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Universal Logic Knowledge Base

The Universal Logic Knowledge Base (ULKB) is a system and framework that integrates various linguistic and commonsense knowledge bases (KBs) under a single, virtual knowledge graph.

-- rdf_owl_files : The current deliverable ULKB V6 includes the ontology/graph rdf-owl files in Turtle (.ttl) format. We are sharing the linked lexical KBs. These graphs can be installed in any triplestore (AllegroGraph, Virtuoso, Blazegraph, Jena, etc.) and queried using SPARQL. The ontologic knowledge will be posted shortly in the V7 version and we will share an API to access simple queries directly.

-- doc : contains sample SPARQL queries (in a Jupyter notebook) and documentation of the current deliverable.

The ULKB White Paper (under work) contains more information. You can find it at