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File metadata and controls

executable file
507 lines (331 loc) · 22.2 KB

Extract relevant text content from an image and derive insights

This code pattern demonstrates a methodology of deriving insights from scanned documents that has information organized into various sections or layouts.

Some of the scenarios encountered regularly in business are:

  • A real estate company which scans newspaper classifieds to extract the individual classifieds. The classifieds appear in different layouts depending on the newspaper.
  • In a bank, the supporting documents for a loan are scanned and uploaded. We have to extract some relevant information from the uploaded documents for further processing. Here the information is organized into sections, and the information we want is in one of the sections.
  • Employers get scanned copies of certificates, government ids and other documents from employees joining the organization. They are verified for the details.
  • In hospitals, a lot of times medical records are scanned and stored. They are later taken up for auditing and analysis. In such a scenario, we need to extract specific information from the records for analysis.

When we use an OCR tool directly on an image, we get text that is aggregated and mixed from the various sections. In the above described scenarios, we need to understand the layout and then retrieve only the information from individual sections.

Let us take the first scenario of the real estate company. The real estate classifieds are usually laid out in columns as shown below. Here, the individual classifieds must be identified and then the text content extracted.

Let us build a solution for this scenario to demonstrate our code pattern methodology. We will take a regional newspaper where the classifieds appear in Hindi language. This methodology can be extended to any other regional language.

We need to perform the following steps on the scanned image:

  • Extract the individual classified information laid out in columns and rows
  • Convert it to text format, translate if required, and extract the required information.

This solution is applicable to other use-case scenarios where we need to extract only relevant portions of text in images and get insights on them.

When the reader has completed this Code Pattern, they will understand how to:

  • Containerize OpenCV, Tesseract and Cloud object storage client using an Appsody stack, and deploy them on an OpenShift cluster on IBM Cloud.
  • Pre-process images to separate them into different sections using OpenCV
  • Use Tesseract to extract text from an image
  • Use Watson language translation to translate the text from Hindi to English.
  • Use Watson Natural language Understanding to derive insights on the text.


  1. The classifieds image is stored in Object storage, and the jupyter notebook execution is triggered.
  2. The Object storage operations microservice is invoked.
  3. The classifieds image from Object storage is retrieved.
  4. The Image pre-processor service is invoked. The different sections in the image are identified and extracted into separate images each containing only one single classified.
  5. The individual classified image is sent to the Text extractor service where the address text is extracted.
  6. The extracted address text is sent to Watson Language Translator where the content is translated to English.
  7. The translated text in English is sent to Watson Natural Language Understanding where the entities of interest is extracted to generate the required insights.



Please follow the below to setup and run this code pattern.

  1. Clone the repo
  2. Create text extractor service
  3. Create image pre-processor service
  4. Create object storage operations service
  5. Setup Watson Language Translator
  6. Setup Watson Natural Language Understanding
  7. Run locally
  8. Deploy and run on cloud
  9. Analyze the results

1. Clone the repo

Clone this git repo. Else, in a terminal, run:

$ git clone

2. Create text extractor service

2.1 Create an appsody stack with Python Flask and Tesseract support

Please refer to the below 3 steps in the tutorial Create a custom Appsody stack with support for Python Flask and Tesseract to create the appsody stack.

a. Create a copy of an Appsody Python Flask stack

b. Modify the Python Flask stack to add support for Tesseract

c. Build the stack

2.2 Create an appsody project using the new stack

Create a new empty folder say text_extractor. Create an appsody project inside the newly created folder by running the below commands:

$ cd text_extractor
$ appsody init dev.local/python-flask-tesseract

Copy the file under the folder sources/text_extraction/ in this repo that you have cloned.

Replace file under folder text_extractor with under the folder sources/text_extraction/ in this repo that you have cloned.

2.3 Build and test the project

Goto the text_extractor folder and run the below commands:

$ appsody build
$ appsody run -p 3501:8080 -p 3502:5678

Open the url http://localhost:3501/home

If it says, Your text extraction application test is successful then your application is working fine. Press Ctrl+C on the terminal to stop the running server.

3. Create image pre-processor service

3.1 Create an appsody stack with Python Flask and OpenCV support

Please refer to the below 3 steps in the tutorial Create a custom Appsody stack with support for Python Flask and OpenCV to create the appsody stack.

a. Create a copy of an Appsody Python Flask stack

b. Modify the Python Flask stack to add support for OpenCV

Note: Please specify the version of the opencv-python in the install command - pip install opencv-python== This change is needed for both Dockerfile-stack under the image folder and Dockerfile under folder image/project.

c. Build the stack

3.2 Create an appsody project using the new stack

Create a new empty folder say image_preprocessor. Create an appsody project inside the newly created folder by running the below commands:

$ cd image_preprocessor
$ appsody init dev.local/python-flask-opencv
$ mkdir images

Copy the files and under the folder sources/image_preprocessor/ in this repo that you have cloned.

Replace file under folder image_preprocessor with under the folder sources/image_preprocessor/ in this repo that you have cloned.

Replace file under folder image_preprocessor with under the folder sources/image_preprocessor/ in this repo that you have cloned.

3.3 Build and test the project

Goto the image_preprocessor folder and run the below commands:

$ appsody build
$ appsody run -p 4501:8080 -p 4502:5678

Open the url http://localhost:4501/home

If it says, Your image preprocessor application test is successful then your application is working fine. Press Ctrl+C on the terminal to stop the running server.

4. Create object storage operations service

4.1 Create an appsody stack with Python Flask and Object storage operations support

Please refer to the below 3 steps in the tutorial Create a custom Appsody stack with template for IBM Cloud Object Storage operations to create the appsody stack.

a. Create a copy of an Appsody Python Flask stack

b. Modify the Python Flask stack to add support for Object Storage operations

c. Build the stack

4.2 Create an instance of IBM Cloud Object Storage

Create an instance of IBM Cloud Object Storage.


Create credentials for the newly created Cloud Object service

  • Click on Credentials
  • Click on New Credential. Make a note of the newly created credential in json format.


Create a bucket and upload an image to the bucket

  • Click on Buckets
  • Click on Create bucket


  • Select Standard under Predefined buckets


  • Give a name under Unique bucket name like classifieds and click on Next


  • Click on Browse and upload and upload the image newspaper_hindi.jpg under sources/object_storage_operations/ in this repo that you have cloned and click on Next.


  • Click on Next in Test bucket out section.

  • In Summary section click on View Buckets and search for your bucket classifieds in the search tab.


  • When you click on your bucket, it should show newspaper_hindi.jpg image in the bucket.


  • You have now successfully created a bucket and uploaded an image.

4.3 Create an appsody project using the new stack

Create a new empty folder say object_storage_operations. Create an appsody project inside the newly created folder by running the below commands:

$ cd object_storage_operations
$ appsody init dev.local/python-flask-os ostemplate

The files Pipfile, and config.ini are created under the object_storage_operations folder.

Copy the files under the folder sources/object_storage_operations/ in this repo that you have cloned.

Replace file under folder object_storage_operations with under the folder sources/object_storage_operations/ in this repo that you have cloned.

  • The file has REST interfaces exposed to test the Cloud Object Storage operations.

Modify the contents of config.ini with the credentials that we created earlier.

Credentials we noted earlier on IBM Cloud: credentials

The relevant portions indicated in the credentials are entered into the config.ini as shown below:


Modify the COS_BUCKET_LOCATION appropriately. The list of valid location constraints can be found here.

4.4 Build and test the project

Goto the object_storage_operations folder and run the below commands:

$ appsody build
$ appsody run -p 5501:8080 -p 5502:5678

Open the url http://localhost:5501/home.

If it says, Your object storage operations application test is successful then your application is working fine. Press Ctrl+C on the terminal to stop the running server.

5. Setup Watson Language Translator

Create an instance of IBM Language Translator.

Copy the Credentials, both API Key and URL as shown below and make a note of them. We will use them in step 7.

6. Setup Watson Natural Language Understanding

Create an instance of IBM Natural Language Understanding.

Copy the Credentials, both API Key and URL as shown below and make a note of them. We will use them in step 7.

7. Run locally

Start the services

Goto the text_extractor folder and run the below commands:

$ appsody run -p 3501:8080 -p 3502:5678

Goto the image_preprocessor folder and run the below commands:

$ appsody run -p 4501:8080 -p 4502:5678

Goto the object_storage_operations folder and run the below commands:

$ appsody run -p 5501:8080 -p 5502:5678

7.2 Set up and run jupyter notebook

  • Launch jupyter notebook.
  • Upload process_image_insights.ipynb which is under notebook folder in this repo that you have cloned.
  • Goto section 1.3 in the notebook.

  • Specify the urls for the text_extractor(http://localhost:3501), image_preprocessor(http://localhost:4501) and object_storage_operations(http://localhost:5501).

  • Fill the Language translator and Natural language understanding credentials that you have noted in step 5 and step 6 accordingly.

  • Click on Run All under Cell tab. Else you can run the notebook cell by cell by clicking on Run on each cell.

8. Deploy and run on cloud

8.1 Login to IBM Cloud

ibmcloud login

8.2 Add a namespace to create your own image repository. Replace <my_namespace> with your preferred namespace.

ibmcloud cr namespace-add <my_namespace>

8.3 To ensure that your namespace is created, run the ibmcloud cr namespace-list command.

ibmcloud cr namespace-list

8.4 Tag the docker image. Replace the placeholder with the region of the container registry.

docker tag dev.local/text-extractor:latest <region><my_namespace>/text-extractor:latest
docker tag dev.local/image-preprocessor:latest <region><my_namespace>/image-preprocessor:latest
docker tag dev.local/object-storage-operations:latest <region><my_namespace>/object-storage-operations:latest

8.5 Push the docker images into your namespace. Replace the placeholders for region, namespace with your container registry region and the namespace created earlier.

ibmcloud cr login
docker push <region><my_namespace>/text-extractor:latest
docker push <region><my_namespace>/image-preprocessor:latest
docker push <region><my_namespace>/object-storage-operations:latest

8.6 Create an instance of OpenShift cluster on IBM Cloud

Create a OpenShift cluster here.

8.7 Open the OpenShift console

8.8 Log in to OpenShift using the CLI and create a new project

Run the command.

8.9. Create a deployment configurations files for the three services with the below contents.

Create three deployment configuration files - text_extractor_deploy.yaml,image_preprocessor_deploy.yaml and object_storage_operations_deploy.yaml. Replace the region, namespace, service name with your container registry region, the namespace created earlier and service name(text-extractor / image-preprocessor / object-storage-operations)

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: <service name>-deployment
  replicas: 1
      app: <service name>
        app: <service name>
      - name: <service name>
        image: <region><namespace>/<service name>:latest
    - containerPort: 8080
      protocol: TCP
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
    app: <service name>
  name: <service name>
  - port: 8080
    protocol: TCP
    targetPort: 8080
    name: web
    app: <service name>
  type: ClusterIP

8.11 Create the deployments in your cluster.

oc apply -f text_extractor_deploy.yaml
oc apply -f image_preprocessor_deploy.yaml
oc apply -f object_storage_operations_deploy.yaml

8.12 Create a route for the services.

oc expose service/text-extractor
oc expose service/image-preprocessor
oc expose service/object-storage-operations

8.13 Get the route for the service

oc get routes

You will see the route to the service as seen below:

NAME    HOST/PORT           PATH                                                                      SERVICES                 PORT   TERMINATION   WILDCARD
text-extractor                 text-extractor                  web           None
image-preprocessor         image-preprocessor              web           None
object-storage-operations  object-storage-operations       web           None

Note down the urls under PATH column for the services as shown.

8.14 Create an instance of Watson Studio

Create an instance of Watson Studio here

Click Create.

8.15 Import the notebook and configure

Create a new project insights by selecting New Project.

Select Add to project and Notebook.

Import the notebook process_image_insights.ipynb which is under notebook folder in this repo that you have cloned. Click Create notebook.

Goto section 1.3 in the notebook.

  • Specify the urls for the image_preprocessor, text_extractor and object_storage_operations.
  • Fill the Language translator and Natural language understanding credentials that you have noted in step 5 and step 6 accordingly.
  • Click on Run All under Cell tab. Else you can run the notebook cell by cell by clicking on Run on each cell.

9. Analyze the results

In section 2.1 of the notebook, we have retrived the required image newspaper_hindi.jpg from the Cloud Object Storage.

In section 3.1 of the notebook, we have preprocessed the image using opencv to detect different addresses in the newspaper.

In section 4.1 of the notebook, we have extracted all the different addresses that were detected after the preprocessing using tesseract.

In section 5.1 of the notebook, we have translated all the extracted addresses using Watson Language Translator service. This will help us in data processing and analytics.

In section 6.1 of the notebook, we have used Watson Natural Language Understanding service to derive insights from the data. In our case, the insights uncovers that 50% of the detected addresses are from Karnataka state, 25% of the detected addresses are from West Bengal state and the other 25% of the detected addresses are from Maharashtra state. We can also choose to see comparision between two states, like between Karnataka and Maharashtra.

In section 7.1 of the notebook, we can search for addresses in the newspaper based on the location name. Type an address in the location text box and press enter. It will return you all the addresses in the newspaper from the specified locality .

Lets type Karnataka and press enter,

Similarly, lets now try with West Bengal and press enter,

Related Content

  1. Create a custom Appsody stack with support for Python Flask and Tesseract

  2. Create a custom Appsody stack with support for Python Flask and OpenCV

  3. TODO - Add Object storage tutorial link


This code pattern is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2. Separate third-party code objects invoked within this code pattern are licensed by their respective providers pursuant to their own separate licenses. Contributions are subject to the Developer Certificate of Origin, Version 1.1 and the Apache License, Version 2.

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