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Ray pod

The ray-pod allows a user to submit and monitor a job to an external Ray cluster via the Bridge Operator.

The implementation is based on the Ray job SDK, that provides 3 main APIs:

  • Submit_job
  • Get_job_status
  • Get_job_log
  • Stop_job

In order for these APIs to be used, Ray's head node's port 8265 should be accessible either within a same cluster or via Ingress/Route/LB

The pod assumes that the python script which will be run on the Ray cluster contains the following parser for parameters in the form of key/value pairs, something like:

class ParseKwargs(argparse.Action):
    def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None):
        setattr(namespace, self.dest, dict())
        for value in values:
            key, value = value.split('=')
            getattr(namespace, self.dest)[key] = value

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('-k', '--kwargs', nargs='*', action=ParseKwargs)
args = parser.parse_args()

With this in place, an individual parameter can be accessed via args.kwargs["<parameter name>"]. The parameters that are always submitted to a Ray application are:

  • a S3 secret, s3_secret and the value of the secret containing S3 credentials
  • a S3 bucket, s3_bucket and the value of the S3 bucket used for reading/writing data from Ray
  • a S3 object, s3_prefix and the value of the S3 prefix used for reading/writing data from Ray
  • a S3 security flag, s3_secure and the flag specifying whether S3 communications are secure (https)

Security using Ray

At the moment Ray job SDK does not provide any security (all communications are in HTTP with no credentials). This means that the current implementation should be used only if the Ray cluster:

  • Runs in the same Kubernetes cluster
  • Runs outside of this kubernetes cluster, but within the the same VPC as the cluster

ray-pod and S3

Ray APis only support uploading the execution log, which the pod will upload to S3 after the execution is complete. We are also assuming that a Ray based implementation can directly communicate with S3 and download/upload data.

Example ConfigMap:

  jobdata.jobParameters: 'mybucket:ray/parameters.json'
  jobdata.scriptMetadata: 'mybucket:ray/metadata.json'
  resourceURL: 'http://ray-ray-head.ray.svc.cluster.local:8265'
  status.submitTime: '19/04/2022 21:32:40'
  jobdata.jobScript: 'mybucket:ray/'
  s3.endpoint: <S3_URL> 'false'
  jobdata.scriptLocation: s3
  s3upload.files: ''
  updateInterval: '20'
  jobproperties: ''
  jobdata.scriptExtraLocation: s3
  status.jobStatus: SUBMITTED
  status.startTime: '19/04/2022 21:32:40'
  s3upload.bucket:  mybucket
  jobdata.additionalData: ''
  id: raysubmit_eFea9na6iKcuzKQk
  resourcesecret: mysecret
  s3.secret: mysecret-s3

Building Docker image

To build an image make sure that you are at the root and then run:

make docker-build
make docker-push


See /samples/tutorials/.