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Configuring CSM API Logging Levels

CSM has lots of things that print out to the logs. Some things are printed at different log levels. You can configure CSM APIs to switch between these log levels. Logging is handled through the CSM infrastructure and divided into two parts, “Front end” and “back end”.

“Front end” is supposed to represent the part of the API a user would interface with and before an API connects and goes into the CSM infrastructure. “Back end” refers to the part of an API that the user would not interact with and after an API connects and goes into the CSM infrastructure.

Front end logging

Front end logging is done through the csm logging utility. You will need to include the header file to call the function.

#include "csmutil/include/csmutil_logging.h"

Set the log level with this function:


Where my_level is either: - off - trace - debug - info - warning - error - critical - always - disable

After this function is called, the logging level will change. For example, below we set the logging level to error. So none of these logging calls will print. When we call the API at the end, then only prints that are at level error and above will print.


// This will print out the contents of the struct that we will pass to the api
csmutil_logging(debug, "%s-%d:", __FILE__, __LINE__);
csmutil_logging(debug, "  Preparing to call the CSM API...");
csmutil_logging(debug, "  value of input:    %p", input);
csmutil_logging(debug, "  address of input:  %p", &input);
csmutil_logging(debug, "  input contains the following:");
csmutil_logging(debug, "    comment:          %s", input->comment);
csmutil_logging(debug, "    limit:            %i", input->limit);
csmutil_logging(debug, "    node_names_count: %i", input->node_names_count);
csmutil_logging(debug, "    node_names:       %p", input->node_names);
for(i = 0; i < input->node_names_count; i++){
    csmutil_logging(debug, "      node_names[%i]: %s", i, input->node_names[i]);
csmutil_logging(debug, "    offset:           %i", input->offset);
csmutil_logging(debug, "    type:             %s", csm_get_string_from_enum(csmi_node_type_t, input->type) );

/* Call the C API. */
return_value = csm_node_attributes_query(&csm_obj, input, &output);

If we called the same function, but instead passed in debug, then all those logging calls would print, and when we call the API at the end, all prints inside the API that were set to level debug and above would print. CSM API wrappers such as the CMD Line interfaces include access to this function via the –v, --verbose field on the cmd line parameters.

Back end logging

APIs incorporate the CSM daemon logging system, under the sub channel of csmapi. If you want to change the level of default API logging, then you must configure the field in the appropriate csm daemon config file. csmapi is the field you would need to change. It is found in all the CSM daemon config files, under the csm level, then under sub level log.

An excerpt of the csm_master.cfg is reproduced below as an example.

"csm" :
    "log" :
        "format"                    :   "%TimeStamp% %SubComponent%::%Severity% | %Message%",
        "consoleLog"                :   false,
        "fileLog"                   :   "/var/log/ibm/csm/csm_master.log",
        "__rotationSize_comment_1"  :   "Maximum size (in bytes) of the log file, 10000000000 bytes is ~10GB",
        "rotationSize"              :   10000000000,
        "default_sev"               :   "warning",
        "csmdb"                     :   "info",
        "csmnet"                    :   "info",
        "csmd"                      :   "info",
        "csmras"                    :   "info",
        "csmapi"                    :   "info",
        "csmenv"                    :   "info"

An example of editing this field from info to debug is shown below.

"csm" :
    "log" :
        "format"                    :   "%TimeStamp% %SubComponent%::%Severity% | %Message%",
        "consoleLog"                :   false,
        "fileLog"                   :   "/var/log/ibm/csm/csm_master.log",
        "__rotationSize_comment_1"  :   "Maximum size (in bytes) of the log file, 10000000000 bytes is ~10GB",
        "rotationSize"              :   10000000000,
        "default_sev"               :   "warning",
        "csmdb"                     :   "info",
        "csmnet"                    :   "info",
        "csmd"                      :   "info",
        "csmras"                    :   "info",
        "csmapi"                    :   "debug",
        "csmenv"                    :   "info"

If you have trouble finding the config files, then daemon config files are located: - source repo: "csmconf/” - ship to: “/opt/ibm/csm/share/” - run from: “etc/ibm/csm/”

Note: You may need to restart the daemon for the logging level to change.

If you want to make a run time change to logging, but don’t want to change the configuration file. You can use this tool found it here: opt/ibm/csm/sbin/csm_ctrl_cmd

You must run this command on the node with the CSM Daemon that you would like to change the logging level of.