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File metadata and controls

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AOC 22 - Day7


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No Space Left On Device (Puzzle 1/2)

📲 When you try to update the device the Elves gave you...

$ system-update --please --pretty-please-with-sugar-on-top
Error: No space left on device

🗑️ Perhaps you can delete some files to make space for the update.

You browse around the filesystem to assess the situation and save the resulting terminal output (your puzzle input). Example:

$ cd /
$ ls
dir a
14848514 b.txt
8504156 c.dat
dir d
$ cd a
$ ls
dir e
29116 f
2557 g
62596 h.lst
$ cd e
$ ls
584 i
$ cd ..
$ cd ..
$ cd d
$ ls
4060174 j
8033020 d.log
5626152 d.ext
7214296 k

The filesystem consists of a tree of files and directories, which can contain other directories or files. The outermost directory is called /.

You can navigate around the filesystem, moving into or out of directories and listing the contents of the directory you're currently in. Within the terminal output, lines that begin with $ are commands you executed:

  • cd means change directory. Its result depends on the current directory and on the argument:
    • cd x moves into x directory, if exist in this level.
    • cd .. moves out one level.
    • cd / switches the current directory to the outermost directory, /.
  • ls means list, which prints out all of the files and directories immediately contained by the current directory.
    • 123 abc means that the current directory contains a file named abc with size 123.
    • dir xyz means that the current directory contains a directory named xyz.

In the example above, taking into account the commands, you can determine that the filesystem looks like this:

  /             # dir
  |_ a          # dir
  |  |_ e       # dir
  |  |  |_ i    # file, size = 584
  |  |
  |  |_ f       # file, size = 29116
  |  |_ g       # file, size = 2557
  |  |_ h.lst   # file, size = 62596
  |_ b.txt      # file, size = 14848514
  |_c.dat       # file, size = 8504156
  |_d           # dir
    |_ j        # file, size = 4060174
    |_ d.log    # file, size = 8033020
    |_ d.ext    # file, size = 5626152
    |_ k        # file, size = 7214296

So, you want to find directories that are good candidates for deletion, and to do this, you need to determine the total size of each directory.

In the example, the total sizes of the directories can be found as follows:

  • For e: e = 584 (i) + 0 (content).
  • For a: a = 94853 = 584 (e) + 29116 + 2557 + 62596 (files).
  • For d: d = 24933642.
  • For /: / = 48381165 (dirs: a, d + files: c.dat, b.txt), which is the total of every file.

To begin, find all of the directories with a total size of at most 100_000 (dir_total_size < 100_000),then calculate the sum of their total sizes.

In the example above, these directories are a and e; the sum of their total sizes is 95437 (94853 + 584).

Find all of the directories with a total size of at most 100000. What is the sum of the total sizes of those directories?

defmodule Utils do
  def get_current_dir_name(string) do
    [[cd]] = Regex.scan(~r/^\s*([\/\.\w]+)\s*/, string, capture: :all_but_first)

  def get_direct_successor_names(string) do
    Regex.scan(~r/dir (\w+)/, string, capture: :all_but_first)
    |> List.flatten()

  def get_direct_size(string) do
    files = Regex.scan(~r/(\d+) \w+\.*\w*/, string, capture: :all_but_first)

    (files == [] && 0) ||
      Enum.reduce(files, 0, fn [size], acc -> acc + String.to_integer(size) end)

  def transform_commands_into_a_file_system_tree(commands) do
    {nodes, _path} =
      |> Enum.reduce(
        {[], []},
        fn string, {nodes, path} ->
          name = get_current_dir_name(string)

          case name do
            ".." ->
              [_cd | predecessors] = path
              {nodes, predecessors}

            "/" ->
              successors = get_direct_successor_names(string)
              size = get_direct_size(string)

                [{[name], %{successors: successors, content: size}} | nodes],
                [name | path]

            _ ->
              successors = get_direct_successor_names(string)
              size = get_direct_size(string)
              path_root = [name | path]

                  {path_root, %{successors: successors, content: size}}
                  | nodes
                [name | path]
{:module, Utils, <<70, 79, 82, 49, 0, 0, 18, ...>>,
 {:transform_commands_into_a_file_system_tree, 1}}
## Read the file

# Livebook & Input file are in same directory
input_root = "#{__DIR__}/input.txt"

nodes_with_direct_size =
  case do
    {:ok, input} ->
      [_ignore_split_first | commands] =
        |> String.replace("\n", " ")
        |> String.split("$ cd")


    {:error, msg} ->
  ["mmhtpz", "mmhtpz", "dscbfp", "/"] => %{content: 0, successors: ["hmwqgjnl"]},
  ["rgvvz", "gmcpd", "drpt", "hmwqgjnl", "lbbg", "wqc", "dscbfp", "/"] => %{
    content: 0,
    successors: ["tjqcj"]
  ["wwwj", "tbwhzrtt", "zph", "dscbfp", "/"] => %{content: 14000, successors: ["lcttc"]},
  ["dwdnwdz", "cmnv", "cwr", "fccbrtcn", "hmwqgjnl", "wqc", "dscbfp", "/"] => %{
    content: 0,
    successors: ["hvgwfj"]
  ["vnrgqg", "qdztzhl", "zwlpm", "dscbfp", "/"] => %{
    content: 1041412,
    successors: ["fpmpzvj", "gtqwbhc", "lnw", "mmhtpz"]
  ["rgvvz", "pwvgqth", "hmwqgjnl", "wqc", "dscbfp", "/"] => %{content: 269675, successors: []},
  ["jrjgnch", "rgvvz", "hmwqgjnl", "dscbfp", "/"] => %{content: 4426, successors: ["zbnp"]},
  ["jsjrg", "zrpgb", "qdztzhl", "zwlpm", "dscbfp", "/"] => %{content: 230757, successors: []},
  ["hmwqgjnl", "wqc", "dscbfp", "/"] => %{
    content: 401549,
    successors: ["fccbrtcn", "pwvgqth", "wllwhm"]
  ["mmhtpz", "dscbfp", "/"] => %{
    content: 129796,
    successors: ["dscbfp", "mmhtpz", "nzdvqb", "ztbht"]
  ["wmgqpt", "hrl", "hmwqgjnl", "zrpgb", "qdztzhl", "zwlpm", "dscbfp", "/"] => %{
    content: 610554,
    successors: ["hmwqgjnl"]
  ["pntqg", "dwtfrgj", "hmwqgjnl", "dscbfp", "/"] => %{content: 131070, successors: []},
  ["hmwqgjnl", "zdmb", "dscbfp", "dscbfp", "mmhtpz", "dscbfp", "/"] => %{
    content: 578648,
    successors: []
  ["pfsq", "dscbfp", "hbpwd", "jvr", "dscbfp", "/"] => %{content: 249351, successors: ["hmwqgjnl"]},
  ["hmwqgjnl", "rgvvz", "wrb", "rgvvz", "hmwqgjnl", "dscbfp", "/"] => %{
    content: 99756,
    successors: []
  ["rgvvz", "zdmb", "dscbfp", "dscbfp", "mmhtpz", "dscbfp", "/"] => %{
    content: 521242,
    successors: ["fpzzfc", "zgn"]
  ["hmwqgjnl", "tqb", "dscbfp", "qdztzhl", "zwlpm", "dscbfp", "/"] => %{
    content: 0,
    successors: ["mlmmr"]
  ["gtcg", "dscbfp", "cmnv", "cwr", "fccbrtcn", "hmwqgjnl", "wqc", "dscbfp", "/"] => %{
    content: 73017,
    successors: []
  ["hgl", "rvm", "dscbfp", "hmwqgjnl", "lbbg", "wqc", "dscbfp", "/"] => %{
    content: 303842,
    successors: []
  ["nfn", "mfq", "jzb", "hmwqgjnl", "mmhtpz", "mmhtpz", "dscbfp", "/"] => %{
    content: 239922,
    successors: []
  ["zdwhqb", "fccbrtcn", "hmwqgjnl", "wqc", "dscbfp", "/"] => %{content: 464641, successors: []},
  ["dwtfrgj", "hmwqgjnl", "dscbfp", "/"] => %{content: 0, successors: ["jwmw", "pntqg"]},
  ["zbnp", "jrjgnch", "rgvvz", "hmwqgjnl", "dscbfp", "/"] => %{content: 335940, successors: []},
  ["mmhtpz", "lbbg", "zfsbvs", "/"] => %{content: 25218, successors: []},
  ["mdrddz", "mmhtpz", "dscbfp", "jwmw", "dwtfrgj", "hmwqgjnl", "dscbfp", "/"] => %{
    content: 167704,
    successors: []
  ["rvm", "dscbfp", "hmwqgjnl", "lbbg", "wqc", "dscbfp", "/"] => %{content: 0, successors: ["hgl"]},
  ["tpsvqmgb", "mmhtpz", "zwlpm", "dscbfp", "/"] => %{content: 0, successors: ["bpmqlq"]},
  ["pplp", "fsz", "lbbg", "wqc", "dscbfp", "/"] => %{content: 339988, successors: []},
  ["fgwnpp", "wrb", "rgvvz", "hmwqgjnl", "dscbfp", "/"] => %{
    content: 505310,
    successors: ["gdfrtgl", "zlgpdb"]
  ["bjn", "dscbfp", "hmwqgjnl", "lbbg", "wqc", "dscbfp", "/"] => %{content: 119619, successors: []},
  ["cddzd", "dscbfp", "mmhtpz", "dscbfp", "/"] => %{content: 255928, successors: []},
  ["hbpwd", "jvr", "dscbfp", "/"] => %{content: 859431, successors: ["dscbfp"]},
  ["hmwqgjnl", "rgvvz", "hmwqgjnl", "dscbfp", "/"] => %{content: 488848, successors: ["hsmr"]},
  ["pwrfgjdg", "zwlpm", "dscbfp", "/"] => %{content: 205506, successors: []},
  ["dscbfp", "mmhtpz", "dscbfp", "/"] => %{
    content: 142689,
    successors: ["cddzd", "dscbfp", "hmwqgjnl", "whbjm"]
  ["hjrs", "vzjh", "wrb", "rgvvz", "hmwqgjnl", "dscbfp", "/"] => %{content: 146991, successors: []},
  ["pljsm", "dscbfp", "hbpwd", "jvr", "dscbfp", "/"] => %{content: 263279, successors: []},
  ["hmwqgjnl", "zph", "dscbfp", "/"] => %{content: 286234, successors: []},
  ["hmwqgjnl", "cndf", "wqc", "dscbfp", "/"] => %{content: 91921, successors: []},
  ["dscbfp", "frqb", "rdnf", "wrb", "rgvvz", "hmwqgjnl", "dscbfp", "/"] => %{
    content: 280820,
    successors: []
  ["mlmmr", "hmwqgjnl", "tqb", "dscbfp", "qdztzhl", "zwlpm", "dscbfp", "/"] => %{
    content: 0,
    successors: ["rgvvz"]
  ["hmwqgjnl", "wfhcc", "znl", "dscbfp", "/"] => %{content: 0, successors: ["fnmqpt"]},
  ["dpds", "wfhcc", "znl", "dscbfp", "/"] => %{content: 426728, successors: []},
  ["hvgwfj", "dwdnwdz", "cmnv", "cwr", "fccbrtcn", "hmwqgjnl", ...] => %{
    content: 235064,
    successors: []
  ["dscbfp", "hmwqgjnl", "dscbfp", "/"] => %{content: 146043, successors: []},
  ["dscbfp", "hmwqgjnl", "lbbg", "wqc", ...] => %{content: 0, successors: ["bjn", "rvm"]},
  ["tqb", "dscbfp", "qdztzhl", ...] => %{content: 101550, successors: ["hmwqgjnl"]},
  ["tlgtcb", "dscbfp", ...] => %{content: 557090, successors: [...]},
  ["nlffhf", ...] => %{content: 776280, ...},
  [...] => %{...},
defmodule Device.FileSystem do
  @total_memory 70_000_000
  @doc """
  Giving a level of the tree, return all its nodes in this certain level.

  ## Examples

  iex> Device.FileSystem.get_level(%{["/"] => "", ["nana", "/"] => ""}, 1)
  [{["nana", "/"], ""}]

  def get_level(nodes, n), do: Enum.filter(nodes, fn {key, _info} -> length(key) - 1 == n end)

  @doc """
  Giving a tree, return the number that represents its deep node
  ## Examples

  iex> Device.FileSystem.get_deep_level(%{["/"] => "", ["/", "nana"] => "", ["/", "na"] => ""})

  def get_deep_level(nodes) do
    |> Enum.reduce(0, fn {key, _info}, acc ->
      level = length(key) - 1
      (level > acc && level) || acc

  @doc """
  From the deepest nodes to the highest node, sum all the content of each node and its successors.  

  ## Examples

  iex> tree =
    ["/"] => %{content: 10, successors: ["nana", "na"]},
    ["nana", "/"] => %{content: 5, successors: []},
    ["na", "/"] => %{content: 52, successors: []}
  |> Device.FileSystem.calculate_total_size_nodes()
  |> Device.FileSystem.calculate_total_size_nodes()

  def calculate_total_size_nodes(nodes, -1), do: nodes

  def calculate_total_size_nodes(nodes, level) do
    nodes_with_total_size_at_x_level =
      |> get_level(level)
      |> {key, info} ->
          info.content +
              for successor_name <- info.successors do
                successor_key = [successor_name | key]

    # Update nodes at current level 
      fn {key, value}, nodes ->
        %{nodes | key => %{nodes[key] | content: value}}
    # Continue updating nodes content from previous level
    |> calculate_total_size_nodes(level - 1)

  def calculate_total_size_nodes(nodes) do
    number_of_deep_level = get_deep_level(nodes)
    calculate_total_size_nodes(nodes, number_of_deep_level)

  def get_dirs_with_at_most_n_size(nodes, n) do
    |> Enum.filter(fn {_key, info} -> info.content <= n end)

  def get_minimum_space_dir_deletion_to_allows_the_update(nodes_with_total_size, required_space) do
    used_space = nodes_with_total_size[["/"]].content
    free_space = @total_memory - used_space
    have_to_delete_at_least = required_space - free_space

    if(have_to_delete_at_least > 0) do
      Enum.filter(nodes_with_total_size, fn {_key, info} ->
        info.content >= have_to_delete_at_least
      |> Enum.min_by(fn {_key, info} -> info.content end)
{:module, Device.FileSystem, <<70, 79, 82, 49, 0, 0, 27, ...>>,
 {:get_minimum_space_dir_deletion_to_allows_the_update, 2}}
nodes_with_total_size =
  |> Device.FileSystem.calculate_total_size_nodes()

|> Device.FileSystem.get_dirs_with_at_most_n_size(100_000)
|> {_key, info} -> info.content end)
|> Enum.sum()

No Space Left On Device (Puzzle 2/2)

Now, you're ready to choose a directory to delete.

Filesystem total_disk_space = 70_000_000. To run the update, you need at least an unused_space = 30_000_000. Try to find a directory you can delete that will free up enough space to run the update.

So, your current unused space is total_disk_space - used_size, which is the total size of the outermost directory /.

In the example below, the used_size is = 48381165, and the unused space must currently be total_disk - used_size = 21618835, which isn't quite the 30000000 required by the update: you need to delete a directory with a total size of at least 8381165.

To achieve this, you have the following options:

  • Delete directory d, which would increase unused space by 24933642.
  • Delete directory /, which would increase unused space by 48381165.

So... Between these, choose the smallest: d, increasing unused space by 24933642.

Find the smallest directory that its deletion allows you to run the update. What is the total size of that directory?

|> Device.FileSystem.get_minimum_space_dir_deletion_to_allows_the_update(30_000_000)
{["dscbfp", "mmhtpz", "dscbfp", "/"],
 %{content: 5756764, successors: ["cddzd", "dscbfp", "hmwqgjnl", "whbjm"]}}
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