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2c. LeftNavSidecar View

Mengting Yan edited this page Apr 20, 2020 · 2 revisions

The LeftNavSidecar is a Sidecar variant that optimizes layout for a hierarchical presentation. It allows commands to fetch data, parcel the data into one or more menus, and then pass this model on for subsequent rendering in the LeftNavSidecar view.

Basic Layout

The UI of LeftNavSidecar is divided into four areas:

  • Title Bar: Displays the title of a command response with breadcrumb navigation - signifying where the current response is within a hierachical context.
  • Menus: Each menu contains one or items, associating with a menu title for you to switch between different contexts.
  • Content: The main area to view the content of each menu item.
  • Links: Links to related commands, or external page.

Command Response

When a command execution completes, Kui will broadcast an event that signifies and describes the command response. The LeftNavSidecar listens for command responses of type NavResponse, and renders them.

Coming Soon: Using the Kui EventBus

Example of NavResponse

import { NavResponse } from '@kui-shell/core'

/** A no-argument Command Handler */
function printCatInLeftNavSidecar(): NavResponse {
  apiVersion: 'kui-shell/v1',
  kind: 'NavResponse',
  breadcrumbs: [{ label: 'Animal' }, { label: 'cat', command: 'hello cat' }], // shown in image labeled A
      label: 'Sweet', // shown in E
      items: [
          mode: '๐Ÿ˜ป', // show in F
          content: '### Hello!\n ...', // shown in C
          contentType: 'text/markdown'
          mode: '๐Ÿ˜บ',
          react: reactContent()
      label: 'Crazy',
      items: [
          mode: '๐Ÿ™€',
          content: 'kind: Aerican Shorthair\nmetadata:...',
          contentType: 'yaml'
          mode: '๐Ÿ™€',
          react: reactContent()
  links: [
    { label: 'See ๐Ÿถ', command: 'hello dog' },
    { label: 'Buy ๐Ÿง€', href: '' }

In this example code, printCatInLeftNavSidecar is a Kui Command Handler that happens to take no arguments. For more information on Command Handlers, how they can consume required and optional parameters, and how to link your handler to a particular command-line string, consult the Kui Command Documentation.