixture, used to isolate individual test functions. This fixture takes a snapshot of the local environment before running each test, and revert to it after the test completes.

In the example below, the assert statement in test_isolated passes because the state is reverted in between tests. If you remove the isolation fixture the test will fail.

import pytest

def isolation(fn_isolation):

def test_transfer(accounts):
    accounts[0].transfer(accounts[1], "10 ether")
    assert accounts[1].balance() == "110 ether"

def test_isolated(accounts):
    assert accounts[1].balance() == "100 ether"

Defining a Shared Initial State

The fn_isolation fixture is always the first function-scoped fixture to execute. A common pattern is to include one or more module-scoped setup fixtures that define the initial test conditions, and then use fn_isolation to revert to this base state at the start of each test. For example:

import pytest

@pytest.fixture(scope="module", autouse=True)
def token(Token, accounts):
    t = accounts[0].deploy(Token, "Test Token", "TST", 18, 1000)
    yield t

def isolation(fn_isolation):

def test_transfer(token, accounts):
    token.transfer(accounts[1], 100, {'from': accounts[0]})
    assert token.balanceOf(accounts[0]) == 900

def test_chain_reverted(token):
    assert token.balanceOf(accounts[0]) == 1000

The sequence of events in the above example is:

  1. The setup phase of module_isolation runs, resetting the local environment.
  2. The module-scoped token fixture runs, deploying a Token contract with a total supply of 1000 tokens.
  3. The setup phase of the function-scoped fn_isolation fixture runs. A snapshot of the blockchain is taken.
  4. test_transfer runs, transferring 100 tokens from accounts[0] to accounts[1]
  5. The teardown phase of fn_isolation runs. The blockchain is reverted to it's state before test_transfer.
  6. The setup phase of the fn_isolation fixture runs again. Another snapshot is taken - identical to the previous one.
  7. test_chain_reverted runs. The assert statement passes because of the fn_isolation fixture.
  8. The teardown phase of fn_isolation runs. The blockchain is reverted to it's state before test_chain_reverted.
  9. The teardown phase of module_isolation runs, resetting the local environment.

Additionally, remember that module-scoped fixtures will always execute prior to function-scoped. New module-scoped fixtures can be introduced part way through a module, and in this way modify the setup snapshot. Expanding on the previous example:

import pytest

@pytest.fixture(scope="module", autouse=True)
def token(Token, accounts):
    t = accounts[0].deploy(Token, "Test Token", "TST", 18, 1000)
    yield t

def transfer_tokens(token, accounts):
    token.transfer(accounts[1], 100, {'from': accounts[0]})

def isolation(fn_isolation):

def test_transfer(token, accounts):
    token.transfer(accounts[1], 100, {'from': accounts[0]})
    assert token.balanceOf(accounts[0]) == 900

def test_chain_reverted(token):
    assert token.balanceOf(accounts[0]) == 1000

def test_module_fixture_transfer(transfer_tokens, token):
    token.transfer(accounts[1], 50, {'from': accounts[0]})
    assert token.balanceOf(accounts[0]) == 850

def test_snapshot_altered(token):
    assert token.balanceOf(accounts[0]) == 900

Let's look at the sequence of events, starting from the teardown of test_chain_reverted (step 8 in the previous example):

  1. The teardown phase of fn_isolation runs. The blockchain is reverted to it's state before test_chain_reverted.
  2. The module-scoped transfer_tokens fixture runs. 100 tokens are transferred to accounts[1].
  3. The setup phase of fn_isolation runs. A new snapshot is taken, this time including the transfer performed by transfer_tokens.
  4. test_module_fixture_transfer runs. 50 tokens are transferred and the assert statement passes.
  5. The teardown phase of fn_isolation runs. The state is reverted to immediately before test_module_fixture_transfer was run.
  6. The setup phase of fn_isolation runs. Another snapshot is taken - identical to the previous one.
  7. test_snapshot_altered runs. The assertion passes.
  8. fn_isolation and then module_isolation perform their final teardowns. The local environment is reset and the module is completed.

Coverage Evaluation

Test coverage is calculated by generating a map of opcodes associated with each statement and branch of the source code, and then analyzing the stack trace of each transaction to see which opcodes executed. See "Evaluating Solidity Code Coverage via Opcode Tracing" for a more detailed explanation of how coverage evaluation works.

During coverage analysis, all contract calls are executed as transactions. This gives a more accurate coverage picture by allowing analysis of methods that are typically non-state changing. A snapshot is taken before each of these calls-as-transactions and the state is reverted immediately after, to ensure that the outcome of the test is not affected. For tests that involve many calls this can result in significantly slower execution time.


Coverage analysis is stored on a per-transaction basis. If you repeat an identical transaction, Brownie will not have to analyze it. It is good to keep this in mind when designing setup fixtures, especially for large test suites.

Coverage Fixtures

Brownie provides fixtures that allow you to alter the behaviour of tests when coverage evaluation is active. They are useful for tests with many repetitive functions, to avoid the slowdown caused by debug_traceTransaction queries.

Both of these fixtures are function-scoped.

Running Tests

Test scripts are stored in the tests/ folder. Test discovery follows the standard pytest discovery rules.

To run the complete test suite:

$ pytest tests

Or to run a specific test:

$ pytest tests/


Because of Brownie's dynamically named contract fixtures, you cannot run pytest outside of the Brownie project folder.

Test results are saved at build/tests.json. This file holds the results of each test, coverage analysis data, and hashes that are used to determine if any related files have changed since the tests last ran. If you abort test execution early via a KeyboardInterrupt, results are only be saved for modules that fully completed.

Only Running Updated Tests

After the test suite has been run once, you can use the --update flag to only repeat tests where changes have occured:

$ pytest tests --update

A module must use the module_isolation or fn_isolation fixture in every test function in order to be skipped in this way.

The pytest console output will represent skipped tests with an "s", but it will be colored green or red to indicate if the test passed when it last ran.

If coverage analysis is also active, tests that previously completed but were not analyzed will be re-run. The final coverage report will include results for skipped modules.

Brownie compares hashes of the following items to check if a test should be re-run:

  • The bytecode for every contract deployed during execution of the test
  • The AST of the test module
  • The AST of all modules that are accessible to the test module

Evaluating Coverage

To check your unit test coverage, add the --coverage flag when running pytest:

$ pytest tests/ --coverage

When the tests complete, a report will display:

Coverage analysis:

  contract: Token - 82.3%
    SafeMath.add - 66.7%
    SafeMath.sub - 100.0%
    Token.<fallback> - 0.0%
    Token.allowance - 100.0%
    Token.approve - 100.0%
    Token.balanceOf - 100.0%
    Token.decimals - 0.0% - 100.0%
    Token.symbol - 0.0%
    Token.totalSupply - 100.0%
    Token.transfer - 85.7%
    Token.transferFrom - 100.0%

Coverage report saved at reports/coverage.json

Brownie outputs a % score for each contract method that you can use to quickly gauge your overall coverage level. A detailed coverage report is also saved in the project's reports folder, that can be viewed via the Brownie GUI. See coverage-gui for more information.

Configuration Settings

The following test configuration settings are available in brownie-config.yaml. These settings affect the behaviour of your tests.

    gas_limit: 6721975
    default_contract_owner: false
    reverting_tx_gas_limit: 6721975
    revert_traceback: false