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Data Visualization Project

The Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) Collection


The data I used to visualize for my project is MoMA Artwork Collection from I love going to art museums, and I always found it difficult to see what types of artworks museums have. I would love to create visualizations that would help visitors filter artworks by the medium used, department, period, etc to provide an easier way to find what they are looking for/interested in when visiting museums.

Questions & Tasks

I aimed to answer the following tasks and questions. The decisions while creating/editing the visualizations and interactions in this project were driven by the following:

  • Which mediums were used the most?
  • How did the use of medium change over time?
  • What is the percentage of each department category - Photography, Drawing, Painting, etc?
  • What is the percentage of artworks classified as Print, Design, Architecture, Book, etc?
  • How many artworks are there from this particular artist?
  • What artworks were made/painted/etc by this particular artist?


Before implementing the visualizations, I sketched my ideas based on research I did regarding the visualization types for different data types as well as the lecture videos and the textbook.


This is the first sketch of ideas I had for this project. The categorical columns such as classification or department are displayed in pie chart. For visualizations that are meant to display the frequency or count, I decided to sketch them in a histogram/bar chart format. Lastly, to display artworks by time, I thought it would be helpful to display it in a timeline format. The goal is to make these visualizations interactive. For example, when a user clicks on a bar, update or filter other graphs depending on user input/interest. This way, it would be easier for users to understand the data better since it can display a lot of data in a clean and organized manner and make the visualization more engaging.


This is the iterated design. I modified two visualizations from the previous sketch. The first is a stacked bar. I think this shows how the medium changed over time as well as which medium was most popular at a certain period. This can be done for other category types such as classification, department, etc. The second idea is to assign different colors or sizes for each category.


After working on sketches, I started creating the visualizations using the dataset and skills learned in D3.

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Using the top 10 most used mediums, I created a stacked bar chart for the first 20 dates (years) available in the dataset. As shown in the label on top, each color represents a different medium.

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I decided to change my stacked bar chart to a streamgraph for the iteration. Streamgraphs are often used to show changes in different categories over time when there are many categories and when they start and stop at different times. I decided to use this graph because the purpose of this visualization is to show the trend and patterns of changes in the medium used in artworks over time. I think this graph type shows the trend better as it gives a nice flow of each category/medium.


This is a visualization of artworks by Artist. There is a dropdown menu of artists and once an artist is selected, two buttons are displayed. "View Gallery" and "View Histogram". "View Gallery" directs to another tab with all the artworks created by the selected artist. "View Histogram" shows the number of artworks the artist created over time.

Screen Shot 2023-04-26 at 7 20 28 PM (

This is a streamgraph that showws the medium most used over time. I filled in the missing values that were creating white gaps and applied smoothing. Using d3-area-label, I added labels and for labels that are too small, color legend is available. I also added a hover effect so when you hover an area, it is outlined with a white border and filled with higher opacity. Screen Shot 2023-04-26 at 7 20 53 PM (

This is a tree map showing artists' nationality. There are artworks that were created by Americans the most, and German, French, and British respectively. When you hover over an area, a tool tip shows up with the nationality and the number of artists with the same nationality. Screen Shot 2023-04-26 at 7 21 04 PM (

I combined a tree and two pie charts that were created using Department and Classification columns in the MoMA dataset. I also changed the color scheme to categorize different nodes and their children better. By looking at the visualization, you can see that there are more artworks from the Architecture & Design department and Design takes up the most pie chart on the left side, which means that there are artworks that are classified as "Design". Screen Shot 2023-04-26 at 7 21 15 PM (

After working on different kinds of visualizations, I combined them all in this visualization. I decided to have a frame effect for each visualization, since this is about MoMA artworks dataset. When you click on the frame, the clicked visualization is expanded, and to put it back to the origianl size, you can click the frame again or click the "Back to Home" button. Screen Shot 2023-04-26 at 7 21 33 PM (