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File metadata and controls

481 lines (387 loc) · 20.8 KB


In this tutorial we will create a simple object-based ADM document and write it to std::cout. We assume that libadm is installed and, that the include path is added to the PATH and you are linking with the library. We also assume, that you have at least basic knowledge on how an ADM file is structured.

First example

Let us have a look at the following first example.

#include <iostream>
#include <adm/adm.hpp>
#include <adm/write.hpp>

int main() {
  auto admDocument = adm::Document::create();
  adm::writeXml(std::cout, admDocument);
  return 0;

For most of the functionality of the library only the header adm/adm.hpp has to be included. As we simultaneously want to see how our ADM document takes shape we also included adm/write.hpp. This header contains the declaration of the :cpp:func:`adm::writeXml()` functions. These functions can be used to write an ADM document to an std::ostream or a file. Apart from that not much is happening yet. We just create an :cpp:class:`adm::Document`, which is the class representation of a whole ADM file.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<ebuCoreMain xmlns:dc=""
             schema="EBU_CORE_20140201.xsd" xml:lang="en">

As our ADM document is still empty the output is no surprise: the audioFormatExtended node does not contain any ADM elements, but the basic ebuCore structure is already there.


For all following XML code examples we are omitting the EBUcore structure for reasons of simplicity and only include the audioFormatExtended node.

Adding content

So let us fill our ADM document with some content.

#include <iostream>
#include <adm/adm.hpp>
#include <adm/write.hpp>

int main() {
  auto admDocument = adm::Document::create();

  auto admProgramme = adm::AudioProgramme::create(
      adm::AudioProgrammeName("Alice and Bob talking in the forrest"));
  auto speechContent = adm::AudioContent::create(adm::AudioContentName("Speech"));
  auto atmoContent = adm::AudioContent::create(adm::AudioContentName("Atmo"));


  adm::writeXml(std::cout, admDocument);

  return 0;

We have created an audioProgramme and two audioContent ADM elements and added them to our document.

  <audioProgramme audioProgrammeID="APR_1001" audioProgrammeName="Alice and Bob talking in the forrest"/>
  <audioContent audioContentID="ACO_1001" audioContentName="Speech"/>
  <audioContent audioContentID="ACO_1002" audioContentName="Atmo"/>

Note that the IDs of the ADM elements are already properly set. This automatically happens when an ADM element is added to an :cpp:class:`adm::Document`. This is usually very convenient. But in some cases one might want to manually set the ID. If an ADM element already has an ID, the :cpp:class:`adm::IdAssigner` will use the ID if the ID is not already in use in the document. If it is, the :cpp:class:`adm::IdAssigner` will increase the ID value until it finds an ID which is not used yet.

#include <iostream>
#include <adm/adm.hpp>
#include <adm/write.hpp>
#include <adm/utilities/object_creation.hpp>

int main() {
  auto admDocument = adm::Document::create();

  auto admProgramme = adm::AudioProgramme::create(
      adm::AudioProgrammeName("Alice and Bob talking in the forest"));
  auto speechContent = adm::AudioContent::create(adm::AudioContentName("Speech"));
  auto atmoContent = adm::AudioContent::create(adm::AudioContentName("Atmo"));
  auto aliceHolder = adm::createSimpleObject("Alice");
  auto bobHolder = adm::createSimpleObject("Bob");



  adm::writeXml(std::cout, admDocument);

  return 0;

As a next step we added two "objects". In an object-based situation we usually always have the same composition of audioObject, audioTrackUID, audioPackFormat, audioChannelFormat, audioStreamFormat, audioTrackFormat ADM elements. To simplify the process of creating an "object", we use the utility function :cpp:func:`adm::createSimpleObject()`. It creates all the necessary ADM elements and adds the references.

The output of our programme is now as follows:

  <audioProgramme audioProgrammeID="APR_1001" audioProgrammeName="Alice and Bob talking in the forrest">
  <audioContent audioContentID="ACO_1001" audioContentName="Speech">
  <audioContent audioContentID="ACO_1002" audioContentName="Atmo"/>
  <audioObject audioObjectID="AO_1001" audioObjectName="Alice">
  <audioObject audioObjectID="AO_1002" audioObjectName="Bob">
  <audioPackFormat audioPackFormatID="AP_00031001" audioPackFormatName="Alice" typeLabel="0003" typeDefinition="Objects">
  <audioPackFormat audioPackFormatID="AP_00031002" audioPackFormatName="Bob" typeLabel="0003" typeDefinition="Objects">
  <audioChannelFormat audioChannelFormatID="AC_00031001" audioChannelFormatName="Alice" typeLabel="0003" typeDefinition="Objects"/>
  <audioChannelFormat audioChannelFormatID="AC_00031002" audioChannelFormatName="Bob" typeLabel="0003" typeDefinition="Objects"/>
  <audioStreamFormat audioStreamFormatID="AS_00031001" audioStreamFormatName="Alice" formatLabel="0001" formatDefinition="PCM">
  <audioStreamFormat audioStreamFormatID="AS_00031002" audioStreamFormatName="Bob" formatLabel="0001" formatDefinition="PCM">
  <audioTrackFormat audioTrackFormatID="AT_00031001_01" audioTrackFormatName="Alice" formatLabel="0001" formatDefinition="PCM">
  <audioTrackFormat audioTrackFormatID="AT_00031002_01" audioTrackFormatName="Bob" formatLabel="0001" formatDefinition="PCM">
  <audioTrackUID UID="ATU_00000001">
  <audioTrackUID UID="ATU_00000002">

But wait, we only added the audioObject to our document and all the elements created by :cpp:func:`adm::createSimpleObject()` are now also part of the document. This is because the :cpp:func:`adm::Document::add()` function automatically adds all referenced ADM elements too. Knowing this we can simplify our programme, while still getting the exact same output. We just add all our references first and only add the audioProgramme to the document.

#include <iostream>
#include <adm/adm.hpp>
#include <adm/write.hpp>
#include <adm/utilities/object_creation.hpp>

int main() {
  auto admDocument = adm::Document::create();

  auto admProgramme = adm::AudioProgramme::create(
      adm::AudioProgrammeName("Alice and Bob talking in the forest"));
  auto speechContent = adm::AudioContent::create(adm::AudioContentName("Speech"));
  auto atmoContent = adm::AudioContent::create(adm::AudioContentName("Atmo"));
  auto aliceHolder = adm::createSimpleObject("Alice");
  auto bobHolder = adm::createSimpleObject("Bob");



  adm::writeXml(std::cout, admDocument);

  return 0;

Using Common Definitions

As a next step we will add a channel bed to our document. The channel bed we are adding is a standard stereo signal. So we are going to use the common definitions. The first thing we need to do is add them to our document.

#include <adm/common_definitions.hpp>
auto admDocument = adm::Document::create();
addCommonDefinitionsTo(admDocument);    // add common definitions to our doc

Then we manually create our audioObject and the two audioTrackUIDs for the left and right channel.

auto atmoObject = adm::AudioObject::create(adm::AudioObjectName("Forest Atmo"));
auto trackUidLeft = adm::AudioTrackUid::create();
auto trackUidRight = adm::AudioTrackUid::create();

What is now missing is the connection between our object and the common definition ADM elements. To simplify the identification of the necessary ADM elements there are two lookup tables you can use. Those map the loudspeaker IDs and speaker labels specified in ITU-R BS.2051 to the corresponding ADM element IDs. To get the right ADM elements those IDs can then be used to look them up in the ADM document.

auto packFormatLookup = adm::audioPackFormatLookupTable();
auto trackFormatLookup = adm::audioTrackFormatLookupTable();

auto packFormatStereo = admDocument->lookup("0+2+0"));
auto trackFormatLeft = admDocument->lookup("M+030"));
auto trackFormatRight = admDocument->lookup("M-030"));



That's it. We are done.

#include <iostream>
#include <adm/adm.hpp>
#include <adm/write.hpp>
#include <adm/utilities/object_creation.hpp>
#include <adm/common_definitions.hpp>
#include <adm/utilities/copy.hpp>

int main() {
  auto admDocument = adm::Document::create();

  auto admProgramme = adm::AudioProgramme::create(
      adm::AudioProgrammeName("Alice and Bob talking in the forest"));
  auto speechContent = adm::AudioContent::create(adm::AudioContentName("Speech"));
  auto atmoContent = adm::AudioContent::create(adm::AudioContentName("Atmo"));
  auto aliceHolder = adm::createSimpleObject("Alice");
  auto bobHolder = adm::createSimpleObject("Bob");

  auto commonDefDoc = adm::getCommonDefinitions();
  adm::deepCopyTo(commonDefDoc, admDocument);

  auto atmoObject = adm::AudioObject::create(adm::AudioObjectName("Forrest Atmo"));
  auto trackUidLeft = adm::AudioTrackUid::create();
  auto trackUidRight = adm::AudioTrackUid::create();

  auto packFormatLookup = adm::audioPackFormatLookupTable();
  auto trackFormatLookup = adm::audioTrackFormatLookupTable();

  auto packFormatStereo = admDocument->lookup("0+2+0"));
  auto trackFormatLeft = admDocument->lookup("M+030"));
  auto trackFormatRight = admDocument->lookup("M-030"));





  adm::writeXml(std::cout, admDocument);  // write XML data to stdout

  return 0;

Now let us have a final look at the output.

  <audioProgramme audioProgrammeID="APR_1001" audioProgrammeName="Alice and Bob talking in the forrest">
  <audioContent audioContentID="ACO_1001" audioContentName="Atmo">
  <audioContent audioContentID="ACO_1002" audioContentName="Speech">
  <audioObject audioObjectID="AO_1001" audioObjectName="Forrest Atmo">
  <audioObject audioObjectID="AO_1002" audioObjectName="Alice">
  <audioObject audioObjectID="AO_1003" audioObjectName="Bob">
  <audioPackFormat audioPackFormatID="AP_00031001" audioPackFormatName="Alice" typeLabel="0003" typeDefinition="Objects">
  <audioPackFormat audioPackFormatID="AP_00031002" audioPackFormatName="Bob" typeLabel="0003" typeDefinition="Objects">
  <audioChannelFormat audioChannelFormatID="AC_00031001" audioChannelFormatName="Alice" typeLabel="0003" typeDefinition="Objects"/>
  <audioChannelFormat audioChannelFormatID="AC_00031002" audioChannelFormatName="Bob" typeLabel="0003" typeDefinition="Objects"/>
  <audioStreamFormat audioStreamFormatID="AS_00031001" audioStreamFormatName="Alice" formatLabel="0001" formatDefinition="PCM">
  <audioStreamFormat audioStreamFormatID="AS_00031002" audioStreamFormatName="Bob" formatLabel="0001" formatDefinition="PCM">
  <audioTrackFormat audioTrackFormatID="AT_00031001_01" audioTrackFormatName="Alice" formatLabel="0001" formatDefinition="PCM">
  <audioTrackFormat audioTrackFormatID="AT_00031002_01" audioTrackFormatName="Bob" formatLabel="0001" formatDefinition="PCM">
  <audioTrackUID UID="ATU_00000001">
  <audioTrackUID UID="ATU_00000002">
  <audioTrackUID UID="ATU_00000003">
  <audioTrackUID UID="ATU_00000004">

As the idea of the common definitions is, that those ADM elements don't need to be written, even though we added common definition ADM elements to our document the XML writer does not write them.

Setting block format durations

Multiple AudioBlockFormat s in an :cpp:class:`adm::AudioChannelFormat` should all have an :cpp:type:`adm::Rtime` and a :cpp:type:`adm::Duration`.

In practice, however, it can be very hard to determine the duration of an adm::AudioBlockFormat during its creation or setup. This is due to the fact that an :cpp:class:`adm::AudioChannelFormat`, and thus its blocks and their durations, is bound to the parent :cpp:class:`adm::AudioObject` duration. The lifetime of the :cpp:class:`adm::AudioObject`, if not given explicitly, is bound to the length of the :cpp:class:`adm::AudioProgramme` or, if that's not set either, to the length of the file.

Thus, it's easy to imagine situations where not all information is available during the setup of adm::AudioBlockFormat s.

This library provides some utility functions that are supposed to postpone the duration setting to a later point in time when all information is available, and therefore should help in writing standard conform ADM documents.

Consider the following code:

auto document = adm::Document::create();
auto programme = adm::AudioProgramme::create(adm::AudioProgrammeName{"main"});
auto content1 = adm::AudioContent::create(adm::AudioContentName{"main"});
auto object1 = adm::AudioObject::create(adm::AudioObjectName{"object1"});
auto pack1 = adm::AudioPackFormat::create(
auto channel1 = adm::AudioChannelFormat::create(

Neither the referencing :cpp:class:`adm::AudioObject` nor the main :cpp:class:`adm::AudioProgramme` might have a duration or an endtime. Thus, the duration of the second block added to the :cpp:class:`adm::AudioChannelFormat` channel1 depends on the length of the audio signals, which might not be known at this point in time.

When it is known, for example when writing a BW64 file with the ADM document contained in an axml chunk, one might known the actual length of the file. Then, one can use the utility function :cpp:func:`adm::updateBlockFormatDurations()` to, well, update all block format durations with their correct values:

// ... somehow we know that our file will be 5 seconds long

updateBlockFormatDurations(document, std::chrono::seconds(5));

// now, continue with writing the xml chunk to disk or something similar

Depending on the use case, the file length might not be necessary or there might not even be a file with audio signals. Multiple variants of :cpp:func:`adm::updateBlockFormatDurations` are therefore provided to accommodate all use cases.