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Monitor Custom Machine Learning engine with Watson OpenScale

In this Code Pattern, we'll demonstrate how to monitor a machine learning model using Watson OpenScale. You can using any model deployment serving engine, but we will create one using a Python Flask wrapper with Watson Machine Learning to simulate this.

When the reader has completed this Code Pattern, they will understand how to:

  • Create a data mart for a machine learning model with Watson OpenScale.
  • Log the payload for the model using Watson OpenScale.
  • Configure OpenScale to monitor that deployment for Fairness, Quality, and Drift.


  1. User deploys application server using VM or CodeEngine on the IBM Cloud .
  2. User creates a Jupyter notebook on Cloud Pak for Data and configures Watson OpenScale.
  3. Watson OpenScale is used to monitor a Machine Learning model for payload logging and quality.
  4. The application server is used for scoring the deployed model.



  1. Deploy a model
  2. Create custom machine learning provider
  3. Create a Watson OpenScale service
  4. Create COS bucket and get credentials
  5. Create a notebook on Cloud Pak for Data
  6. Run the notebook

1. Deploy a model

In this example, we use Watson Machine Learning in IBM public cloud to simulate an existing Custom ML framework. Refer to Train GermanCreditRisk model and promote to a deployment space to deploy the model.

Find Space ID, Deployment ID, and Model ID
  • In the Cloud Pak for Data instance, click the (☰) menu and click Deployment. From the table, select the deployment space where the model was deployed.

wml space

  • Find the Space ID(GUID) under the Manage tab as shown

wml space id

  • Under the Deployments tab, select the model which your have deployed earlier

wml space id

  • Find the Deployment ID and Model ID as shown

wml deploy id

2. Create custom machine learning provider

In order to support Custom ML framework for Watson OpenScale, implement two REST APIs to wrap the existing custom ML framework:

  • /v1/deployments: Lists all deployments. This optional API can be used to configure the OpenScale insight dashboard to discover models in a deployment space. See Manually configure Machine learning provider.
  • /v1/deployments/{deployment_id}/online: Makes an online prediction. The OpenScale uses this API for scoring requests.

Follow one of methods below to setup a custom machine learning provider which serves the above APIs by:

Custom Machine Learning Provider Setup for VM

If needed, create a VM on the IBM Cloud. Login the VM in a terminal and clone the monitor-custom-ml-engine-with-watson-openscale repo:

git clone
cd monitor-custom-ml-engine-with-watson-openscale

The code in can be used to start a Gunicorn/Flask application that can be hosted in a VM, such that it can be accessible from your OpenScale service instance. This code does the following:

  • It wraps a Watson Machine Learning model that is deployed to a space.
  • The hosting application URL should contain the SPACE ID and the DEPLOYMENT ID. The app can be used to talk to the target WML model/deployment.
  • Having said that, this is only for this tutorial purpose, and you can define your Custom ML provider endpoint in any fashion you want, such that it wraps your own custom ML engine.
  • The scoring request and response payload should conform to the schema as described here at:

To start the application in the VM using the below code, make sure you install the python packages using:

python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt

Because the needs to authenticate with the custom ML model deployment, you need to generate an apikey for WML api client to connect. After generating API, run:

export APIKEY="<your API key>"

Start the API server:

flask --app run --port=5001 --host=

You should see the app server starting:

 * Serving Flask app 'app'
 * Debug mode: on
WARNING: This is a development server. Do not use it in a production deployment. Use a production WSGI server instead.
 * Running on all addresses (

Test the app by sending an online scoring request:

curl -XPOST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"fields":["CheckingStatus","LoanDuration","CreditHistory","LoanPurpose","LoanAmount","ExistingSavings","EmploymentDuration","InstallmentPercent","Sex","OthersOnLoan","CurrentResidenceDuration","OwnsProperty","Age","InstallmentPlans","Housing","ExistingCreditsCount","Job","Dependents","Telephone","ForeignWorker"],"values":[["less_0",11,"prior_payments_delayed","car_used",728,"less_100","4_to_7",2,"male","none",3,"car_other",30,"stores","own",1,"skilled",1,"none","yes"]]}' http://<hostname>:5001/spaces/<space_id>/v1/deployments/<deployment_id>/online

You should see similar scoring output:

  "fields": [
  "values": [
      "No Risk",


Custom Machine Learning Provider Setup for IBM CodeEngine
  • In the IBM Cloud, click on the (☰) menu, hover over Code Engine, click on Projects, and click on Create +

ce project

  • Enter a project name and click on Create:

ce project config

  • In your project overview, select Secrets and configmaps and click on Create +

ce secret

  • Select Secret tile and enter the key and value pair. You can generate an apikey for the APIKEY value.

ce secret key

  • Return to your project overview, select application and click on Create + to create an application

ce app create

ce app source

  • In the same page, go down to the Environment variables (optional), select Reference to key in secret, make sure the created APIKEY env which you have created earlier is present and then click on the Add +

ce env add

  • Finally click on Create to create the application.

ce app create

  • Once the application is in Ready state, copy the public URL.

ce app ready

  • Test the app by sending an online scoring request:
curl -XPOST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"fields":["CheckingStatus","LoanDuration","CreditHistory","LoanPurpose","LoanAmount","ExistingSavings","EmploymentDuration","InstallmentPercent","Sex","OthersOnLoan","CurrentResidenceDuration","OwnsProperty","Age","InstallmentPlans","Housing","ExistingCreditsCount","Job","Dependents","Telephone","ForeignWorker"],"values":[["less_0",11,"prior_payments_delayed","car_used",728,"less_100","4_to_7",2,"male","none",3,"car_other",30,"stores","own",1,"skilled",1,"none","yes"]]}'<space_id>/v1/deployments/<deployment_id>/online
  • You should see similar scoring output:
  "fields": [
  "values": [
      "No Risk",

3. Create a Watson OpenScale service

Setup OpenScale on Cloud Pak for Data if needed
  • In the Cloud Pak for Data instance, go the (☰) menu and under Services section, click on the Service instances menu option


  • If you did not find the OpenScale-xxx instance from the instances table, click on the Add service +

    Openscale Tile

  • Clink on the Watson OpenScale tile to create the service

    Openscale service Tile

  • Enter a name for the OpenScale service instance and click on the Create

    Openscale create Tile

(Optional) Manually configure Machine learning provider

Manually configure Machine learning provider

(Optional) Watson OpenScale can list your deployed models on the Insights dashboard where you can click Add to dashboard, select the deployments that you want to monitor, and click Configure. To utilize this feature, modify your_deployment_id and your_model_id placeholders in the deployments function in the Find those IDs using the instructions.

You can now manually configure the Machine learning providers through the Insights dashboard using this API endpoint: Manually Configure Machine learning provider

4. Create COS Service credentials

  • Find or create your IBM Cloud Object Storage service instance and get the Service Credentials for use as COS_API_KEY_ID and COS_RESOURCE_INSTANCE_ID:

    COS credentials

5. Create a notebook on Cloud Pak for Data

  • In your Cloud Pak for Data, click New Project + under Projects, choose the Create an empty project tile, pick a name for project, select your storage service instance and then Create Project.

  • Using the project you've created, click on the New asset + tab. Under Code editors menu option, choose Jupyter notebook editor to create a notebook.

OpenScale Notebook Create

OpenScale Notebook Create

6. Run the notebook

  • Move your cursor to each code cell and run the code in it. Read the comments for each cell to understand what the code is doing. Important when the code in a cell is still running, the label to the left changes to In [*]:. Do not continue to the next cell until the code is finished running.

  • Fill the ibmcloud_api_key in cell Provide your IBM Cloud API key

  • Fill the CUSTOM_ML_PROVIDER_SCORING_URL in cell REST API to support custom ML provider

  • Add the COS credentials in cell Cloud object storage details.

  • Either use the internal Database, which requires No Changes or Add your DB_CREDENTIALS and SCHEMA_NAME after reading the instructions in cell Set up Database


This code pattern is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2. Separate third-party code objects invoked within this code pattern are licensed by their respective providers pursuant to their own separate licenses. Contributions are subject to the Developer Certificate of Origin, Version 1.1 and the Apache License, Version 2.

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