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Hypothesis tries to have good defaults for its behaviour, but sometimes that's not enough and you need to tweak it.

The mechanism for doing this is the ~hypothesis.settings object. You can set up a @given <hypothesis.given> based test to use this using a settings decorator:

@given <hypothesis.given> invocation is as follows:

from hypothesis import given, settings

def test_this_thoroughly(x):

This uses a ~hypothesis.settings object which causes the test to receive a much larger set of examples than normal.

This may be applied either before or after the given and the results are the same. The following is exactly equivalent:

from hypothesis import given, settings

def test_this_thoroughly(x):

Available settings


Controlling What Runs

Hypothesis divides tests into four logically distinct phases:

  1. Running explicit examples provided with the @example decorator <providing-explicit-examples>.
  2. Rerunning a selection of previously failing examples to reproduce a previously seen error
  3. Generating new examples.
  4. Attempting to shrink an example found in phases 2 or 3 to a more manageable one (explicit examples cannot be shrunk).

The phases setting provides you with fine grained control over which of these run, with each phase corresponding to a value on the ~hypothesis._settings.Phase enum:

  1. Phase.explicit controls whether explicit examples are run.
  2. Phase.reuse controls whether previous examples will be reused.
  3. Phase.generate controls whether new examples will be generated.
  4. Phase.shrink controls whether examples will be shrunk.

The phases argument accepts a collection with any subset of these. e.g. settings(phases=[Phase.generate, Phase.shrink]) will generate new examples and shrink them, but will not run explicit examples or reuse previous failures, while settings(phases=[Phase.explicit]) will only run the explicit examples.

Seeing intermediate result

To see what's going on while Hypothesis runs your tests, you can turn up the verbosity setting. This works with both ~hypothesis.core.find and @given <hypothesis.given>.

>>> from hypothesis import find, settings, Verbosity >>> from hypothesis.strategies import lists, integers >>> find(lists(integers()), any, settings=settings(verbosity=Verbosity.verbose)) Tried non-satisfying example [] Found satisfying example [-1198601713, -67, 116, -29578] Shrunk example to [-67, 116, -29578] Shrunk example to [116, -29578] Shrunk example to [-29578] Shrunk example to [-115] Shrunk example to [115] Shrunk example to [-57] Shrunk example to [29] Shrunk example to [-14] Shrunk example to [-7] Shrunk example to [4] Shrunk example to [2] Shrunk example to [1] [1]

The four levels are quiet, normal, verbose and debug. normal is the default, while in quiet mode Hypothesis will not print anything out, not even the final falsifying example. debug is basically verbose but a bit more so. You probably don't want it.

If you are using pytest, you may also need to disable output capturing for passing tests <pytest:capture>.

Building settings objects

Settings can be created by calling ~hypothesis.settings with any of the available settings values. Any absent ones will be set to defaults:

>>> from hypothesis import settings >>> settings().max_examples 100 >>> settings(max_examples=10).max_examples 10

You can also pass a 'parent' settings object as the first argument, and any settings you do not specify as keyword arguments will be copied from the parent settings:

>>> parent = settings(max_examples=10) >>> child = settings(parent, deadline=200) >>> parent.max_examples == child.max_examples == 10 True >>> parent.deadline not_set >>> child.deadline 200

Default settings

At any given point in your program there is a current default settings, available as settings.default. As well as being a settings object in its own right, all newly created settings objects which are not explicitly based off another settings are based off the default, so will inherit any values that are not explicitly set from it.

You can change the defaults by using profiles.

settings Profiles

Depending on your environment you may want different default settings. For example: during development you may want to lower the number of examples to speed up the tests. However, in a CI environment you may want more examples so you are more likely to find bugs.

Hypothesis allows you to define different settings profiles. These profiles can be loaded at any time.

Loading a profile changes the default settings but will not change the behavior of tests that explicitly change the settings.

>>> from hypothesis import settings >>> settings.register_profile("ci", max_examples=1000) >>> settings().max_examples 100 >>> settings.load_profile("ci") >>> settings().max_examples 1000

Instead of loading the profile and overriding the defaults you can retrieve profiles for specific tests.

>>> with settings.get_profile("ci"): ... print(settings().max_examples) ... 1000

Optionally, you may define the environment variable to load a profile for you. This is the suggested pattern for running your tests on CI. The code below should run in a or any setup/initialization section of your test suite. If this variable is not defined the Hypothesis defined defaults will be loaded.

>>> import os >>> from hypothesis import settings, Verbosity >>> settings.register_profile("ci", max_examples=1000) >>> settings.register_profile("dev", max_examples=10) >>> settings.register_profile("debug", max_examples=10, verbosity=Verbosity.verbose) >>> settings.load_profile(os.getenv(u'HYPOTHESIS_PROFILE', 'default'))

If you are using the hypothesis pytest plugin and your profiles are registered by your conftest you can load one with the command line option --hypothesis-profile.

$ pytest tests --hypothesis-profile <profile-name>


The timeout functionality of Hypothesis is being deprecated, and will eventually be removed. For the moment, the timeout setting can still be set and the old default timeout of one minute remains.

If you want to future proof your code you can get the future behaviour by setting it to the value hypothesis.unlimited.

from hypothesis import given, settings, unlimited
from hypothesis import strategies as st

def test_something_slow(i):

This will cause your code to run until it hits the normal Hypothesis example limits, regardless of how long it takes. timeout=unlimited will remain a valid setting after the timeout functionality has been deprecated (but will then have its own deprecation cycle).

There is however now a timing related health check which is designed to catch tests that run for ages by accident. If you really want your test to run forever, the following code will enable that:

from hypothesis import given, settings, unlimited, HealthCheck
from hypothesis import strategies as st

@settings(timeout=unlimited, suppress_health_check=[
def test_something_slow(i):