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0x01. C - Variables, if, else, while



Positive anything is better than negative nothing

This program will assign a random number to the variable n each time it is executed. Complete the source code in order to print whether the number stored in the variable n is positive or negative.

  • You can find the source code here
  • The variable n will store a different value every time you will run this program
  • You don’t have to understand what rand, srand, RAND_MAX do. Please do not touch this code
  • The output of the program should be:
    • The number, followed by
      • if the number is greater than 0: is positive
      • if the number is 0: is zero
      • if the number is less than 0: is negative
    • followed by a new line
The last digit

This program will assign a random number to the variable n each time it is executed. Complete the source code in order to print the last digit of the number stored in the variable n

  • You can find the source code here
  • The variable n will store a different value every time you run this program
  • You don’t have to understand what rand, srand, and RAND_MAX do. Please do not touch this code
  • The output of the program should be:
    • The string Last digit of, followed by
    • n, followed by
    • the string is, followed by
      • if the last digit of n is greater than 5: the string and is greater than 5
      • if the last digit of n is 0: the string and is 0
      • if the last digit of n is less than 6 and not 0: the string and is less than 6 and not 0
    • followed by a new line
The last digit

A program that prints the alphabet in lowercase, followed by a new line.

  • You can only use the putchar function (every other function (printf, puts, etc…) is forbidden)
  • All your code should be in the main function
  • You can only use putchar twice in your code

A program that prints the alphabet in lowercase, and then in uppercase, followed by a new line.

  • You can only use the putchar function (every other function (printf, puts, etc…) is forbidden)
  • All your code should be in the main function
  • You can only use putchar three times in your code
When I was having that alphabet soup, I never thought that it would pay off

A program that prints the alphabet in lowercase, followed by a new line.

  • Print all the letters except q and e
  • You can only use the putchar function (every other function (printf, puts, etc…) is forbidden)
  • All your code should be in the main function
  • You can only use putchar three times in your code

Write a program that prints all single digit numbers of base 10 starting from 0, followed by a new line.

  • All your code should be in the main function.

A program that prints all single digit numbers of base 10 starting from 0, followed by a new line.

  • You are not allowed to use any variable of type char
  • You can only use the putchar function (every other function (printf, puts, etc…) is forbidden)
  • All your code should be in the main function
  • You can only use putchar three times in your code
Smile in the mirror

A program that prints the lowercase alphabet in reverse, followed by a new line.

  • You can only use the putchar function (every other function (printf, puts, etc…) is forbidden)
  • All your code should be in the main function
  • You can only use putchar three times in your code

A program that prints all the numbers of base 16 in lowercase, followed by a new line.

  • You can only use the putchar function (every other function (printf, puts, etc…) is forbidden)
  • All your code should be in the main function
  • You can only use putchar three times in your code
Patience, persistence and perspiration make an unbeatable combination for success

A program that prints all possible combinations of single-digit numbers.

  • Numbers must be separated by ,, followed by a space
  • Numbers should be printed in ascending order
  • You can only use the putchar function (every other function (printf, puts, etc…) is forbidden)
  • All your code should be in the main function
  • You can only use putchar three times in your code
Inventing is a combination of brains and materials. The more brains you use, the less material you need

A program that prints all possible different combinations of two digits.

  • Numbers must be separated by ,, followed by a space
  • The two digits must be different
  • 01 and 10 are considered the same combination of the two digits 0 and 1
  • Print only the smallest combination of two digits
  • Numbers should be printed in ascending order, with two digits
  • You can only use the putchar function (every other function (printf, puts, etc…) is forbidden)
  • All your code should be in the main function
  • You can only use putchar three times in your code
The success combination in business is: Do what you do better... and: do more of what you do...

A program that prints all possible different combinations of three digits.

  • Numbers must be separated by ,, followed by a space
  • The three digits must be different
  • 012, 120, 102, 021, 201, 210 are considered the same combination of the three digits 0, 1 and 2
  • Print only the smallest combination of three digits
  • Numbers should be printed in ascending order, with three digits
  • You can only use the putchar function (every other function (printf, puts, etc…) is forbidden)
  • All your code should be in the main function
  • You can only use putchar three times in your code
Software is eating the World

A program that prints all possible combinations of two two-digit numbers.

  • The numbers should range from 0 to 99
  • The two numbers should be separated by a space
  • All numbers should be printed with two digits. 1 should be printed as 01
  • The combination of numbers must be separated by comma, followed by a space
  • The combinations of numbers should be printed in ascending order
  • 00 01 and 01 00 are considered as the same combination of the numbers 0 and 1
  • You can only use the putchar function (every other function (printf, puts, etc…) is forbidden)
  • All your code should be in the main function
  • You can only use putchar three times in your code
  • All your code should be in the main function