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305 lines (266 loc) · 28.2 KB

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305 lines (266 loc) · 28.2 KB


The ICUK API provides an interface to the reseller control panel which can be used to control the provisioning and configuration of facilities remotely

For more information, please visit

Installation & Usage


PHP 7.4 and later. Should also work with PHP 8.0.


To install the bindings via Composer, add the following to composer.json:

  "repositories": [
      "type": "vcs",
      "url": ""
  "require": {
    "GIT_USER_ID/GIT_REPO_ID": "*@dev"

Then run composer install

Manual Installation

Download the files and include autoload.php:


Getting Started

Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:

require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: oauth2
$config = OpenAPI\Client\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setAccessToken('YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN');

$apiInstance = new OpenAPI\Client\Api\BroadbandAddressApi(
    // If you want use custom http client, pass your client which implements `GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface`.
    // This is optional, `GuzzleHttp\Client` will be used as default.
    new GuzzleHttp\Client(),
$postcode = 'postcode_example'; // string | Postcode of address
$api_platform = 'api_platform_example'; // string | The API provides access to two separate platforms: test and live. The test platform allows you to experiment with the API without incurring charges or affecting customer orders. The live platform allows you to make real world changes.

try {
    $result = $apiInstance->broadbandAddressPostcodeGet($postcode, $api_platform);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling BroadbandAddressApi->broadbandAddressPostcodeGet: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;

API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to http://localhost

Class Method HTTP request Description
BroadbandAddressApi broadbandAddressPostcodeGet GET /broadband/address/{postcode} Search for your postcode and it will return a list of BT address search results
BroadbandAddressApi broadbandAddressSearchPostcodeGet GET /broadband/address_search/{postcode} Search for your postcode and it will return a list of BT address search results
BroadbandAuthenticationLogsApi broadbandAuthenticationLogsUsernameGet GET /broadband/authentication_logs/{username} Retrieves the past 50 authentication attempts for a broadband user
BroadbandAvailabilityApi broadbandAvailabilityCliOrPostcodeGet GET /broadband/availability/{cli_or_postcode} Search for your phone number or postcode and return a list of available broadband products with the speeds available
BroadbandAvailabilityApi broadbandAvailabilityPost POST /broadband/availability Search with your exact BT address match and return a list of available broadband products with the speeds available
BroadbandBanApi broadbandBanPut PUT /broadband/ban Updates the ban status for a broadband user
BroadbandBanApi broadbandBanStatusUsernameGet GET /broadband/ban/status/{username} Retrieves the ban status for a broadband user
BroadbandContactDetailsApi broadbandUserContactUsernameGet GET /broadband/user/contact/{username} Retrieves the contact details for a broadband user
BroadbandContactDetailsApi broadbandUserContactUsernamePut PUT /broadband/user/contact/username Changes a broadband users contact
BroadbandDataTransferApi broadbandDataTransferDailyUsernameGet GET /broadband/data_transfer/daily/{username} Retrieves the daily data transfer usage for a broadband user for the current month
BroadbandDataTransferApi broadbandDataTransferDailyUsernameYearMonthGet GET /broadband/data_transfer/daily/{username}/{year}/{month} Retrieves the daily data transfer usage for a broadband user for the specified month and year
BroadbandDataTransferApi broadbandDataTransferHourlyUsernameGet GET /broadband/data_transfer/hourly/{username} Retrieves the hourly data transfer usage for a broadband user for the current day
BroadbandDataTransferApi broadbandDataTransferHourlyUsernameYearMonthDayGet GET /broadband/data_transfer/hourly/{username}/{year}/{month}/{day} Retrieves the hourly data transfer usage for a broadband user for the specified day, month and year
BroadbandDataTransferApi broadbandDataTransferMonthlyGet GET /broadband/data_transfer/monthly Retrieves the monthly data transfer usage for all users for the current month
BroadbandDataTransferApi broadbandDataTransferMonthlyUsernameGet GET /broadband/data_transfer/monthly/{username} Retrieves the monthly data transfer usage for a broadband user for the current month
BroadbandDataTransferApi broadbandDataTransferMonthlyUsernameYearMonthGet GET /broadband/data_transfer/monthly/{username}/{year}/{month} Retrieves the monthly data transfer usage for a broadband user for the specified month and year
BroadbandDataTransferApi broadbandDataTransferMonthlyYearMonthGet GET /broadband/data_transfer/monthly/{year}/{month} Retrieves the monthly data transfer usage for all users for the specified month and year
BroadbandDiagnosticsApi broadbandDiagnosticsResultsUsernameTestIdGet GET /broadband/diagnostics/results/{username}/{test_id} Gets the results of complete diagnostics test for a certain user and test ID for a TTB line
BroadbandDiagnosticsApi broadbandDiagnosticsUsernameGet GET /broadband/diagnostics/{username} Carry out a TalkTalk diagnostics test on the user line
BroadbandDiagnosticsApi broadbandKbdPost POST /broadband/kbd Carry out a Knowledge Based Diagnostics test on a BT Openreach line
BroadbandDiagnosticsApi broadbandKbdResultUsernameGet GET /broadband/kbd/result/{username} Gets the results of complete KBD's for a certain user
BroadbandIPApi broadbandIpRdnsUsernameGet GET /broadband/ip/rdns/{username} Retrieves the broadband Reverse DNS information of a static, routed and Ipv6 addresses of a broadband user
BroadbandIPApi broadbandIpRdnsUsernamePost POST /broadband/ip/rdns/{username} Assigns a Reverse DNS records to a static or routed IP address
BroadbandIPApi broadbandIpRoutedUsernameDelete DELETE /broadband/ip/routed/{username} Removes a routed subnet from a broadband user
BroadbandIPApi broadbandIpRoutedUsernamePost POST /broadband/ip/routed/{username} Assigns a routed IPv4 address of the supplied size to a broadband user and updates the RIPE database with the supplied RIPE NIC handle. If the current allocation is dynamic a static IP will also be created
BroadbandIPApi broadbandIpStaticUsernameDelete DELETE /broadband/ip/static/{username} Removes a static IP address and all routed subnets from a broadband user
BroadbandIPApi broadbandIpStaticUsernamePost POST /broadband/ip/static/{username} Assigns a static IPv4 address to a broadband user
BroadbandIPApi broadbandIpUsernameGet GET /broadband/ip/{username} Retrieves the static, routed and Ipv6 information of a broadband user
BroadbandIPApi broadbandIpv6UsernameDelete DELETE /broadband/ipv6/{username} Removes a IPv6 address from a broadband user
BroadbandIPApi broadbandIpv6UsernamePost POST /broadband/ipv6/{username} Assigns a IPv6 address to a broadband user
BroadbandNotificationsApi broadbandNotificationsGetGet GET /broadband/notifications/get Returns all broadband notifications for the reseller
BroadbandNotificationsApi broadbandNotificationsQueryPost POST /broadband/notifications/query Queries for broadband notifications
BroadbandNotificationsApi broadbandNotificationsUsernameAllGet GET /broadband/notifications/{username}/{all} Queries for broadband notifications for user@realm
BroadbandOnlineStatusApi broadbandOnlineStatusGet GET /broadband/online_status Retrieves the online statuses for all broadband users
BroadbandOnlineStatusApi broadbandOnlineStatusUsernameDelete DELETE /broadband/online_status/{username} Terminates a user's session if they are online
BroadbandOnlineStatusApi broadbandOnlineStatusUsernameGet GET /broadband/online_status/{username} Retrieves the online status of a broadband user
BroadbandOrderApi broadbandOrderCeaseUsernamePost POST /broadband/order/cease/{username} Places a cease order for an existing broadband connection for a specific date
BroadbandOrderApi broadbandOrderGet GET /broadband/order Retrieves the broadband order summary for all users
BroadbandOrderApi broadbandOrderMigratePost POST /broadband/order/migrate Orders a migration of an existing broadband connection for a telephone line or address
BroadbandOrderApi broadbandOrderOrderIdGet GET /broadband/order/{order_id} Retrieves the broadband order details for a broadband order ID
BroadbandOrderApi broadbandOrderOrderTypeOrderStatusGet GET /broadband/order/{order_type}/{order_status} Retrieves the broadband order summary for all users for the specified order type and status
BroadbandOrderApi broadbandOrderProvidePost POST /broadband/order/provide Orders a new broadband product for a telephone line or address
BroadbandOrderApi broadbandOrderUpdatesOrderIdStartDateEndDateGet GET /broadband/order/updates/{order_id}/{start_date}/{end_date} Retrieves a specific broadband order which has been updated within a datetime range
BroadbandOrderApi broadbandOrderUpdatesStartDateEndDateGet GET /broadband/order/updates/{start_date}/{end_date} Retrieves the broadband orders which have been updated within a datetime range
BroadbandProductsApi broadbandProductsAdslProductIdGet GET /broadband/products/adsl/{product_id} Retrieves the reseller's broadband product details for a specific product ID
BroadbandProductsApi broadbandProductsCareCurrentUsernameGet GET /broadband/products/care/current/{username} Gets the current care level of the broadband product
BroadbandProductsApi broadbandProductsCarePut PUT /broadband/products/care Updates the care level of the broadband product
BroadbandProductsApi broadbandProductsGet GET /broadband/products Retrieves the reseller's available broadband products that can be ordered and their costs
BroadbandProductsApi broadbandProductsQuotaCurrentUsernameGet GET /broadband/products/quota/current/{username} Gets the default action to be taken in future if the account exceeds its quota
BroadbandProductsApi broadbandProductsQuotaPut PUT /broadband/products/quota Choose a default action to be taken in future if the account exceeds its quota
BroadbandProductsApi broadbandProductsSpeedCurrentUsernameGet GET /broadband/products/speed/current/{username} Gets the current speed limit of a broadband product
BroadbandProductsApi broadbandProductsSpeedPut PUT /broadband/products/speed Adjust the speed limit for this connection
BroadbandRIPEApi broadbandRipePersonGet GET /broadband/ripe/person Retrieves the RIPE person contacts that have been created for broadband accounts assigned to the reseller
BroadbandRIPEApi broadbandRipePersonPost POST /broadband/ripe/person Creates a RIPE person contact assigned to the reseller
BroadbandRIPEApi broadbandRipePersonRipeNicHandleDelete DELETE /broadband/ripe/person/{ripe_nic_handle} Deletes the RIPE person contact details for a nic-handle
BroadbandRIPEApi broadbandRipePersonRipeNicHandleGet GET /broadband/ripe/person/{ripe_nic_handle} Retrieves a RIPE person contact for a specific nic-handle that has been created for a broadband account assigned to the reseller
BroadbandRIPEApi broadbandRipePersonRipeNicHandlePut PUT /broadband/ripe/person/{ripe_nic_handle} Changes the RIPE person contact details for a nic-handle
BroadbandRadiusApi broadbandCarrierRadiusGet GET /broadband/carrier_radius Retrieves the carrier RADIUS logs of a broadband user. [TTB only]
BroadbandSNRApi broadbandInterleavingCurrentUsernameGet GET /broadband/interleaving/current/{username} Retrieves the current interleaving option. Only available for users with BT Wholesale products
BroadbandSNRApi broadbandInterleavingPut PUT /broadband/interleaving Updates the interleaving profile. Only available for users with BT Wholesale broadband products
BroadbandSNRApi broadbandProfileCurrentUsernameGet GET /broadband/profile/current/{username} Gets the current SNR and interleaving profile. Only available for users with TalkTalk products
BroadbandSNRApi broadbandProfilePut PUT /broadband/profile Updates SNR and interleaving profile. Only available for users with TalkTalk products
BroadbandSNRApi broadbandSnrLogsUsernameGet GET /broadband/snr/logs/{username} Gets SNR logs for a user. Only available for users with BT Wholesale products
BroadbandSNRApi broadbandSnrUsernameGet GET /broadband/snr/{username} Reset the SNR of the user line. Only available for users with BT Wholesale products
BroadbandSessionHistoryApi broadbandSessionHistoryUsernameGet GET /broadband/session_history/{username} Retrieves the past 50 session history of a broadband user
BroadbandStabilityApi broadbandStabilityCurrentUsernameGet GET /broadband/stability/current/{username} Gets the current stability option of the line. The stability option will change once the order is complete
BroadbandStabilityApi broadbandStabilityPut PUT /broadband/stability Updates the stability of the line
BroadbandSyncProfileApi broadbandSyncProfileUsernameGet GET /broadband/sync_profile/{username} View the current and past sync profile for this connection
BroadbandTariffApi broadbandTariffDeleteTariffIdDelete DELETE /broadband/tariff/delete/{tariff_id} Deletes a broadband tariff
BroadbandTariffApi broadbandTariffGet GET /broadband/tariff Retrieves the broadband tariffs
BroadbandTariffApi broadbandTariffNewPost POST /broadband/tariff/new Creates a new broadband tariff
BroadbandUserApi broadbandUserGet GET /broadband/user Retrieves all the broadband users belonging to the API user
BroadbandUserApi broadbandUserPasswordUsernamePut PUT /broadband/user/password/{username} Updates password of a broadband user
BroadbandUserApi broadbandUserUsernameDelete DELETE /broadband/user/{username} Deletes a broadband user belonging to the API user
BroadbandUserApi broadbandUserUsernameGet GET /broadband/user/{username} Retrieves a broadband user belonging to the API user
EchoApi echoGet GET /echo Test Echo API request
OAuthApi oauthTokenPost POST /oauth/token Retrieve OAuth 2.0 Authorization token.




  • Type: OAuth
  • Flow: application
  • Authorization URL: ``
  • Scopes: N/A


To run the tests, use:

composer install


About this package

This PHP package is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project:

  • API version: v1
  • Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.PhpClientCodegen