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Kunal Nagpal edited this page Mar 18, 2016 · 8 revisions

GPL is built atop Express, a lightweight and fast framework for Node.js, designed with a wide variety of applications in mind. Do checkout the project structure in order to gain better understanding.

Traditional database outfits like SQL and the like have been done away with in favour of the more contemporary MongoDB. This allows greater flexibility with the exact storage format, as MongoDB does not enforce a schema by default.

More information on the release cycle of GPL can be found [here] (

Sno Directory Remarks
1 bin Holds the www application initiation script.
2 database A collection of database operation modules.
3 public Static assets.
4 routes A collection of request handlers.
5 tests The test suite for GPL.
6 utils Automation utility scripts.
7 views Front end layouts.
8 worker Simulation related tasks.
9 .codeclimate.yml Denotes Codeclimate specification.
10 .csslintrc Specifies CSSLint specification.
11 .eslintignore Specifies files to be ignored from ESLint analysis.
12 .eslintrc Specifies ESLint rules.
13 .gitattributes Specifies file handling protocols.
14 .gitignore Specifies sensitive files to be excluded from the version control index.
15 app.js Application bootstrapper, and middleware loader.
16 LICENSE Self explanatory.
17 package.json Specifies application metadata.
18 Procfile Specifies application startup command.
19 Brief setup instructions.



First steps

Setup instructions

Technical information

Developer guidelines


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