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ring-routing Build Status Clojars Project

A tiny Clojure library for Ring routing emphasizing simplicity & readability. ring-routing gives you fine-grained control over your middleware & routes - you can precisely tell how to dispatch incomming requests.


See the API docs. Here's an example routes definition for a simple car API:

(ns car.core
  (:require [car.middleware :as middleware]
            [car.handlers :as app]
            [ring.util.routing :refer [--> --<] :as route]))

(def routes
  (--> middleware/wrap-parse-body

       (--< (route/path "/cars/:id/")
            (--> middleware/wrap-polish-cars
                 (--< (route/method :get) app/get-car
                      (route/method :post) app/post-car
                      (route/method :delete) app/delete-car))

            (route/path "/parts/*")
            (--< (route/path "wheels/") app/handle-wheels
                 (route/path "seats/") app/handle-seats
                 (route/path "windows/") app/install-linux))))

Running middleware:

Use route macro (-->) to combine middleware and path definitions. The following middleware functions will run in order they are listed, so first the body will be parsed, next the cookies and then the request will be logged.

Middleware position is not constrained in any fashion, so if the request path matches /cars/, the wrap-polish-cars middleware will be run as well.

(--> wrap-parse-body

     (--> (route/path "/cars/")

Path parameters:

You can parameterize your paths and access path parameters useing the :params key in the Ring request map:

(defn get-car [{:keys [params]}]
  ;; Do someting with (:id params)

;; ...

(--> (route/path "/cars/:id/")
     (route/method :get)

Multiple endpoints:

Use fork macro (--<) to define alternate paths, for example:

(--< (route/path "/cars/:id") handle-cars
     (route/path "/parts/*") handle-parts)

Multiple endpoints with common prefix:

Sometimes you might want to add a common prefix to your API (for example for API versioning). Here's how to achieve that, note that you have to explicitly define your paths' wildcard:

(--> (route/path "/parts/*")
     (--< (route/path "wheels/") handle-wheels
          (route/path "seats/") handle-steats
          (route/path "windows/") install-linux))

Multiple methods on a single endpoint:

Dispatching on the request method works in a similar fashion:

(--> (route/path "/cars/:id")
     (--< (route/method :get) get-car
          (route/method :post) post-car
          (route/method :delete) delete-car))


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Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.