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Angular + nginx

This repository shows how to containerize an Angular application using a nginx server.

Getting Started

Clone the repository and run npm install.

Local Development

Like any other Angular application, the application can be served and built locally using ng serve and ng build. Further details on Angular development can be found here.

Build image

To bundle the application files together with an nginx server, run

docker build -t angular-app .

You can set the following build arguments:

  • SKIP_TESTS: if set to true tests are not executed. Tests can be time consuming because they require a headless chrome (default false).
  • APPLICATION: choose the application (in subfolder projects) to serve (default main)

Dynamic Configuration

Sometimes you want to change configuration data without rebuilding the image. The AppConfig service loads a configuration file during runtime. The file is located in assets/config.json and can be overwritten by e.g. ConfigMap objects.


Using OpenShift new-app

Deploy this application to OpenShift by running the following command in the correct namespace:

    oc new-app --name <application name> <Git URL>

This will set up a BuildConfig, an ImageStream, a Deployment and a Service. To change build arguments, modify the BuildConfig resource accordingly.

You might want to expose the service in order to access it with an external URL:

    oc expose svc <application name>

In order to use a ConfigMap for dynamic configuration of the application (see above), you need to run the following commands:

  1. Create a ConfigMap from a custom configuration file:
    oc create configmap <configmap name> --from-file config.json=<path to custom config json file>
  1. Mount the ConfigMap to the specified path in the pods:
    oc set volume deployment/<application name> --add --type configmap --configmap-name <configmap name> --mount-path /opt/app-root/src/assets/

Using Pipeline and Helm

Setup the Pipeline

The steps to setup a CI pipeline are described in tekton.

Deploy a Helm chart

To deploy the application using helm you need to set the image repository (image.repository) and tag (image.tag)

    helm install <app-name> chart/base --set image.repository=<image repository uri> --set image.tag=<image tag>

If you use an OpenShift ImageStream, you might also want to set a trigger to automatically redeploy as soon as an image is pushed to the ImageStream:

    ... --set --set imageStreamTagTrigger.enabled=true --set<image stream name>:<image stream tag> --set imageStreamTagTrigger.namespace=<namespace of image stream>

If the Deployment and ImageStream are in different namespaces, make sure that the service accounts can pull from the ImageStream:

    oc policy add-role-to-group system:image-puller system:serviceaccounts:<namespace of deployment> --namespace=<namespace of imagestream>


This sample application is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2. Separate third-party code objects invoked within this code pattern are licensed by their respective providers pursuant to their own separate licenses. Contributions are subject to the Developer Certificate of Origin, Version 1.1 and the Apache License, Version 2.

Apache License FAQ