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Symphony 7.3.1 Setup scripts

Table of Contents

1. Description
2. Components installed
3. Pre-requisites
4. Usage
4.1. Download and prepare these scripts
4.2. Download and prepare Symphony and ifix files
4.3. Install the cluster
4.4. Uninstall the cluster
4.5. Managing lab environments
5. Description of files
6. Comments for SSL Certificates
7. Info
7.1. Source repository
7.2. Author

1. Description

These scripts will install or uninstall IBM Spectrum Symphony 7.3.1 on a cluster of x86_64 or ppc64le servers, with RHEL Operating System, either local or shared install.
It can also create a demo environment: user id, sample applications using symping and enable the Value-at-Risk demo application.
Lab environments can also be created with 2 sample applications using symping and access to the Value-at-Risk demo application.
Installation can be done using these bash scripts, or using the Ansible playbook. Official documentation of IBM Spectrum Symphony is available here.

2. Components installed

  • Symphony 7.3.1

3. Pre-requisites

  • Servers need to be installed on a supported Linux OS version mentioned here and have the minimum hardware requirements mentioned here.
  • Servers need to be able to install few OS packages (using yum), either from local repository or through internet access, or these packages need to be already installed on all servers. The list of packages can be found in script.
  • Python 2.7.x needs to be available on the servers. Path to python binary can be specified with PYTHON_BIN parameter in (by default "python").
  • It is recommended to use these scripts from a shared filesystem accessible by all hosts. However if each node are installed individually without, scripts can be on local filesystem of each node and only the following parameters in need to be on a shared filesystem:
    • SSL_TMP_DIR (only used if SSL is enabled and or is executed)
    • SYNC_DIR (only used if INSTALL_TYPE=local and there are additional management hosts)
  • If is used to install all hosts:
    • these scripts must be in a shared filesystem accessible by all hosts.
    • password-less SSH must be enabled for root from the host where this script is executed to all the hosts of the cluster.
    • optionally pssh package can be installed (from epel yum repo) in order to run installation on compute hosts in parallel.
  • If the Ansible playbook is used to install the cluster:
    • Ansible must be installed on the host where the playbook will be executed.
    • The user used to execute the playbook must have password-less ssh access to all hosts of the cluster.
    • The user must have permissions to sudo as root as most tasks of the playbook will do privilege escalation.

4. Usage

4.1. Download and prepare these scripts

4.1.1. Download these scripts

Download and copy these scripts to a shared filesystem accessible by all hosts you are planning to install Symphony on.

  1. To download it:
git clone
  1. To copy Symphony 7.3.1 scripts:
cp -r spectrum-installs/symphony <shared-filesystem>/symphony-7.3.1-install

4.1.2. Edit parameters

Edit parameters in conf/ Mandatory parameters (at the top of the file) to change based on the target environment:

  • SSL

4.1.3. Edit hosts list files

Add the list of servers to install (FQDN as returned by "hostname -f" command), 1 host per line, in the following 2 files:

  • conf/management-hosts.txt (or the file specified as MANAGEMENTHOSTS_FILE in conf/ List of management hosts (do not include the master).
  • conf/compute-hosts.txt (or the file specified as COMPUTEHOSTS_FILE in conf/ List of compute hosts (only used if the cluster is installed with or if is executed).

4.2. Download and prepare Symphony and ifix files

4.2.1. Symphony

Either evaluation or entitled version can be used.
Evaluation version of Symphony can be downloaded here.

4.2.2. Configure

By default these files are expected to be in the directory of the scripts, with this structure:

  • symphony
    • sym-
    • sym_adv_entitlement.dat

Path to these files can be changed in conf/

4.3. Install the cluster

4.3.1. Installing all hosts (recommended)

This is the recommended approach at it will install all hosts of the cluster automatically. Execute the following script, as root, on any server having password-less ssh access to all hosts of the cluster:


4.3.2. Installing using Ansible

The Ansible playbook ansible-install-cluster.yaml can be used to install the cluster.
This playbook will execute the different scripts on each server.

  1. Execute to prepare the inventory file. Inventory will be created based on the configuration defined in the files in conf directory.
  2. Execute ansible playbook ansible-install-cluster.yaml:
ansible-playbook ansible-install-cluster.yaml -i ansible-inventory.ini

4.3.3. Installing each node individually Step by step
  1. Execute as root on all servers.
  2. Execute as root, on all servers if INSTALL_TYPE=local (starting with the master) or only on master if INSTALL_TYPE=shared.
  3. If SSL=enabled and self-signed certificates will be used, execute as root on all hosts starting with the master host.
  4. Execute as root on all servers.
  5. If there are multiple management nodes, master host need to be restarted to take them into account:
su -l $CLUSTERADMIN -c "source $INSTALL_DIR/profile.platform && egosh ego restart -f"
  1. To create demo environment, execute on master. It will create a user id, sample applications using symping and enable the Value-at-Risk demo application.
  2. If there are multiple management nodes, the master candidates list need to be configured either from Symphony GUI or with this CLI:
su -l $CLUSTERADMIN -c "source $INSTALL_DIR/profile.platform && egoconfig masterlist $MASTER_CANDIDATES -f && egosh ego restart -f" Short version
  1. Local install / SSL enabled - Execute on master host:
./ && ./ && ./ && ./
  1. Local install / SSL enabled - Execute on additional management hosts and compute hosts (make sure is executed on master host before executing it on other hosts):
./ && ./ && ./ && ./
  1. Shared install / SSL enabled - Execute on master host:
./ && ./ && ./ && ./
  1. Shared install / SSL enabled - Execute on additional management hosts and compute hosts (make sure is executed on master host before executing it on other hosts):
../ && ./

4.4. Uninstall the cluster

WARNING: Make sure that no change was made in, management-hosts.txt and compute-hosts.txt, as the uninstall scripts will use these configuration files to know which hosts to uninstall, and which directories to delete.
WARNING: These scripts will NOT ask any confirmation before stopping and uninstalling the cluster.

4.4.1. Uninstalling all hosts

Execute the following script, as root, on any server having password-less ssh access to all hosts of the cluster:


4.4.2. Uninstalling using Ansible

The Ansible playbook ansible-forceuninstall-cluster.yaml can be used to uninstall the cluster.
This playbook will execute the different scripts on each server.

  1. If needed, execute to prepare the inventory file. Inventory will be created based on the configuration defined in the files in conf directory.
  2. Execute ansible playbook ansible-forceuninstall-cluster.yaml:
ansible-playbook ansible-forceuninstall-cluster.yaml -i ansible-inventory.ini

4.4.3. Uninstalling each node individually

  1. Execute the following script, as root, on each host of the cluster, starting with the master host:
  1. Delete the shared directories:

4.5. Managing lab environments

Multiple lab environments can be created to let users test Symphony.
Each lab environment have a user account to connect to Symphony GUI, 2 applications using symping, and access to the Value-at-Risk demo application.

4.5.1. Create a lab environment

To create a lab environment:

  1. Edit parameters in conf/ Mandatory parameters to update:
  1. Execute the following script on one of the server of the cluster:

4.5.2. Delete a lab environment

To delete a lab environment:

  1. Edit parameters in conf/ Mandatory parameters to update:
  1. Execute the following script on one of the server of the cluster, with the username of the lab environment to delete as argument:

4.5.3. Advanced configuration

In order to provide additional exercises for the lab environment, script can:

  • create a OS user (username will be the same than the Symphony username) on all hosts of the cluster (in that case consumers will be created with the OS user as execution user)
  • copy a template directory to the home directory of the user (only on the server where the script is executed)

To enable this advanced configuration, edit following parameters in conf/


5. Description of files

  • Description of the scripts and how to use.
  • Script to prepare current host before installation.
  • Installation script (Install all the components on current host).
  • Cluster installation script (Install all the components on all hosts and create Instance Groups).
  • Post-installation script (Define rc init script for Symphony and EGO sudoers on current host).
  • Script to update SSL self-signed certificates and keystores to include all hostnames.
  • Script to create a demo environment (user id and sample applications).
  • Script to create a lab environment (user id and sample applications).
  • Script to delete a lab environment.
  • Uninstall Symphony on current host (stop EGO services, stop EGO on the current host and delete BASE_INSTALL_DIR).
  • Uninstall Symphony on all hosts (stop EGO services, stop EGO on all hosts, delete BASE_INSTALL_DIR on all hosts, delete EGO_SHARED_DIR).
  • Create the Ansible inventory file to be used with ansible-install-cluster.yaml and ansible-forceuninstall-cluster.yaml playbooks.
  • ansible-install-cluster.yaml: Ansible playbook to install the cluster.
  • ansible-forceuninstall-cluster.yaml: Ansible playbook to uninstall the cluster.
  • Script to test that these install scripts work properly. It should only be used by developers of these scripts.
  • conf/:
    • Parameters for the installation.
    • management-hosts.txt: File containing list of management hosts of the cluster.
    • compute-hosts.txt: File containing list of compute hosts of the cluster.
    • Parameters to create and delete lab environments.
  • functions/:
    • Include all functions files.
    • Common functions for scripts.
    • Functions to manage cluster.
    • Functions to manage SOAM.
    • Functions to update self-signed certificates and keystores.
  • templates/:
    • app.xml: Application profile template for the demo environment.

6. Comments for SSL Certificates

  • script will generate self-signed certificates with "IBM Spectrum Computing Root CA" certificate authority. In order to avoid security alerts in the browser when accessing the web interface, follow the step 3 of this documentation.
  • To import external certificates, do not run script and follow the documentation to import external certificates available here.

7. Info

7.1. Source repository

The repository of these scripts is located at

7.2. Author

Anthony Frery,
Feel free to reach out if you have any question!