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File metadata and controls

185 lines (121 loc) · 9.95 KB

Using the CLI

This tutorial shows how to use the fairly Command Line Interface (CLI) to clone, and create datasets, and to edit their metadata.


Windows Users. For the following to work, you need Pyton in the PATH environment variable on Windows. If your not sure that is the case. Open the Shell, and type python --version. You should see the version of Python on the screen. If you see otherwise, follow these steps to add Python to the PATH on Windows

  1. Open a Terminal or Shell
  2. Test the fairly CLI is accessible in your terminal, by calling the help command:
fairly --help

You should see the following:

Usage: fairly [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

╭─ Options ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ --install-completion        [bash|zsh|fish|powershell|pwsh]  Install completion for the specified shell. [default: None]       │
│ --show-completion           [bash|zsh|fish|powershell|pwsh]  Show completion for the specified shell, to copy it or customize  │
│                                                              the installation.                                                 │
│                                                              [default: None]                                                   │
│ --help                                                       Show this message and exit.                                       │
╭─ Commands ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ config                                                                                                                         │
│ dataset                                                                                                                        │
│ list-repos               List all repositories supported by fairly                                                             │
│ list-user-datasets       List all datasets in the specified repository by doi, title, and publication_date                     │

Cloning a Dataset

  1. Create a new directory and subdirectory workshop/clone

    # On Windows
    mkdir workshop
    mkdir workshop\clone
    # On Linux/MacOS
    mkdir -p  workshop/clone
  2. Go to the clone directory

    # On Windows
    cd workshop\clone
    # On Linux/MacOS
    cd  workshop/clone
  3. Clone this Zenodo dataset, using its URL:

    fairly dataset clone --url
  4. Explore the content of the dataset, notice that file(s) of the dataset have been downloaded and its metadata is in the manifest.yaml file.


Creating a Local fairly Dataset

We can use the CLI to initialize a new dataset.

  1. Create a new directory called mydataset-cli inside the workshop directory. Then move to into the directory
# On Windows/Linux/McOS
mkdir mydataset-cli
cd mydataset-cli
  1. Create a local dataset using the Zenodo metadata template, as follows
fairly dataset create zenodo

Include Files in your Dataset

Add some folders and files the mydataset-cli directory. You can do this using the file explorer/browser. You can add files of your own, but be careful not to include anything that you want to keep confidential. Also consider the total size of the files you will add, the larger the size the longer the upload will take. Also remember that for the current Zenodo API each file should be 100MB or smaller; this will change in the future.

If you do not want to use files from your own, you can download and use the dummy-data

Editing the Manifest

The manifest.yaml file contains several sections to describe the medatadata of a dataset. Some of the sections and fields are compulsory (they are required by the data repository), others are optional. In this example, you started a fairly dataset using the template for the Zenodo repository, but you could also do so for 4TU.ResearchData.

However, if you are not sure which repository you will use to publish a dataset, use the :guilabel:`default` option. This template contains the most common sections and fields for the repositories supported by fairly


Independently of which template you use to start a dataset, the manifest.yaml file is interoperable between data repositories, with very few exceptions. This means that you can use the same manifest file for various data repositories. Different templates are provided only as a guide to indicate what metadata is more relevant for each data repository.

  1. Open the manifest.yaml using a text editor. On Linux/MacOS you can use nano or vim. On Windows use the notepad
  2. Substitute the content of the manifest.yaml with the text below. Here, we use only a small set of fields that are possible for Zenodo.
  type: dataset
  publication_date: '2023-03-22'
  title: My Title CLI
  - fullname: Surname, FirstName
    affiliation: Your institution
  description: A dataset from the Fairly Toolset workshop
  access_type: open
  license: CC0-1.0
  doi: ''
  - workshop
  - dummy data
  notes: ''
  related_identifiers: []
  communities: []
  grants: []
  subjects: []
  version: 1.0.0
  language: eng
template: zenodo
  - Survey_AI.csv
  - wind-mill.jpg
  excludes: []
  1. Edit the dataset metadata by typing the information you want to add. For example, you can change the title, authors, description, etc. Save the file when you are done.


  • The includes field must list the files and directories (folders) you want to include as part of the dataset. Included files and directories will be uploaded to the the data repository
  • The excludes field can be used for explicitly indicating what files or directories you don't want to be part of the dataset, for example, files that contain sensitive information. Excluded files and directories will never be uploaded to the data repository.
  • Files and directories that are not listed in either includes or excludes will be ignored by fairly.

Upload Dataset to Data Repository

Here, we explain how to upload a dataset to an existing account in Zenodo. If you do not have an account yet, you can sign up in this webpage.

For this, you first need to :ref:`create-token` and register it manually or :ref:`via JupyterLab <configuring-fairly>`.

Upload Dataset

  1. On the terminal or command prompt, type:

    fairly dataset upload zenodo
  2. Go to your Zenodo and click on :guilabel:`Upload`. The My dataset CLI dataset should be there.


Explore the dataset and notice that all the files and metadata you added in JupyterLab has been automatically added to the new dataset. You should also notice that the dataset is not published, this is on purpose. This gives you the oportunity to review the dataset before deciding to publish if, and if necessary to make changes. In this way we also prevent users to publish dataset by mistake.


If you try to upload the dataset again, you will get an error message. This is because the dataset already exists in Zenodo. You can see this reflected in the manifest.yaml file; the section remotes: is added to the file after succesfully uploading a dataset. It lists the names and ids of the repositories where the dataset has been uploaded. In the future, we will add a feature to allow users to update and sync datasets between repositories.