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Jehovah Yii Zui Hon (Hovah) edited this page Jan 14, 2023 · 2 revisions

Welcome to the IEM-UMPSS website!

Our website serves as a platform for engineering students to learn about and participate in activities that promote sound professional engineering practice and prepare them for a successful career. We also service the needs and interests of our members to enhance society’s consciousness of science and technology.

Here are some of the features and resources available on our website:

Information about upcoming engineering events and activities Professional development opportunities Networking opportunities with industry professionals Technical seminars and workshops Industry connections and job opportunities Resources for engineering students, including career advice and information about scholarship opportunities. To get the most out of our website, we recommend creating an account. This will allow you to access all of the features and resources available on our website, including the ability to RSVP for events and activities, access exclusive content, and connect with other members of the IEM-UMPSS community.

If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to contact us. We value your input and are always looking for ways to improve our website and services.

Thank you for visiting IEM-UMPSS website and we hope you find it useful and informative.

Best regards,

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