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Soft Failure Recovery

CSM defines a set of mechanisms for recovering from Soft Failure events.

A Soft Failure is an event which is considered to be largely intermittent. Generally, a soft failure may be caused by a networking issue or a failure in the Prolog/Epilog. CSM has a set of conditions for which it will trigger a Soft Failure to prevent scheduling until the intermitten failure is complete. It is also expected that system administrators will define Soft Failure events in their Prolog/Epilog.

When a node is placed into Soft Failure it must be returned to In Service before the scheduler will be allowed to select the node for further allocations. If the node exceeds a user specified retry count (either via recurring task or commandline) the node will be moved from Soft Failure to Hard Failure.

Success for moving from Soft Failure to In Service is determined by three metrics:

  1. CSM is able to clear all CGroups (soft failure means the node should host no allocations).
  2. The admin defined Recovery Script executed and returned zero.
  3. The recovery process didn't timeout.

The following diagram is a high level abstraction of the state machine interacted with by the soft failure recovery mechanism:

.. graphviz::

    digraph G {
        "Soft Failure" -> "Soft Failure" [label="  Retry"];
        "Soft Failure" -> "In Service"   [labelfontcolor="#009900" label="Recovery\nSuccess" color="#009900"];
        "Soft Failure" -> "Hard Failure" [label=" Recovery\nFailure" color="#993300"];
        "In Service"   -> "Soft Failure" [label="Intermittent\nError" color="#993300"];

To configure the Soft Failure recovery mechanism, please refer to the :ref:`csm_soft_failure_recovery-config` documentation.

Additionally, depending on the complexity of the Recovery Script, the admin should modify the :ref:`CSMDAPIConf` timeout time of csm_soft_failure_recovery to account for at least twice the projected runtime of the recovery script.

CSM provides a command line script to trigger a Soft Failure recovery. Invocation is as follows:

/opt/ibm/csm/bin/csm_soft_failure_recovery -r <retry_threshold>

The -r or --retry option sets a retry threshold if this threshold is exceeded or met by any nodes that failed to be placed into In Service the node will be moved to Hard Failure.


Nodes that are in Soft Failure and owned by an allocation will NOT be processed by this utility!


A recovery script must be located at /opt/ibm/csm/recovery/soft_failure_recovery to use the Soft Failure recovery mechanism!

A sample of the recovery script is placed in /opt/ibm/csm/share/recovery when installing the ibm-csm-core rpm. The sample script is extremely basic and is expected to be modified by the end user.

A recovery script must fit the following criteria:

  1. Be located at /opt/ibm/csm/recovery/soft_failure_recovery.
  2. Return 0 if the recovery was a success.
  3. Return > 0 in the event the recovery failed.

The recovery script takes no input parameters at this time.