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Repository files navigation

This project use Github repo search api

It was deploy on Vercel.

Run project

npm start

package.json modules

  • create-react-app
  • react
  • emotion
  • material-ui

Important implement

  • Virtual scroll
  • Infinite scroll
  • api hit rate manager

Virtual Scroll

It use scroll event with scrollTop to handle Virtual Scroll. A virtual component need three thing.

  1. In View start index.
  2. scroll container scroll range.
  3. how many items i can render. ( caculate by overflow hidden container)

virtual scroll

  • src/hooks/useVirtualScroll.js
    const startPoint = Math.max(Math.floor(scrollRange / unitHeight) - hiddenCount, 0);
    const containerHeight = ref.current ? ref.current.clientHeight : 100;
    const renderCounts = Math.ceil(containerHeight / unitHeight) + hiddenCount * 2;

    const offsetY = startPoint * unitHeight;

startPoint First, i use scrollTop (scrollRange) to division unitHeight. It needs to remove decimal because i just want to get start index.

I minus hiddenCount in oder to get hidden DOM index which improves user experience. Math.max will avoid negative number when start index less than hiddenCount.

hiddenCount It is defined hidden DOM count.

containerHeight It's a reference DOM element from parent scroll container.

renderCounts I use container height to be divided by unitHeight makes item's count in view. Then use Math.ceil to carry decimal to avoid less count of render which can not show item.

The reason why hiddenCount * 2 is to increase hidden count above and below the in view count.

api hit rate limit

github api has hit rate limit for noLoign user. 10 times per 1 minute. I call api to init hit limit info. RateManager is object instance, so i can get share limit rate value cross components.

  • src/utils/rateManager.js
    return {

I call init to initialize hit rate info. Every api call need to call checkIsExpire to check whether refresh hit rate info because github will reset after one minute. getRemainingTimes let me know is passed or not. After api call success, i call decreaseRemaingTimes to decrease remaining times.

Infinite scroll

I use IntersectionObserver to handle infinite scroll. I create EndFetcher component in list bottom. When EndFetcher is isIntersecting, it will add page count. Component useEffect is listening page dependency to fetch repo data.

  • src/hooks/useIntersectionObserver.js
    const [entry, setEntry] = useState({});
    const [node, setNode] = useState(null);

    useEffect(() => {
        const observer = new IntersectionObserver(([entry]) => setEntry(entry), {

        if (node) {
            return () => observer.disconnect();
        // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps
    }, [node]);

    return { setNode, entry };


It's keyword search github's repo by github api.






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