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At the time of writing, the guide works for IBM Blockchain Platform (hereafter referred to as IBP) v2.5.1 with Fabric v2.2.0. You may experience issues with a different version of IBP. The fabric network created in the guide has one peer organization with one peer node and one ordering organization with one orderer node. The ordering service utilizes the Hedera Consensus Service (HCS).

1. Prerequisites

  1. IBM Cloud account
  2. Hedera Testnet account
  3. docker
  4. docker-compose
  5. git
  6. go
  7. helm
  8. kubectl
  9. jq and yq
  10. A domain name reserved for the orderer. It's required to generate a SSL certificate for the orderer so as to pass SSL hostname verification. Some webistes provide free domain names, e.g.,, which is sufficient for dev/test purpose.

2. Create IBP Service on IBM Cloud

  1. Go to and log in with your credentials

  2. Go to, choose Kubernetes Service, configure the service as follows

Attribute Value
Plan Standard cluster
Cluster type and version Kubernetes - 1.17.x
Environment Classic infrastructure
Location Single zone
Default worker pool - flavor 4 vCPUs 16GB RAM
Worker nodes 2

click Create to create the cluster.

  1. Set the local Kubernetes context to the new cluster. It's recommended to create a separate namespace for the fabric hcs orderer and set it as the default namespace:

    $ kubectl create namespace orderer
    $ kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=orderer
  2. Create IBP service on the kubernetes cluster

  3. Go to, make sure the region is the same as the kubernetes cluster and click Create.

  4. Once the service is created, click Let's get setup!

  5. Click Next, choose the kubernetes cluster just created, click Next and wait for the deployment to finish.

3. Create Managed IBP Components

In this section, we will create a CA for an organization which runs a fabric peer node and a CA for an organization which runs an orderer node. For each CA, we will also register / enroll identities and create MSP definition. Note that the CAs, identities, and the peer node will be managed by IBP, while other resources including the orderer node, the channel, and etc will be managed manually.

3.1 Create Org1

  1. Open the deployed IBP service console.

  2. Create CA for the organization Org1

  • Switch to the Nodes tab by clicking the icon
  • Click Add Certificate Authority
  • Choose Create a Certificate Authority and click Next
  • Provide Org1 CA as CA display name and click Next
  • Specify an CA Administrator Enroll ID of admin and CA Administrator Enroll Secret of adminpw, then click Next
  • Review the summary and click Add Certificate Authority
  1. Associate Org1 CA admin identity
  • In the Nodes tab, select Org1 CA once it is running (indicated by the green box in the tile)
  • Click Associate identity on the CA overview panel
  • On the side panel, select Enroll ID
  • Provide admin as the Enroll ID and adminpw as the Enroll secret. Use Org1 CA Identity as the Identity display name
  • Click Associate identity to add the identity into your IBP wallet and associate the admin identity with Org1 CA
  1. Register the peer and org1 admin identities with Org1 CA
  • In the Nodes tab, select Org1 CA
  • Click Register user. Provide peer1 as the Enroll ID, peer1pw as the Enroll secret, and peer as the Type, then click Next. On the next page, click Register user
  • Click Register user. Provide org1admin as the Enroll ID, org1adminpw as the Enroll secret, and admin as the Type, then click Next. On the next page, click Register user.
  1. Create MSP for Org1:
  • Switch to the Organizations tab by clicking the icon
  • Click Create MSP definition. Provide Org1MSP as the MSP display name and Org1MSP as the MSP ID, then click Next
  • Choose Org1 CA as the Root Certificate Authority, then click Next
  • Provide org1admin as the admin Enroll ID, org1adminpw as the Enroll secret, and Org1 Admin as the Identity name, then click Generate. Once it's done, click Export to download the identity information json file. Click Next
  • On the review page, click Create MSP definition
  1. Create a peer node for Org1
  • Switch to the Nodes tab
  • Click Add peer. Choose Create a peer, then click Next
  • Provide peer1 org1 as the Peer display name, then click Next
  • Provide Org1 CA as the Certificate Authority, peer1 as the Peer enroll ID, peer1pw as the Peer enroll secret, Org1MSP as the Organization MSP, 2.2.1-4 as the Fabric version, then click Next
  • Provide Org1 Admin as the Peer administrator identity, then click Next
  • On the summary page, click Add peer

3.2 Create OrdererOrg

  1. Open the deployed IBP service console.

  2. Create CA for the organization OrdererOrg

  • Switch to the Nodes tab
  • Click Add Certificate Authority
  • Choose Create a Certificate Authority and click Next
  • Provide OrdererOrg CA as the CA display name and click Next
  • Specify an CA Administrator Enroll ID of admin and CA Administrator Enroll Secret of adminpw, then click Next
  • Review the summary and click Add Certificate Authority
  1. Associate the OrdererOrg CA admin identity
  • In the Nodes tab, select the OrdererOrg CA once it is running (indicated by the green box in the tile)
  • Click Associate identity on the CA overview panel
  • On the side panel, select Enroll ID
  • Provide admin as the Enroll ID and adminpw as the Enroll secret. Use OrdererOrg CA Identity as the Identity display name
  • Click Associate identity to add the identity into your IBP wallet and associate the admin identity with OrdererOrg CA
  1. Register the orderer and ordererorg admin identities with OrdererOrg CA
  • In the Nodes tab, select the OrdererOrg CA
  • Click Register user. Provide orderer1 as the Enroll ID, orderer1pw as the Enroll secret, and orderer as the Type, then click Next. On the next page, click Register user
  • Click Register user. Provide ordereradmin as the Enroll ID, ordereradminpw as the Enroll secret, and admin as the Type, then click Next. On the next page, click Register user.
  1. Create MSP for OrdererOrg:
  • Switch to the Organizations tab by clicking the icon
  • Click Create MSP definition. Provide OrdererMSP as the MSP display name and OrdererMSP as the MSP ID, then click Next
  • Choose OrdererOrg CA as the Root Certificate Authority, then click Next
  • Provide ordereradmin as the admin Enroll ID, ordereradminpw as the Enroll secret, and OrdererOrg Admin as the Identity name, then click Generate. Once it's done, click Export to download the identity information json file. Click Next
  • On the review page, click Create MSP definition

4. Download Crypto Materials

The crypto materials of the two MSPs, the MSP of org1admin and ordereradmin, and the MSP and TLS of the identity orderer1 are required to generate the system channel genesis block and the application channel creation transaction, configure the orderer node, and sign / submit transactions with the peer command line tool.

MSP Definitions

To export the msp definition as a json file, for example, Org1MSP:

  • Switch to the Organizations tab by clicking the icon
  • Click Org1MSP
  • Click the download icon to export MSP definition as a json file

Repeat the same for OrdererMSP.

5. Run

The script does the following:

  • generates and organizes the required crypto materials
  • creates HCS topic IDs for the system channel and the application channel
  • generates configtx.yaml from the template with all input
  • creates the genesis block and the application channel creation transaction
  • creates kubernetes configmaps and secrets for the orderer
  • installs the helm chart fabric-hcs-orderer

Example command line:

./ --hcscli-config-file hedera_env_testnet.json  --orderer-ca-url --orderer-hostname --orderer-admin-file ~/Downloads/OrdererOrg\ Admin_identity.json --orderer-msp-file ~/Downloads/OrdererMSP_msp.json --org1-admin-file ~/Downloads/Org1\ Admin_identity.json  --org1-msp-file ~/Downloads/Org1MSP_msp.json --peer1-hostname

Important notes before running the script:

  1. Please update hedera_env_testnet.json with your testnet account ID and private key. This is the configuration file for hcscli which creates HCS topic IDs for the hcs orderer
  2. The orderer CA's url can be found in the Info and usage tab in IBP management console -> Nodes -> OrdererOrg CA
  3. Peer1's hostname can also be found in its Info and usage tab

Once the script finishes successfully, the fabric hcs orderer should be deployed in the kubernetes cluster.

Before moving to the next step:

  1. Update the reserved hostname for the orderer to point to the orderer service's public IP and make sure the hostname resolves successfully. To get the public IP:
    $ kubectl get service/dev-fabric-hcs-orderer -o jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}'
  2. Wait until the orderer pod's status is running, for example:
    $ kubectl get pods
    NAME                       READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    dev-fabric-hcs-orderer-0   1/1     Running   0          109s

6. Create the application channel and install the fabcar chaincode

The steps to create the application channel, have the peer join the channel, and fabcar chaincode lifecycle management are packed into a script. The script can be run inside a docker container with fabric tools.

$ cd docker
$ docker-compose up -d cli
$ docker exec deploy-cli scripts/