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File metadata and controls

179 lines (143 loc) · 5.19 KB

Gover - a simple http server library for golang.


Creating an endpoint.

Creating an endpoint with gover is very simple. All you need to do is call the Endpoint method with the wanted path.

ep := gover.Endpoint("/api")

Handling requests on the endpoint

To handle requests all you need to do is call the method on the endpoint instance which is corresponding the http method you want to use.


ep := gover.Endpoint("/api")

//handling a GET method on /api
ep.Get(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, md map[string]interface{}) {
	w.Write([]byte("You used a GET method"))

//handling a POST method on /api
ep.Post(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, md map[string]interface{}) {
	w.Write([]byte("You used a POST method"))


To add a middleware function to a handler, just chain the Middleware method to the previous method we called.

The middleware must return a Boolean. The Boolean represents wherever the middleware passed.


ep := gover.Endpoint("/api")

//handling a get method on /api with a middlware
	Get(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, md map[string]interface{}) {
		w.Write([]byte("You used a GET method"))
	Middleware(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, md *gover.MiddlewareData) bool {
		//this middlware passes
		w.Write([]byte("This requests was not stopped by the middleware \n"))

		return true

//handling a post method on /api with a middlware
	Post(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, md map[string]interface{}) {
		w.Write([]byte("You used a POST method"))
	Middleware(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, md *gover.MiddlewareData) bool {
		//this middleware fails
		w.Write([]byte("This requests was stopped by the middleware"))

		return false

Passing data from the middleware to the handler

In the middlware you get a pointer to a map. On that map you can store data that will be accessible from the handler.


ep := gover.Endpoint("/api")

//handling a get method on /api
	Get(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, md map[string]interface{}) {
		n := md["name"]
		ln := md["last-name"]

		fmt.Println(n, ln) // output: ilay bokobza
	Middleware(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, md *gover.MiddlewareData) bool {
		//passing data
		(*md)["name"] = "ilay"
		(*md)["last-name"] = "bokobza"

		return true

Activating the endpoint

Doing what we did so far will not actually create an endpoint. All it does is store all that information without doing actually creating an endpoint. Activating the endpoint is easy. All we need to do is call the Create method on the endpoint instance after declaring the handlers. NOTE: Any handlers created after you called the create method will not register.


ep := gover.Endpoint("/api")

//handling a get method on /api
ep.Get(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, md map[string]interface{}) {
	w.Write([]byte("You used a GET method"))



Normal storage bin hosting

To host a static storage bin website, all you need to do is call the HostFolder method with the path to the folder you want to host and the url path you want is hosted on.



This method is just a wapper for the normal way of doing it in go.

Signal Page Application Hosting.

To Host a SPA (Signal Page Application) app, you need to call the HostSPA method with the folder path as the argument.



This code will host a spa application and will only allow up 3 folders long URLs.


Gover have some nice utilities to make your life easier. They are not necessary, but they are nice to have.

Dynamic JSON based body Parser

This method will allow you to easily parse the json out of request body. This method returns a map[string]interface{} and an error.


ep := gover.Endpoint("/api")

//handling a get method on /api
ep.Get(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, md map[string]interface{}) {
	bodyData, err := gover.DynamicJSONBodyParser(r.Body)

	if err != nil {



Starting the server with gover

The Listen method will start the server and log the port which is running on. This method is just a wrapper for http.ListenAndServe().


port := 3000

Getting files from request

Gover has an useful method that allows you to get the file from the request very easily.The GetFile method revives two arguments. The first one is the fieldname, and the second one is the request. The fieldname is name property of the file input in your HTML form.

For Example: This is your HTML form

  <input type="file" name="myFile" />

you will need to pass to the "myFile" to the fieldname parameter.

Code Example:

ep := gover.Endpoint("/upload")

ep.Post(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, md map[string]interface{}) {
	data, handler, err := gover.GetFile("myFile", r)

	if err != nil {

	ioutil.WriteFile(handler.Filename, data, 0666)
