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Creating new Virtual Ecosystem models

The Virtual Ecosystem initially contains a set of models defining core components of an ecosystem, examples include the abiotic, animal, plants and soil models. However, the simulation is designed to be modular:

  • Different combinations of models can be configured for a particular simulation.
  • New models can be defined in order to extend the simulation or alter the implemention: examples of new functionality might be freshwater or disturbance models.

This page sets out the steps needed to add a new model to the Virtual Ecosystem and ensure that it can be accessed by the core processes in the simulation.

Create a new submodule folder

Start by creating a new folder for your model, within the virtual_ecosystem/models/ directory.

mkdir virtual_ecosystem/models/freshwater

You will need to create at least four files within this folder, although you may choose to add other python modules containing different parts of the module functionality.

  • An file, which tells Python that the folder is a submodule within the virtual_ecosystem package.
  • A python module {model_name} that will contain the main model object.
  • A JSON Schema file defining the model configuration, called schema.json.
  • A python module that will contain the constants relevant to the model.

For example:

touch virtual_ecosystem/models/freshwater/
touch virtual_ecosystem/models/freshwater/
touch virtual_ecosystem/models/freshwater/schema.json
touch virtual_ecosystem/models/freshwater/

Defining constants and their default values

The definition of 'constant' in the Virtual Ecosystem is basically a parameter of any kind that should be held constant throughout a simulation. However, while some constants are likely never to be varied, many constants are estimated with error and users may want to explore the sensitivity of simulations to changes in those values. We therefore use a framework for constants that allows constant values to be configured for any given simulation.

Each model needs to define a module that will define one or more constants dataclasses. Dataclasses provide an simple way to define a class containing a set of named constant attributes with default values. However, when an instance of a dataclass is created, it can be provided with an alternative value for an attribute, allowing default values to be overridden by the configuration for a particular simulation. All constant dataclasses must be configured to be frozen: the resulting dataclass instance can be configured when it is created, but cannot be altered while a simulation is running.

The constants for a module can be stored in a single data class or spread over multiple data classes. However, having a large number of data classes is likely to make the downstream code messier, so constants should only be split across multiple classes when there's a strong reason to do so.

Because dataclasses are widely used structures in Python, the Virtual Ecosystem defines a specific {class}~virtual_ecosystem.core.constants_class.ConstantsDataclass base class to uniquely identify constants dataclasses from other dataclasses. This base class also provides the {meth}~virtual_ecosystem.core.constants_class.ConstantsDataclass.from_config methods, which validates a configuration dictionary against the dataclass definition and returns a configured dataclass instance.

Constants dataclasses can also provide truly universal constants that you explicitly do not want users to be able to alter. This can be done by typing a constants attribute as a class variable. All instances of the constants dataclass will provide the value, but it cannot be altered through configuration. Be aware that untyped attributes are also treated as class attributes but we prefer that class attributes are explicitly typed.

Putting all of these components together, the contents of a file will look like the following code:

from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import ClassVar

from virtual_ecosystem.core.constants_class import ConstantsDataclass

# Dataclasses are frozen to prevent constants from changing during a simulation
class FreshwaterConsts(ConstantsDataclass):
    """Dataclass to store all constants for the `example_model` model."""
    # Constants must be typed, to make them configurable instance attributes.
    example_constant_1: float = -1.27
    """Details of source of constant and its units."""

    example_constant_2: ClassVar[float] = 5.4
    """A non-configurable global constants, with details and units."""

Defining the new model class

The model file will define a new subclass of the {mod}~virtual_ecosystem.core.base_model.BaseModel class.

Required package imports

You may of course need to import other packages or package members to support your model code, but the following imports are typically needed to create a new BaseModel subclass.

# The BaseModel.from_config factory method returns an instance of the class, and 
# annotations is required to allow typing to understand this return value.
from __future__ import annotations

# To support the kwargs argument to BaseModel.__init__
from typing import Any

# Data in the Virtual Ecosystem is stored as xarray.DataArrays and array calculations 
# typically use numpy.
import numpy as np
import xarray
from pint import Quantity

# These are the main imports required to set up a BaseModel instance:
# - the BaseModel itself
# - a Config , used to configure a BaseModel instance.
# - the load_constants helper function to configure model constants.
# - the Data class, used as a central data store within the simulation
# - an custom exception to cover model initalisation failure
# - the global LOGGER, used to report information to users.
from virtual_ecosystem.core.base_model import BaseModel
from virtual_ecosystem.core.config import Config
from virtual_ecosystem.core.constants_loader import load_constants
from import Data
from virtual_ecosystem.core.exceptions import InitialisationError
from virtual_ecosystem.core.logger import LOGGER

# You will likely also have a set of imports of model specific code such as constants 
# classes and other classes and functions. For example:
from virtual_ecosystem.models.freshwater.constants import FreshwaterConsts
from virtual_ecosystem.models.freshwater.streamflow import calculate_streamflow

Defining the new class and class attributes

Now create a new class, that derives from the {mod}~virtual_ecosystem.core.base_model.BaseModel. To begin with, choose a class name for the model and define the following class attributes.

The {attr}~virtual_ecosystem.core.base_model.BaseModel.model_name attribute : This is a string providing the name that is used to refer to this model class in configuration files. This must match the chosen submodule name for the model, so the module virtual_ecosystem.models.freshwater must use freshwater as the model name.

The {attr}~virtual_ecosystem.core.base_model.BaseModel.required_init_vars attribute : This is a tuple that sets which variables must be present in the data used to create a new instance of the model. Each entry should provide a variable name and then another tuple that sets any required axes for the variable. For example:

()  # no required variables
(('temperature', ()),) # temperature must be present, no core axes
(('temperature', ('spatial',)),) # temperature must be present and on the spatial axis

The {attr}~virtual_ecosystem.core.base_model.BaseModel.vars_updated attribute : This is a tuple that provides information about which data object variables are updated by this model. Entries should simply be variable names. The information contained here is used to determine which variables to include in the continuous output. So, it is important to ensure that this information is up to date.

The {attr}~virtual_ecosystem.core.base_model.BaseModel.model_update_bounds attribute :

This class attribute defines two time intervals that define a lower and upper bound on the update frequency that can reasonably be used with a model. Models updated more often than the lower bound may fail to capture transient dynamics and models updated more slowly than the upper bound may fail to capture important temporal patterns. Each attribute is a string that can be parsed by {class}pint.Quantity into a time period

These values are set as class attributes by providing them as arguments to the class signature. You will end up with something like the following:

class FreshWaterModel(
    model_name = "freshwater",
    model_update_bounds = ("1 day", "1 month"),
    required_init_vars = (('temperature', ('spatial', )), ),
    vars_updated = ("average_P_concentration",),
    """Docstring describing model.

        Describe arguments here

Defining the model __init__ method

The next step is to define the __init__ method for the class. This needs to do a few things.

  1. It should define any specific instance attributes of the new model class. For example, the class might require that the user set a number of ponds. These should be added to the signature of the __init__ method, alongside the required parameters of the base class, and then stored as attributes of the instance.

  2. It must call the {meth}~virtual_ecosystem.core.base_model.BaseModel.__init__ method of the {meth}~virtual_ecosystem.core.base_model.BaseModel parent class, also known as the superclass:

    super().__init__(data, update_interval, **kwargs)

    Calling this method runs all of the shared functionality across models, such as setting the update intervals and validating the input data.

  3. The method should check that the provided initialisation values are sane, for example that the number of ponds is not negative.

  4. The {meth}~virtual_ecosystem.core.base_model.BaseModel provides a basic __repr__ to provide a simple text representation of a class object. This just prints the class name and a set of properties. You can add some or all of your custom model properties to the __repr property to include them in the representation.

You should end up with something like this:

def __init__(
    data: Data,
    update_interval: pint.Quantity,
    no_of_ponds: int,
    constants: FreshwaterConsts,
    **kwargs: Any,
    # Sanity checking of input variables goes here
    if no_of_ponds < 0:
        to_raise = InitialisationError(
                "There has to be at least one pond in the freshwater model!"
        raise to_raise
    # Call the __init__() method of the base class
    super().__init__(data, update_interval, **kwargs)

    # Store model specific details as attributes.
    self.no_of_ponds = int(no_of_ponds)
    # Store the constants relevant to the freshwater model
    self.constants = constants

    # Save attribute names to be used by the __repr__

Model configuration

The arguments to the model __init__ method define the model configuration: a collection of settings that set how the model runs. To allow the model to be defined and run from a set of configuration files, the model now needs to define two things:

  1. The model configuration schema, which is a JSONSchema document that defines the structure of the model configuration and can also be used to validate an input configuration.

  2. A from_config factory method, which should take a dictionary containing configuration data and return an instance of the class configured using that data.

The model configuration schema

The JSONSchema document in the module root directory defines the configuration options for the model. A detailed description of the configuration system works can be found here but the schema definition is used to validate configuration files for a Virtual Ecosystem simulation that uses your model. Essentially, it defines all of the __init__ arguments that are unique to your model.

Writing JSONSchema documents can be very tedious. The following tools may be of use:

  • this is a web application that takes a data document - which is what the configuration file - and automatically generates a JSON schema to validate it. You will need to then edit it but you'll be starting with a valid schema!
  • works the other way. It takes a data document and a schema and checks whether the data is compliant. This can be useful for checking errors.

Both of those tools take data documents formatted as JSON as inputs, where we use TOML configuration files, but there are lots of web tools to convert TOML to JSON and back.

As an example, the FreshwaterModel above might need two configuration options.

update_interval = "1 month"
no_of_ponds = 3

The JSON Schema document generated from the JSON Schema app above is shown below. Some of the fields - such as the title and examples entries - are not required in the Virtual Ecosystem configuration and so can be deleted. You may also need to edit which properties are required and which provide defaults that will be used to fill missing properties.

    "$schema": "",
    "$id": "",
    "type": "object",
    "default": {},
    "title": "Root Schema",
    "required": [
    "properties": {
        "update_interval": {
            "type": "string",
            "default": "",
            "title": "The update_interval Schema",
            "examples": [
                "1 month"
        "no_of_ponds": {
            "type": "integer",
            "default": 0,
            "title": "The no_of_ponds Schema",
            "examples": [
    "examples": [{
        "update_interval": "1 month",
        "no_of_ponds": 3

Model dependencies

Your model may depend on a particular execution order for other models. For example, the freshwater model might rely on data set up by the hydrology model, and so the hydrology model needs to be initialised and updated before the freshwater model. This is controlled using model configuration: although these dependencies may be strong, it is more flexible to set them up through the configuration process than by hard coding dependencies into the model objects themselves.

Your JSON Schema document therefore needs to include the following at the root level, so that the model configuration includes a [freshwater.depends] section:

"depends": {
    "type": "object",
    "default": {},
    "properties": {
        "init": {
            "type": "array",
            "default": ["hydrology"],
            "items": {
            "type": "string"
        "update": {
            "type": "array",
            "default": ["hydrology"],
            "items": {
            "type": "string"

Note that this schema provides default dependencies, which set which models should run before your model. There is no guarantee that users will necessarily include all of these models in their configuration and the dependencies can always be overridden by users. Configurations that do this may well not work, but that is for users to tackle.

The from_config factory method

Configuration files are used to create a configuration object (see {class}~virtual_ecosystem.core.config.Config), which contains details of the configuration process but also provides a dictionary interface to the configuration data. So, the example above might result in a Config object with the following model specific data.

{'freshwater': {'update_interval': "1 month",  "no_of_ponds": 3}}

The job of the from_config method for a model is to take that configuration, along with the shared data and start_time inputs, and then do any processing and validating to convert the configuration into the arguments required by the __init__ method.

The method then uses those parsed arguments to actually call the __init__ method and return an initialised instance of the model using the settings. The from_config method should raise an InitialisationError if the configuration fails.

The from_config method should also generate the required constants classes from the config. At least one constants class should be created, but it's fine to split constants across more classes if that makes for clearer code. For each constants class the {func}~virtual_ecosystem.core.constants_loader.load_constants utility function can be used to construct the class with the default values replaced if they are overwritten in the config.

As an example:

def from_config(
    cls, data: Data, config: Config, update_interval: Quantity
) -> FreshWaterModel:
    """Factory function to initialise the freshwater model from configuration.

    This function unpacks the relevant information from the configuration file, and
    then uses it to initialise the model. If any information from the config is
    invalid rather than returning an initialised model instance an error is raised.

        data: A :class:`` instance.
        config: A validated Virtual Ecosystem model configuration object.
        update_interval: Frequency with which all models are updated
    # Non-timing details now extracted
    no_of_pools = config["freshwater"]["no_of_pools"]

    # Load in the relevant constants
    constants = load_constants(config, "freshwater", "FreshwaterConsts")
        "Information required to initialise the soil model successfully extracted."
    return cls(data, update_interval, no_pools, constants)

Other model steps

There are four functions that must be included as part of the model class. The names and roles of these functions might well change as the Virtual Ecosystem model develops, but that kind of API change is something that would require significant discussion. Only the update function is used at present. The other functions need to be included, but there's no need to include any particular content within them (i.e. they can just be function definitions with docstrings).

def setup(self) -> None:
    """Placeholder function to set up the freshwater model."""

def spinup(self) -> None:
    """Placeholder function to spin up the freshwater model."""

# While model updates have to take time_index as an argument, they do not necessarily
# have to use it anywhere
def update(self, time_index: int) -> None:
    """Function to update the freshwater model.

        time_index: The index representing the current time step in the data object.

    # Model simulation + update steps go in here.

def cleanup(self) -> None:
    """Placeholder function for freshwater model cleanup."""

Setting up the model file

Lastly, you will need to set up the file in the submodule directory. This file is used to tell Python that the directory contains a package submodule, but can also be used to supply code that is automatically run when a module is imported.

In the Virtual Ecosystem, we use the file in model submodules to:

  • provide a brief overview of the module, and
  • import the model object into the module root to make it easier to import.

The file will look something like:

"""This is the freshwater model module. The module level docstring should contain a 
short description of the overall model design and purpose, and link to key components 
and how they interact.
"""  # noqa: D204, D415

from virtual_ecosystem.models.freshwater.freshwater_model import (  # noqa: F401

Under the hood, when a given model is used in a simulation, then the configuration process automatically loads all of the model components for that model using the {func}~virtual_ecosystem.core.registry.register_module function. This automatically loads and validates the model schema, discovers any {class}~virtual_ecosystem.core.constants_class.ConstantsDataclass in the constants submodule and then adds those, along with the BaseModel subclass to a central {data}~virtual_ecosystem.core.registry.MODULE_REGISTRY object, which is used to allow the simulation code to easily access model components.