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GoJAPI(Go JSON API) is a small framework aimed at making a low level easy to use JSON API. It aims to do this by always returning JSON in the same basic format: Status, Data and Error.

GoJAPI currently supports go1.10.2. GoJAPI currently only supports MYSQL database

Quick start

Navigate to Gopath/src/

  • On Windows: cd %gopath%/src/

  • On Linux: cd $GOPATH/src/

If not already exist create a folder here where you want to work on the project:

mkdir gojapi
cd gojapi

Clone this repository to your gopath:

git clone

Now goto the cloned project:

cd gojapi

Before continuing follow the Configuration section under this and return

Build and run:

  • On Windows: go build & gojapi

  • On Linux: go build & ./gojapi

Now if you go to http://localhost:8080 you shall see the following:

{"status":"error","data":"","error":{"code":404,"custom_code":-1,"type":"Not Found","param":[],"message":"Endpoint not found"}}



First we need to setup the database by default the framework will use the gojapi database with root on port 3306 without password this can be configured in controllers/init.go.

To change this you can change:

	qb.DBC = db.Connection{Database: "gojapi"}


	qb.DBC = db.Connection{
		Host: "HOST",
		Port: "PORT",
		Database: "DATABASE",
		Username: "USERNAME",
		Password: "PASSWORD",

If you don't want to change one of them just leave them out, only database is required.

File Structure

In all these folders you can find a with extra details

-app -> Here are all general functions stored
-controllers -> Here are all serve functions stored
-http -> Here are all examples for API Calls stored
-models -> Here are all models stored for the db and requests/responses
-sql -> Here are all sql files stored to quickly setup the database

Code Preview

This framework does not add a different webserver it just adds extra functionality for using JSON and connecting to the database.

Responding with data

In this framework most data is written to the client using jio.WriteMsg example:

type LoginPost struct {
	ID       int       `json:"id"`
	Username string    `json:"username"`
	Auth     TokenPost `json:"auth"`
type TokenPost struct {
	Token     string `json:"token"`
	CreatedAt string `json:"created_at"`
	ExpireAt  string `json:"expire_at"`
	DeleteAt  string `json:"delete_at"`
// Here returnedRow is the LoginPost struct above filled
jio.WriteMsg(w, returnedRow, "")


    "status": "succes",
    "data": {
        "id": 1,
        "username": "Legend27",
        "auth": {
            "token": "rQu)I)J3yVJn9v:SBj3R0YiynQvRN4-D6h0!Yxd)dXXt!Vr(X6+ZUmzEb(qfnU)S",
            "created_at": "Wed, 17 Jul 2019 22:07:10 +1700",
            "expire_at": "Wed, 17 Jul 2019 22:07:50 +1700",
            "delete_at": "Wed, 17 Jul 2019 22:08:10 +1700"
    "error": ""

Checking parameters

This framework comes with a function to check for required parameters, it will return a list of missing parameters:

Example where it checks if all properties are filled

// Check if any params are invalid
errorParam := jio.CheckParamsStruc(body)
if len(errorParam) > 0 {
	errMsg := jio.CreateErrorMsg(jio.InvalidParameters, errorParam)
	jio.WriteMsg(w, "", errMsg)

Example where you select wich are required:

// Check if any required params are invalid
errorParam := jio.CheckParams(body, [1]String{"Username"})
if len(errorParam) > 0 {
	errMsg := jio.CreateErrorMsg(jio.InvalidParameters, errorParam)
	jio.WriteMsg(w, "", errMsg)

Responding with Errors

In this framework we add new functions for responding with errors here are a few examples:

Using jio.Error -> Used for common errors that don't need more explanation then default.

// methodNotAllowedMessage = "Method not allowed for this API endpoint"
jio.Error(w, errors.New(methodNotAllowedMessage), 405)


		"type":"Method Not Allowed",
		"message":"Method not allowed for this API endpoint"

Using jio.CreateErrorMsg -> This is ussualy used for custom errors

 You can edit and add custom errors in app/jio/out.go read app/jio/ for more info
// jio.TokenExpired = 4001
errMsg := jio.CreateErrorMsg(jio.InvalidParameters, []string{})
jio.WriteMsg(w, "", errMsg)

Returns (body = {})

    "status": "error",
    "data": "",
    "error": {
        "code": 400,
        "custom_code": 4001,
        "type": "Invalid parameters",
        "param": [
        "message": "The following parameters does not exist or empty: [username, password]"

using jio.CreateErrorMsgError -> this is ussualy used for custom error and with a Error type

 You can edit and add custom errors in app/jio/out.go read app/jio/ for more info
// err = json unmarshal error
// jio.InvalidJSON = 4002
errMsg := jio.CreateErrorMsgError(jio.InvalidJSON, []string{}, err)
jio.WriteMsg(w, "", errMsg)

Returns (body = )

    "status": "error",
    "data": "",
    "error": {
        "code": 400,
        "custom_code": 4002,
        "type": "Invalid JSON",
        "param": [],
        "message": "unexpected end of JSON input"

Getting structs from database

This framework adds a function wich makes it easier to convert sql.rows to any object you want.

Example where all users are selected

// Get all users
rows, err := qb.From("users").WhereValue("username", body.Username).All()
if err != nil {
	jio.Error(w, err, 500)
	return nil

userRows := db.ReadRows(dbmodels.User{}, rows)

Querying the database

In this framework there are functions added wich make it easier to query the database.

Example getting users

// This will get all users where username equals body.username
Note that the second parameter in wherevalue always gets escaped with html escapestring to prevent SQL Injections
rows, err := qb.From("users").WhereValue("username", body.Username).All()
if err != nil {
	jio.Error(w, err, 500)
	return nil

Example inserting user

// Notice that you only need to give the table and a struct
rows, err = qb.Insert("users", body)
if err != nil {
	jio.Error(w, err, 500)

Example update user

_, err = qb.WhereValue("id", id).Update("users", body)
if err != nil {
	jio.Error(w, err, 500)

Code Documentation

The full code documentation has not been added yet I highly recommend just checking trough the code since it is not a lot, and you will get a better view of what parts you need.









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