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File metadata and controls

22 lines (17 loc) · 1.4 KB


Load the model package

import 'package:kratos_api_dart/api.dart';


Name Type Description Notes
active bool Active state. If false the session is no longer active. [optional]
authenticatedAt DateTime The Session Authentication Timestamp When this session was authenticated at. If multi-factor authentication was used this is the time when the last factor was authenticated (e.g. the TOTP code challenge was completed). [optional]
authenticationMethods BuiltList<SessionAuthenticationMethod> A list of authenticators which were used to authenticate the session. [optional]
authenticatorAssuranceLevel AuthenticatorAssuranceLevel [optional]
expiresAt DateTime The Session Expiry When this session expires at. [optional]
id String
identity Identity
issuedAt DateTime The Session Issuance Timestamp When this session was issued at. Usually equal or close to authenticated_at. [optional]

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