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The process of tracing is in charge of obtaining all the required process state to be able to reproduce it afterwards. To do so, one needs the initial processor register state (i.e. all the user-accessible registers) and the initial memory state used by during the tracing period.

Obtaining the initial register state is straightforward since it is just a matter of dumping all registers when starting the tracing period. One can do the same with the memory state. However, it would be impractical since the size of the virtual address space of the traced process can be quite large (and probably, most of it would not be accessed during the tracing period). In order to obtain only the required memory state, ChopStiX dumps the code and data regions accessed during the tracing period. To do so, it uses the memory protection mechanisms available. When starting the tracing period, ChopStiX forbids access to the entire memory address space of the process and whenever an exception is generated due to an access, the accessed page is dumped to disk and read/write/execute access is restored. This way, only the required memory state (at page level granularity) is dumped to disk.

Currently ChopStiX officially supports Region Of Interest (ROI) tracing. Support for Temporal tracing or Hybrid tracing is experimental (i.e. not fully implemented nor tested). The properties of the different tracing modes are the following:

  • ROI Tracing: Tracing starts/ends when specific code addresses are executed. The addresses define what is called the Region of Interest (ROI). For example, if we want to trace a particular function, the start address will be the function entry point and the end addresses will be the function exit points.
  • Temporal Tracing: Tracing starts/end at user specified time intervals. For example, one can specify to trace for 5 seconds after waiting for a 10 seconds.
  • Hybrid Tracing: Tracing start/ends when specific code address are executed. However, the end tracing is activated after a specified amount of time. I.e. we can to start tracing at least for 5 seconds after a particular function is reached and stop the first time another function is executed from that point.

ROI Tracing

For defining the Region of Interest (ROI) to be traced, multiple begin and end addresses can be provided. The first time a begin address is hit, the tracing starts until the first time an end address is hit. That corresponds to a ROI invocation. Using user parameters one can select the ROI invocations to trace. E.g. one might want to trace the 10th time a particular function is executed.

It is up to the user to provide the correct set of being/end addresses. Depending on the toolchain configuration and system the static addresses of the binary (i.e. the ones shown when dumping the binary using objdump) might correspond or not with the addresses of the program image loaded by the system loader before starting the execution. The tool chop-marks-dyn-addr is provided to support the task of finding out the displacement between the objdump address and the address loaded in memory. The steps to perform the find the right addresses are the following:

objdump -d binary

To obtain the dump of the binary.

chop-marks-dyn-addr binary main

To obtain information of the loaded segments in memory when the program is executed. Discard any error message, the key information you want to obtain is the base address of the PT_LOAD segments. You can add that base address with the address of the binary dump to obtain the final address that should be used for tracing.

ROIs can be defined at any boundary, and it is up to the user to select what to trace. This provides flexibility since one can begin/end tracing at function entry/exit points or at begin/end of computational loops or a combinations or any other address. Typically, the tracing of function invocations is quite common because previous profiling steps are typically done at function level (to know what to trace) and also because having clearly defined boundaries enables some assumptions and optimizations later on when converting the traced region into a self-executable binary or another format for tracing and simulation. Therefore, ChopStiX provides a helper script script to automatically compute the begin/end addresses of function-level ROIs (i.e. the function entry/exit addresses). To do so, execute:

chop-marks binary function_name

to obtain the list of being/end addresses corresponding to the entry/exit points of the function_name without requiring further address math. Specifically, the command will output a string with the -begin/-end addresses of the region of interest as well as the -module option if the symbol is found in one of the dynamic libraries. These options can be directly fed into the command line options of chop trace and chop-perf-invok commands. For instance, the chop trace command can be executed as following:

chop trace $(chop-marks binary function_name) EXTRA_TRACING_OPTIONS ./binary BINARY_ARGUMENTS

Check chop trace --help for all the details and tracing options. In the usage documentation, there is a simple example on how to invoke chop for tracing.

Once tracing is done, the raw output needs to be processed in order to be converted into a MPTs (Microprobe Test files). To do so execute:

chop-trace2mpt trace_directory basename

Then, it is up to the Microprobe tool to process and convert the Microprobe test definition to another format. Check the Microprobe documentation for the different possibilities. In the ./examples/tracing/ directory, you can find a more detailed tracing example, including a script to perform all the necessary steps to trace a particular function and convert the extracted trace into a self-runnable binary. The example also includes the steps required to complete the MPTs generated with a detailed memory access traces using a Valgrind's based chop-trace-mem.

Notes about tracing

  1. Code pages of specific libc functions (used by the tracing support library) are not protected and always dumped for safety.
  2. System calls are not supported during tracing. Whenever a system call is hit during tracing. The trace is finished. The system call is serviced, and tracing starts again. I.e. tracing a function invocation with a system call will generate two traces.
  3. ChopStiX minimizes the number of systems calls using library interposition mechanisms. Common libc functions such as printf/puts are overridden with custom implementations during tracing to minimize the number of system calls. The list of overridden functions is preliminary, and more functions will be added in the future to nullify the number of system calls while maintaining functional correctness.
  4. Recursive tracing is not supported. Tracing will start a first entry address and stop at first end address.
  5. ChopStiX disables ASLR (Address Space Layout Randomization) to ensure reproducibility.