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How it works?
How to use IDmelon Authenticator
2022-02-22 15:33:45 -0800
2022-02-22 15:33:45 -0800

To start using your smartphone as a security key on a computer, first you need to either:

  • pair your smartphone with that computer, or
  • have an IDmelon Reader.

Then, you can add your security key to your accounts such as Microsoft and Twitter.

Choose your status:

{{< btn value=I want to pair with my PC. href=/pages/pairing/step1 >}}

{{< btn value=I already paired with my PC. href=/pages/setupasecuritykey >}}

{{< btn value=I have an IDmelon Reader. href=/pages/want-reader >}}

{{< btn value=What is IDmelon Reader? href=/pages/reader/index.html >}}