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I-am-PUID-0 edited this page Aug 2, 2023 · 4 revisions

How do I enable rclone filtering to include only specific resolutions?

Using rclone --exclude pattern matching:

Example docker-compose to include only 4k|2160|UHD content.

Add - RCLONE_EXCLUDE=**/**{{(?i)(1080|720|480)}}** to the environment variable section of the compose.

Example docker-compose to exclude only 4k|2160|UHD content.

Add - RCLONE_EXCLUDE=**/**{{(?i)(4k|uhd|2160)}}** to the environment variable section of the compose.

Using rclone --filter-from pattern matching:

Example docker-compose to include only 4k|2160|UHD content.

Add - RCLONE_FILTER_FROM=/config/filter_include_2160.txt to the environment variable section of the compose and add the below content to a filter_include_2160.txt file in the config directory for the container.

Example filter_include_2160.txt
- **/**{{(?i)(1080|720|480)}}**
+ *

Example docker-compose to exclude only 4k|2160|UHD content.

Add - RCLONE_FILTER_FROM=/config/filter_exclude_2160.txt to the environment variable section of the compose and the below content to a filter_exclude_2160.txt file in the config directory for the container.

Example filter_exclude_2160.txt
- **/**{{(?i)(4k|uhd|2160)}}**
+ *

Error response from daemon: path /your/host/path/pdrcrd/mnt is mounted on / but it is not a shared mount.

From the host OS, enter sudo mount --make-rshared /

Or if using Synology's DSM sudo mount --make-rshared /volume1/

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