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Managing Local Accounts

When connecting to a remote network via a hosted node such as Infura, the Accounts <> container will be empty. Before you can perform any transactions you must add a local account to Brownie.

When we use the term local it implies that the account exists locally on your system, as opposed to being available directly in the node. Local accounts are stored in encrypted JSON files known as keystores. If you want to learn more about keystore files, you can read If you want to understand the contents of your json file you can read "What is an Ethereum keystore file?" by Julien Maffre.

Account Management

You can manage your locally available accounts via the brownie accounts commandline.

Generating a New Account

To generate a new account using the command line:

$ brownie accounts generate <id>

You will be asked to choose a password for the account. Brownie will then generate a random private key, and make the account available as <id>.

Importing from a Private Key

To add a new account via private key:

$ brownie accounts new <id>

You will be asked to input the private key, and to choose a password. The account will then be available as <id>.

Importing from a Keystore

You can import an existing JSON keystore into Brownie using the commandline:

$ brownie accounts import <id> <path>

Once imported the account is available as <id>.

Exporting a Keystore

To export an existing account as a JSON keystore file:

$ brownie accounts export <id> <path>

The exported account will be saved at <path>.

Unlocking Accounts

In order to access a local account from a script or console, you must first unlock it. This is done via the Accounts.load <Accounts.load> method:

>>> accounts
>>> accounts.load(id)
>>> accounts.load('my_account')
Enter the password for this account:
<LocalAccount object '0xa9c2DD830DfFE8934fEb0A93BAbcb6e823e1FF05'>
>>> accounts
[<LocalAccount object '0xa9c2DD830DfFE8934fEb0A93BAbcb6e823e1FF05'>]

Once the account is unlocked it will be available for use within the Accounts <> container.