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The WebAssembly binding of the Gutenberg post parser

The WebAssembly binding of the Gutenberg post parser is designed as follows:

  • The Gutenberg post parser is a Rust project compiled to the wasm32-unknown-unknown target, resulting of a WASM binary file: ./bin/gutenberg_post_parser.wasm,
  • The WASM binary is optimized to reduce its size with wasm-gc, wasm-snip, and wasm-opt,
  • A boundary layer written in JavaScript is responsible of reading from and writing into the WASM memory, and exposing a JavaScript friendly API: ./bin/gutenberg_post_parser.mjs. It is written as an ECMAScript module, so that it can be used with an HTML document (with <script type="module" src="…" />) or in a NodeJS script (with the --experimental-modules option so far).


Please, see the of the project, but basically, it reduces to:

$ just build-wasm

The boundary layer

The boundary layer is the most important file after the WASM binary. It exposes a user-friendly API to the JavaScript land. It consists of a single class named Gutenberg_Post_Parser. Its constructor expects a class to represent a Block, a class to represent a Phrase, a WASM URL, a class for text encoding (by default TextEncoder), and another one for text decoding (by default TextDecoder).

Usage example:

import { Gutenberg_Post_Parser } from './gutenberg_post_parser.mjs';

class Block {
    constructor(name, attributes, children) { = name;             // a string containing the block namespace and name.
        this.attributes = attributes; // a JSON object.
        this.children = children;     // a collection of `Block` and `Phrase` instances.

class Phrase {
    constructor(phrase) {
        this.phrase = phrase; // a string.

const parser = new Gutenberg_Post_Parser(

parser.root('<!-- wp:foo /-->').then(
    (output) => {
        console.log(output); // a collection containg a single item: A `Block` instance.

The Gutenberg_Post_Parser.instantiateWASM method is responsible to load and instantiate the WASM binary. To load it, by default, it uses the Fetch API. In some cases, this API can be absent (like in NodeJS). It is therefore recommended to override this method. The rest of the code is just about manipulating the memory.

Execute from a browser

The ./web/ directory contains:

  • An index.html document showing a demo,
  • An index.mjs file using the WASM binary and the boundary layer to parse the demo Gutenberg post and emit its JSON representation,
  • A server.php file to serve the WASM binary with the correct MIME type (when using WebAssembly.instantiateStreaming, the WASM binary needs to be served with application/wasm).
$ just start-wasm-server
$ open localhost:8888

Execute from NodeJS

The ./bin/gutenberg-post-parser executable is a NodeJS script using the WASM binary and the boundary layer to parse a Gutenberg post and to emit either JSON or debug data.

$ ./bin/gutenberg-post-parser --emit-json ../../tests/fixtures/autoclosing-block.html