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Installation (Unix Linux)

Rens Rikkerink edited this page Dec 13, 2016 · 3 revisions


This page uses some paths as examples to explain where files could be located, depending on your system. These are:

  • /var/git/SmoothPHP
  • /var/git/MyOwnProject
  • /var/www/myproject

All examples in this document will follow these paths.


It is recommended to clone this GitHub repository as your working area.

For example,

# mkdir -p /var/git/
# cd /var/git/
# git clone

Working directory setup

In most cases I recommend using symlinks to set up a separate directory as working directory. Your working directory will look somewhat like this:

  • framework - Symlink to SmoothPHP/framework
  • public - Directory created upon installation
    • .htaccess - Symlink to SmoothPHP/public/.htaccess
    • index.php - Copied from SmoothPHP/public/index.php
  • src - Symlink to your project directory.
  • cache - Automatically generated by the framework

This layout can be achieved by executing the following commands.

# mkdir -p /var/www/myproject/
# cd /var/www/myproject/
# ln -s /var/git/SmoothPHP/framework
# ln -s /var/git/MyOwnProject src
# mkdir public
# cd public
# ln -s /var/git/SmoothPHP/public/.htaccess
# cp /var/git/SmoothPHP/public/index.php ./

Apache setup

This part assumes you already have a working apache environment on your system.

You will need these apache modules activated:

  • mod_rewrite

You will need a minimal virtualhost to describe this project:

<VirtualHost *:80>
    ServerName myproject.tld
    ServerAlias www.myproject.tld

    DocumentRoot /var/www/myproject/public
    <Directory /var/www/myproject/public>
        AllowOverride All
        Order Allow,Deny
        Allow from All

As you can see this config points to the public directory of the working directory. Any other directories are not supposed to be accessed from the outside.

Production environment

In a production environment there are some optional optimizations to be made. The two most notable:

  • The php_apc(u) module - SmoothPHP takes full advantage of this module by caching runtime components of the framework.
  • The debug flag
    • At the time of writing you can find the following line of code on index.php, line 14: define('__ENV__', 'dev');
    • By changing this parameter to 'prod', caching will be more aggressive on the framework. For example: define('__ENV__', 'prod');
    • The ENV define can hold 3 values:
      • 'dev' - Disables almost all caching (except image resizing and template compilation)
      • 'debug' - Has all caching methods enabled, but still outputs errors to the browser.
      • 'prod' - Has all caching methods enabled, but will no longer output errors to the browser.
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