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Simple Akka Java Base Project

A simple base project to allow exploration of Akka

Compile and run

$ cd akka
$ mvn package exec:java

References to have handy

Yay for tabbed browsers!


We will be exploring reactive concepts by playing with Observable operator composition.

  • Open src/main/java/com/example/ in your IDE.
  • Edit the run() method to complete the exercises below.


Complete as many of the steps within each Exercise as you can (either within the allotted time, or without looking for help outside of the above references).

  • Steps within an exercise are related (later steps often require earlier steps, e.g.)
  • At the end of each step, use dumpSourceToStdOut to print the result. This will need some type munging; this is intentional.


  • Use .alsoTo(getDebugSink()) between operations if you get confused.
  • A cheap way to convert something to a string is with .map(x -> "" + x)

Exercise 1: map, filter, merge

  1. Use map to make all words lowercase and remove all punctuation ([^a-zA-Z]).

    For example, in src/main/java/com/example/, edit the run() and add the following:

        // Exercise 1:
        System.out.println("=== exercise 1.1");
        Source<String, NotUsed> src_1_1 = words();

    Use mvn package exec:java from the command line to rebuild and run (run inside your IDE of choice if you prefer). The poem Jabberwocky should now be followed by a list of punctuation-free, lower case words.

  2. Apply filter to create a stream of words beginning with b

  3. Create a second stream of words beginning with g

  4. merge the two streams

  5. Optional: distinct, scan

    • replace all words in the two current streams with their lengths.
    • use scan to total the number of chars in words starting b
    • use scan to total the number of chars in distinct words starting g
  6. Really Really Optional: count

    • count how many words started with 'b'
    • count how many distinct words started with 'g'

    Note: Akka doesn't have distinct but you can use other operations or tricks to create your own version.

Exercise 2: nested sources and substreams

2a. Make lots of things!

Start with the stream of lines (available from the lines() method):

  1. split each line in the stream into an array of words, e.g. Source<String[],NotUsed>
  2. split each line in the stream into a stream of words, e.g. Source<Source<String,NotUsed>,NotUsed>

2b. Collapse lots of things back together

Add operators to the stream to allow dumpSourceToStdOut to print the individual words again.

  1. Use flatMapConcat or flatMapMerge to convert the stream from step 1 above into a stream of words (Source<String,NotUsed>)
  2. Use flatMapConcat or flatMapMerge to convert the stream from step 2 above into a stream of words (Source<String,NotUsed>)

2c. Grouping in Akka (subflows)

Start with a stream of (optionally lowercase, punctuation-free) words():

  1. Use groupBy to group words by first letter
  2. Use mergeSubstreams to re-merge substreams: observe order of words
  3. Optional: distinct
    • Include only distinct words
  4. Really Really Optional
    • count how many words are in each group

2d. Controlled collapse

Start with stream of (optionally lowercase, punctuation-free) words():

  1. Use map to create a stream of string lengths
  2. Use zipWith to combine the stream of lengths and stream of words into Source<Pair,NotUsed>
  3. Use flatMap to show group contents as single Source<String,NotUsed>, e.g. "length: string"
  4. Optional
    • Use groupBy to group Source<Pair,NotUsed> by length
    • Recombine the groups with mergeSubstreams
  5. Really Really Optional
    • What happens if you use concatSubstreams instead of mergeSubstreams? Why?