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Countdown timers for Kirara Fantasia events. View it at

Editing events

Each event can be defined as an Object in the timersData Array under the data.js file. All event Objects must contain at least two strings: type and title. Other necessary properties vary according to the event's type.

The following properties are common to all event types:

  • column: A number from 0 to 2 to indicate which column this event will be put into.
  • priority: Optional. A number to indicate how high this event should be within the column it belongs to. A higher priority event will display before a lower one.
  • keepAfterFinished: Optional. A boolean or string to indicate for how long this event should be visible after it finished. If set to true, it will show indefinitely. If set to a string with the 1 day, 1 hour, 30 minutes syntax, it will show for that time after the event's finished.

Normal Events

Events that contain only normal timers. Normal timers are those that display a title, a starting and ending date and a progress bar.

To define a normal event, set its type to one of the following values:

  • Maintenance: For scheduled game maintenances. Gets an orange header.
  • Event: For in-game events. Gets a pink header.
  • Gacha: For gacha banners. Gets a green header.
  • Mission: For special missions. Gets a purple header.
  • Other: For other types of events. Gets a purple header.

Normal Events can have the following properties:

  • title: An array of strings to describe the events. First line will be highlighted as the header. Recommended at most 4 lines.
  • image: Optional. A string indicating an url to an image file to be used as the event's thumbnails.
  • timers: An array of Timers objects.

Normal Timers cam have the following properties:

  • name: The timer's title.
  • start: A string with the August 3 2018, 18:00 format indicating when the event starts.
  • end: A string with the August 3 2018, 18:00 format indicating when the event ends.
  • info: Optional. A string that will be displayed as a tooltip after the name.
  • markers: Optional. An object listing markers to be added to the progress bar. Keys will be used as a label for the marker, and the value must be a string with the August 3 2018, 18:00 defining the marker's time.
  • keepAfterFinished: Optional. Similar to an event's keepAfterFinished, but specific to a timer. Using this property on individual timers is preferred over using them on the Event level.
  • extraPriority: Optional. A number that will be added to the event's priority while this timer is active.

Login Days Events

Events that occur on a list of specific days. To define a Login Days event, set its type to "LoginDays".

Login Days Events can have the following properties:

  • title: An array of strings to describe the events. First line will be highlighted as the header. Recommended at most 4 lines.
  • image: Optional. A string indicating an url to an image file to be used as the event's thumbnails.
  • timers: An array of Timers objects.

Login Days timers are simpler than normal timers. They only need the following properties:

  • name: A string to be displayed as a tooltip when hovering over the specific date.
  • date: A string with the August 3 2018 format indicating when the event occurs. No time is automatically set to starting at 0:00 and ending 23:59 Japan time.
  • days: Optional. A number that defines for how many days this timer will run. Defaults to 1.

Individual Login Days timers don't disappear after finished, so keepAfterFinished is not used here.

Weekend Boss Events

Events that happen every weekend of the month. To define a Weekend Boss event, set its type to "WeekendBoss".

Weekend Boss Events can have the following properties:

  • title: An array of strings to describe the events. First line will be highlighted as the header. Recommended at most 4 lines.
  • image: Optional. A string indicating an url to an image file to be used as the event's thumbnails.
  • timers: An array of Timers objects.

Weekend Boss timers are a mix of Normal and Login Days timers. They can have the following properties:

  • name: A string to be displayed as a tooltip when hovering over the specific date.
  • start: A string with the August 3 2018, 0:00 format indicating when the event starts.
  • end: A string with the August 3 2018, 23:59 format indicating when the event ends.
  • type: A string that can be set to "normal" on a single timer within this event. That timer will be work as a Normal Timer instead of a Weekend timer, thus accepting all the properties a Normal Timer can use.

Weekend Boss timers don't disappear after finished, so keepAfterFinished is not used here.

Daily Quest Events

A special type of fixed event that display the current Day of the Week quest. Most likely this will rarely need any modification. To define a Daily Quest event, set its type to "DailyQuest".

Daily Quest events can have the following property:

  • days: An object with information about each day's quest. It must contains objects with a key named after the days of the week.

Each object under days must have the following properties:

  • elements: An array of strings with the names for that day's elements. Names can be an element (Fire, Water, Earth, Wind, Sun, Moon), Gold or a class (Warrior, Priest, Mage, Knight, Alchemist).
  • short: A string with the shorter name for the day (e.g.: Tue for Tuesday).

URL Query Strings

You can customize the page's view by using Query Strings in the URL. Example:,gacha
The URL above will load the page already in Local Timezone mode, won't display the header and will only show Event and Gacha type timers.

Query Parameters

  • tz: Defines which timezone mode the timer will display. Can be japan (default) or local.
  • header: Defines whether the header (title, timezone buttons, contact link, etc) will be displayed or not. Can be true (default) or false.
  • columns: Defines the maximum number of columns used to display the timers. Can be 1, 2 or 3 (default).
  • type: Shows only timers with the types listed. Multiple types can be listed, separated by comma. Example: type=dailyquest,event.
  • title: Shows only timers that include these words in the title. Multiples terms can be listed, separated by comma. Example: title=cat,pirate.
  • id: Shows only timers with the specific IDs listed. Multiples IDs can be listed, separated by comma. Example: id=0,2,3. IDs are defined by order the timer appears in the data.js file, so they aren't guaranteed to remain the same.

The parameters type, title and id are search parameters, and whenever any of them are used, only timers that meet those criteria will be displayed. They are OR operators, which means a timers only needs to meet one of those conditions to be displayed.